Recent content by StrawberryPop

  1. StrawberryPop

    New User Hello, I'm new ^^

    Likewise, nice to meet you! ^^
  2. StrawberryPop

    New User Hello, I'm new ^^

    Thank you! :)
  3. StrawberryPop

    New User Hello, I'm new ^^

    I'll have to give it some thought to see how I could appropriately contribute to an RP or options for utilizing martial arts elements in the writing. It's something I do enjoy a lot, but haven't had as much experience in as I'd like. And I like almost every kind of soda, so yes ^^
  4. StrawberryPop

    New User Hello, I'm new ^^

    Thank you so much, and I'll look forward to chatting and RPing with you as well ^^ Curses, my avatar has betrayed me >_< And awesome, thank you for the questions ^^ 1) Fantasy or Science Fiction, typically. I have a deep love for martial arts and action, so seeing that incorporated into RP...
  5. StrawberryPop

    The STC Comic - January 2017

    As somebody who is brand new to this site, this serves to dual purpose of being very cute and cool art to look at, while also teaching me more about the site itself. The design is very unique and detailed. I'll definitely be following this thread now ^^
  6. StrawberryPop

    I made some stuff

    Very cool. I have no clue how to create animations or pixel art, so this is fascinating to me. Keep up the awesome work ^^
  7. StrawberryPop

    What is the WORST thing to do on a roleplay site?

    This may have already been discussed, but I believe getting overly involved emotionally in an RP can be fairly detrimental. When you get overly attached to a character or their relationships within a RP, it's very easy to work out in your head preemptively where you want the RP to go and what...
  8. StrawberryPop

    New User Hello, I'm new ^^

    I specifically went looking for suggestions towards good writing and roleplay sites. Several of the sites I've tried in the past had a sort of... well this is difficult to put into words but they're somewhat oppressive and impersonal with the way they look and feel. I think it has a lot to do...
  9. StrawberryPop

    Learning about this site right now.

    Learning about this site right now.
  10. StrawberryPop

    New User Hello, I'm new ^^

    Thank you, I'm sure that I will ^^
  11. StrawberryPop

    New User Hello, I'm new ^^

    To my understanding, I need to post an introduction after joining. My name is Eric, and my handle here is StrawberryPop. There isn't much I can say here that I think would be of particular interest to anyone. I'm a creative person who is fascinated by people and loves the idea of getting to...