Recent content by Windstormugly

  1. Windstormugly

    And other things.

    Inconsequential magic 1: "You have to draw more power into it." Harve'j Mohl said. He was teaching the aspiring mages simple ways of storing magic energies, something they likely would not appreciate for another few years. The student he was currently supervising, a young female from a noble...
  2. Windstormugly

    Character Personality - when is it too much

    Now, I actually have an internal divide regarding these kinda things. And with that I mean subjective questions/problems. My own response to chars is often negative, because I see all the faults, every action and response that in my mind wouldn't be performed. But I can objectively (as far as...
  3. Windstormugly

    And other things.

    Mortal Flesh 1: "I feel every bone in my body grate against the others, I feel the sinew stretch and contract, moving muscles around. Every beat of this hollow heart coursing blood and with it pieces of air. The burning of my cells as they pour sugar into chemical cycles." he said. Turning his...
  4. Windstormugly

    And other things.

    Sometimes tale emerge haphazardly or disconnected, others with meaning and relation drawn from kind. But by as large sprung of intent to offer insights, into the Frame I call mine. So here follow thus what stories told, remaining nothing while remembered. -----------------------
  5. Windstormugly

    How did you get to your username?

    I mean, a longer name often has more impact, until some magical point where it becomes tedious to read it. I think it has something to do with the impactful parts of the name. 1 or 2 are always remembered, but 3 or more tend to be forgotten in favor of the important 2. (very often called...
  6. Windstormugly

    New User Whello

    Thank you and all possibilities to rp more :) Also interesting to find such a new site, only been on established/remade sites so for, so it'll be interesting to find any differences ^^
  7. Windstormugly

    How did you get to your username?

    Actually found my name, (or rather a version of it) as an anagram of my real sur- and last-name. Which felt kind of neat as it used all of the letters and actually sounded like something, or three things xD
  8. Windstormugly

    New User Whello

    That sounds a lot like my own requirements for time :) Thanks for the info ^^ Next step, ensure it becomes fun ;)
  9. Windstormugly

    How do you create your characters (process...)

    Ah, creating characters, I both love and hate doing that, because I end up with too many left unused, not that I ever stop ^^ My creation process depends very much on the planned usage of the char. For RPs and Tabletops I'm not GMing I'll aim for that one wierd idea or concept and then let it...
  10. Windstormugly

    New User Whello

    Thanks ^^ And will do, maybe some science-fantasy :D
  11. Windstormugly

    Futuristic tech or Magic?

    As many have mentioned, at one point or another they always seem to go hand in hand. Sufficiently understood magic equals science and vice versa. But ultimately, I have to choose magic, because I find it to be more compelling. While technology is working with what is given, magic is taking what...
  12. Windstormugly

    Referred here by another user? Post here!

    Referred by @Silvir who mentioned that deleted posts actually disappear and don't clog up threads xD
  13. Windstormugly

    New User Whello

    I have descended! ... Or ascended, depending on the view. Hello everyone on yet another roleplay site :) My moniker is WindStormUgly Any part of it is fair for usage in regards to me. I've been writing and plotting rps for the last 8-9 years. Mostly fantasy and sci-fi, though some other stuff...