New User Hello, I'm new ^^


Awkward Tenant
To my understanding, I need to post an introduction after joining. My name is Eric, and my handle here is StrawberryPop. There isn't much I can say here that I think would be of particular interest to anyone.

I'm a creative person who is fascinated by people and loves the idea of getting to interact with and learn from other artists and writers with similar interests in creating stories.

I hope I make a positive impression with my presence here and am able to contribute in a beneficial way.

Thank you ^^
So, how have you heard about the site?
I specifically went looking for suggestions towards good writing and roleplay sites. Several of the sites I've tried in the past had a sort of... well this is difficult to put into words but they're somewhat oppressive and impersonal with the way they look and feel. I think it has a lot to do with how they choose to accommodate the large amount of participants, but it makes getting into said sites and participating in the roleplays rather daunting. So when I saw this site listed on a suggestions page, I wanted to check it out. So far it seems very pleasant and welcoming, so I'm excited to learn more.
Hello, and welcome to the site. o/

I noticed you said you were a creative person... But your avatar is green... Green is not a creative colour.

Anyways, I tend to like asking newcomers some ice breaker questions to get things rolling, so without further ado...

1) What is your favourite RP Genre?
2) What is so hot it's cool, yet so cool it's hot?
3) What was the reason behind you using your username?
Welcome to the site! Hope to chat and roleplay with you soon!

Thank you so much, and I'll look forward to chatting and RPing with you as well ^^

Hello, and welcome to the site. o/

I noticed you said you were a creative person... But your avatar is green... Green is not a creative colour.

Anyways, I tend to like asking newcomers some ice breaker questions to get things rolling, so without further ado...

1) What is your favourite RP Genre?
2) What is so hot it's cool, yet so cool it's hot?
3) What was the reason behind you using your username?

Curses, my avatar has betrayed me >_<

And awesome, thank you for the questions ^^

1) Fantasy or Science Fiction, typically. I have a deep love for martial arts and action, so seeing that incorporated into RP is always a huge draw for me. Aside from that, I really appreciate character drama and characters with complex backgrounds working off of each other to deepen the story.
2) I hope this isn't a riddle with a specific answer, because I'll definitely get it wrong x.x But my answer would be the gaze of the legendary hero who has been reborn as a mindless, indestructible AI carrying tri-edged daggers.
3) I was thinking about Strawberry Soda at the time... I'm not entirely certain why. The name just sort of happened ^^' Sorry I don't have a more interesting explanation.
Curses, my avatar has betrayed me >_<

And awesome, thank you for the questions ^^

1) Fantasy or Science Fiction, typically. I have a deep love for martial arts and action, so seeing that incorporated into RP is always a huge draw for me. Aside from that, I really appreciate character drama and characters with complex backgrounds working off of each other to deepen the story.
2) I hope this isn't a riddle with a specific answer, because I'll definitely get it wrong x.x But my answer would be the gaze of the legendary hero who has been reborn as a mindless, indestructible AI carrying tri-edged daggers.
3) I was thinking about Strawberry Soda at the time... I'm not entirely certain why. The name just sort of happened ^^' Sorry I don't have a more interesting explanation.

Avatar, the master of all four betrayals!

1) Those tend to be the most popular genre's on this site thankfully. :p Martial Arts hasn't been mentioned often though, that may be interesting to see being incorporated well.
2) ... Maybe? >.< That's a rather unique answer though. XD
3) Do you at least like Strawberry Soda? :p
Avatar, the master of all four betrayals!

1) Those tend to be the most popular genre's on this site thankfully. :p Martial Arts hasn't been mentioned often though, that may be interesting to see being incorporated well.
2) ... Maybe? >.< That's a rather unique answer though. XD
3) Do you at least like Strawberry Soda? :p

I'll have to give it some thought to see how I could appropriately contribute to an RP or options for utilizing martial arts elements in the writing. It's something I do enjoy a lot, but haven't had as much experience in as I'd like. And I like almost every kind of soda, so yes ^^
I'll have to give it some thought to see how I could appropriately contribute to an RP or options for utilizing martial arts elements in the writing. It's something I do enjoy a lot, but haven't had as much experience in as I'd like. And I like almost every kind of soda, so yes ^^

You could do a combat focused RP. Or maybe have it themed around learning martial arts?