Search results for query: *

  1. Dreamless Realm

    It's Not Kidnapping if it's Prearranged

    The speech this man had just given him was so fucking weird that Jace had no idea how to answer, or what to say. Vampires didn't exist, arranged marriages were not a thing. He had a girlfriend already, on top of that. And even if he didn't, it didn't matter, because he was not into men. "Um...
  2. Dreamless Realm

    It's Not Kidnapping if it's Prearranged

    It was nice not to be forced to make awkward small talk with people he hadn't met before and likely wouldn't see again once they were done with the work they needed done in their yard. It wasn't the first time his family shoved him in the general direction of strangers that needed help with non...
  3. Dreamless Realm

    It's Not Kidnapping if it's Prearranged

    "Uh. No?" What kind of question was that?? Jace wrinkled his nose and furrowed his brow. However, the younger man's expression shifted to one of concern when Lance shook his hand. Not because his grip was weak or anything. In fact, he had a firm shake. But... He was so cold! His hand felt like...
  4. Dreamless Realm

    It's Not Kidnapping if it's Prearranged

    "I won't, don't you worry" Said the elder, saying a proper goodbye to Thomas before him and Lacelot walked to the interior of the house. Jace was still suspicious and looked at the stranger with a serious expression but his grandfather glared at him, probably because he was being rude. So he...
  5. Dreamless Realm

    It's Not Kidnapping if it's Prearranged

    Damnit, he couldn't hear what they were talking about! And his mother walked by a couple of times so he had to step away from the door and pretend he wasn't spying on his grandfather. Behind said door, Johnathan sighed. He was very eager to receive the funds, they would do wonders for his...
  6. Dreamless Realm

    It's Not Kidnapping if it's Prearranged

    The woman who had welcomed them in excused herself. She said she was going to bring them some tea biscuits, insisted on it. Jace knew his mother was just trying to get away for a moment. He had already accidentally been seen by one of them. Which wasn't ideal. But hopefully they hadn't noticed...
  7. Dreamless Realm

    It's Not Kidnapping if it's Prearranged

    The confusion on the woman's face was quite clear when the asked to see the patriarch. It was off wording for the current times. It was even more odd for people to come looking for Johnathan at all, though. The old man was reclusive at best. Tended to keep to himself. But if he had invited them...
  8. Dreamless Realm

    It's Not Kidnapping if it's Prearranged

    The dogs rarely made this much of a racket. Only when someone they didn't know came by. Orr... Someone who smelled suspicious or strange to them. Jace was inside and he thought about going to see them, but he didn't. His mother was closer to the door anyway, so he stayed in the living room. He...
  9. Dreamless Realm

    Monsterkind: The growth

    Under a broken moon and a starlit night sky, a young centaur filly looked up at her mother, and asked about the broken buildings and metallic remains in the distance. They belonged to the Age of Metal, her mother answered. The time of humanity, nature's torturers. Back when the Fae lords and...
  10. Dreamless Realm

    Of Monsters and Men

    "Yeah but I like Late for Dinner better" Said the light, following after her. "What do you want then?, Back to rob Ezra of his time?, to... Grab more sandwiches maybe?. Or... Oh god, pray tell, did you get lost?" He said, cackling, the light flaring momentarily and bouncing around Kitty...
  11. Dreamless Realm

    Of Monsters and Men

    "Hey, Late for Dinner" Said a voice, just as one of the many blue flying lights stopped just a few centimeters away from her face. From the sound of it, it was Abel, the younger - man- that had been in Ezra's house when she woke up a few days ago. "What are you doing back here huh?, missing us...
  12. Dreamless Realm

    Of Monsters and Men

    Over the next few days, life continued normally for the monster village. Ezra went back to work the next day and also started organizing their next expedition outside thee forest. To the nearest ruinous city, that had once been called Tavorán. Abel helped in any way he could and would be going...
  13. Dreamless Realm

    Of Monsters and Men

    He was visibly surprised when he heard her expression of gratitude, and watched her go before putting away the third plate of breakfast food he had previously prepared. Not having foreseen her hurried departure, he had cancelles all his tasks for the day, so he disappeared into the depths of his...
  14. Dreamless Realm

    Of Monsters and Men

    The third plate of eggs and bacon was still there, going cold, uneaten. Ezra would have started humming if he was alone, but he had company. He made a ham and cheese sandwich and an egg salad sanwich. The whole scene reminded him of the past, when Klaus was still living with them. He missed...
  15. Dreamless Realm

    Of Monsters and Men

    She didn't even say anything, Ezra had the impression that he should be more annoyed than tired right now. But it'd be useless anyway. He walked down the stairs to his room for a few minutes and brought back a bag, then started making a couple of sandwiches for Kitty to eat on her way home. It...
  16. Dreamless Realm

    Of Monsters and Men

    Ezra stood up then, when she was halfway through to the door. "If you're really going to leave on your own, at least let me get you something for the way home. So you don't starve or sleep on the floor." "Ezra this is pathetic" Said Abel, folding his arms over his chest. "Shut up!, and get...
  17. Dreamless Realm

    Of Monsters and Men

    "Neither do I" Said Abel. "We can't just-" Started Ezra, but he was interrupted. "Yes, we can actually. She wants to leave. You offered her food and shelter and she's only spitting back at you!. Let her go, let her get eaten by the sheep. We don't have to care. I know you like humans but...
  18. Dreamless Realm

    Of Monsters and Men

    "No. You'll get yourself eaten like you almost did last night. The pups are everywhere, you proved yourself ill suited to avoid them"Said Ezra, finishing his breakfast. Abel just watched Kitty with an amused expression.
  19. Dreamless Realm

    Of Monsters and Men

    "Right!, home. Do you know where it is and how to get there?, have any ways to compensate us if we take you there asside from being a rude and ungrateful bastard?" Said Abel, having far less patience than his teacher. It earned him a glare, but nothing else. It seemed like Ezra's patience was...
  20. Dreamless Realm

    Of Monsters and Men

    This time it didn't go unnoticed. "I KNOW you're there, Kitty."Said Ezra with a growl. He was sitting at the table with Abel, botb of them eating like normal people.