You are Two


a simple experiment is this rp. Yes I used bad grammar.

This has a simple premis
We’re the same character.
Now before you jump ship thinking I’m controlling your actions hear me out. This character has Dissossociative identity disorder. Aka Multi personality disorder. This is to create general Choas.

This can have multiple people in here. There will need to be a Writer for consequences and of course at least the two playing the character need to be awake, or maybe ones active during other parts of the day and it’ll switch later?

As you can see this has a variety of choices and consequences.

How would you react to be walking when you just randomly shoot someone? Or strangle your best friend ? Or give someone you hate flowers? All because , your not in control ? This will obviously be heavily dialogue focused. Due to arguments and internal struggle
I can’t beilve I actually got players!!


Because I have two do you two want to team up? Or should we be three?
Oh shoot. I apologize i just got roped into helping someone move some stuff. I will gladly let Emory take my spot. I do apologize because it does sound wonderful
Oh shoot. I apologize i just got roped into helping someone move some stuff. I will gladly let Emory take my spot. I do apologize because it does sound wonderful
Of it doesn’t take to long you can stay! I don’t plan on kicking people. Truth be told o could randomly pick people I didn’t know XD worst case scenario is we have a bunch of people paired up and we have multiple multipersonality characters running around....

That would be amazing! If we had more people and an asylum
Alrighr! Veryone so far is here. I’ll be moving this into a pm.

So here’s the plan
You guys are in charge of the character’s design.

Let’s say you’d all been with your “host” since she was born so you’ve all had bits and prieces in influencing her or him.

It’s up to you because this will more than likely Generally affect the rest of the story with where each of you three pull your avatar you all share! I may even jump on if I can still fit XD
Alrighr! Veryone so far is here. I’ll be moving this into a pm.

So here’s the plan
You guys are in charge of the character’s design.

Let’s say you’d all been with your “host” since she was born so you’ve all had bits and prieces in influencing her or him.

It’s up to you because this will more than likely Generally affect the rest of the story with where each of you three pull your avatar you all share! I may even jump on if I can still fit XD
I am kind of confused to what you mean? Are we all working together to design one character or are we each design in a character then we will combine the designs after wards?
Oh yea keep in mind
Other than hair styles and preferences you’ll have to agree on appearance.

You can disagree on everything else from music to even your bio! Mwhahah
I am kind of confused to what you mean? Are we all working together to design one character or are we each design in a character then we will combine the designs after wards?
One character.

Although I will allow you to make an image of what you’d think your part of the character will look like on their own. It’ll be great if we can pull of one of those
Inside their head scenes
Ah okay! So in the PM we will all decide the character design but we can make our own little personalities all super different! Gotcha, also if you’d like once we decide on a design would it be alright if I drew it and posted it for everyone to see? I work better with an image reference