Recent content by TheConqueror

  1. TheConqueror


    Here is the official character sheet thread.
  2. TheConqueror

    Official Orbit Character Sheets

    Orbit Character Sheets Orbit uses a mix of d20 and custom rules. Here are the sheets below. Please, please, give questions about the rules if you are confused. Character Info Name: Age: Gender: Class: Power Level: 1 (Starts at 1) Inventory: Personality: Background: Abilities Strength...
  3. TheConqueror


    I'm terribly sorry, and I am very gracious for all of your patience. I will post the character sheets and info as soon as possible.
  4. TheConqueror


    I'm terribly sorry for the delay, but I am stuck working on a big school project. I will try and respond when possible.
  5. TheConqueror


    Don't worry guys, I'm still working on this. Expect a character sheet and system explanation sometime tomorrow.
  6. TheConqueror


    Yep! You're free to join.
  7. TheConqueror


    I think this is a good amount to start. What do you guys say?
  8. TheConqueror

    New User The Commander Has Landed!

    Hey there. I'm new as well, and your skills seem really cool. Hope we can hang in the future.
  9. TheConqueror

    Putting out an interest check for a sci-fi horror RP called Orbit.

    Putting out an interest check for a sci-fi horror RP called Orbit.
  10. TheConqueror


    I would use a dice roll system, adding in your character's stats and weaponry, then adding factors such as enemy defense, surroundings, and etc. I'll explain more about the alien types (such as stalkers, morphers, titans, and more) that you'll encounter.
  11. TheConqueror


    If anybody has any questions, feel free to shoot. I'll post more if this gets interest.
  12. TheConqueror

    Three Word Story

    Of five turtles
  13. TheConqueror


    4. Though I would go up until about seven players.
  14. TheConqueror

    New User Hello!

    Hey there. I'm new as well, hope we can rp in the future.
  15. TheConqueror


    I have multiple ideas for Roleplays, and one of them is called Orbit. I thought I'd shoot this one out there, and see if anybody's interested. Orbit would be an RP based on a crisis happening aboard a massive spaceship located somewhere in the orbit of Mars. The ship had recently come back from...