Recent content by Towim

  1. Towim

    The Imperator's Snippets

    I tried Blender for a bit, but while I can modify things that already exist pretty easily, I have trouble setting up the basic shapes. And so many hot keys! I've done a few things now with Scupltris, but I am really ridiculously new to the world of 3D. I hope to see more of your stuff as you go!
  2. Towim

    The Twins - Art Nouveau-ish style

    Thank you so much! It is a lot of fun. I hope to do more like it as the inspiration hits.
  3. Towim

    What do you want to avoid during a RP?

    Many of these have been brought out now, but this is my non-exclusive list. The worst for me is #7. 1. One sided RP. Only one person who drives the RP story or plot or... much of anything. 2. Internal monologs. Please do something. Don't just think at me. 3. A week or more without replies or...
  4. Towim

    Whose Your Favourite Fictional Character?

    I seriously would have to divide this up by genre to be true to all of my pretty favorites. But the very first to spring to my mind is The Scarlet Pimpernel.
  5. Towim

    The Imperator's Snippets

    Oh sweet! I am just beginning to come by an appreciation of how much work goes into 3D. What program(s) are you using?
  6. Towim

    The Twins - Art Nouveau-ish style

    Being new here, I was very excited to see an active art community. I thought I would share my latest piece in a new style I am trying out. I'd love to hear what you think! These are a pair of my RP characters I may bring to the site.
  7. Towim

    New User Looking for a new start

    Hello! I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you. However, as part of my duties as a "New User", I suppose I must divulge a little bit of myself. Trust me, this is as awkward for me as it is for you. I've been role-playing in online text-based communities since April 2001. I...