New User Whello


Eater of Time
I have descended!
Or ascended, depending on the view.

Hello everyone on yet another roleplay site :)

My moniker is WindStormUgly
Any part of it is fair for usage in regards to me.
I've been writing and plotting rps for the last 8-9 years.
Mostly fantasy and sci-fi, though some other stuff has slipped through.
I spend my irl time with a lot of anime, manga, series and wasting on youtube.
And then people invade my home for Dnd, Eon and other tabletops, as well as Mtg.
Not much else to say, so whello again ^^​
Hello, and welcome to STC. I hope you find this place as welcoming as I have. And Hey, I'm into role-playing too, fantasy and sci-fi mostly. If you're interested, you should pm me when you're a full member.
Oooh my, I'm slacking off. Actually, I was at work. Now I'm home and I got my dishes done and I have some time to be saying hello. So, welcome to STC. Here is a paragraph that will highlight the requirements for you to be approved. It is from Tiko's approval guide.

Now on to how the approval process works. To get your account approved all new arrivals are required to participate in our introduction forum and must post their own introduction thread, as well as participate in a brief intro period within our community forums. After getting your introduction post up and engaging in a brief period of positive interaction within our community forums (Main Lobby, Writer's Circle, Discussions & Debates, and/or Creative Forums) an administrator will review your account for approval. Note: While everyone is welcome to participate in the live chat, we do not weigh chat activity into the review process.

If you have any questions let me know.
Oooh my, I'm slacking off. Actually, I was at work. Now I'm home and I got my dishes done and I have some time to be saying hello. So, welcome to STC. Here is a paragraph that will highlight the requirements for you to be approved. It is from Tiko's approval guide.
If you have any questions let me know.

That sounds a lot like my own requirements for time :)
Thanks for the info ^^

Sounds like fun
Next step, ensure it becomes fun ;)