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  1. C

    Translucent mirrors. Ekphrastic piece: The Other- Lauv

    You should just post something man :D! I'm working on a better version of this, I'd love to get ur feed back on the edited version.
  2. C

    Translucent mirrors. Ekphrastic piece: The Other- Lauv

    Thats not mean at all, it's exactly what my creative writing proffesor said. I'm not really a fan of this poem but I'm knew to the site and I wanted to get something posted, thanks for the comment I always appreciate feedback.
  3. C

    Translucent mirrors. Ekphrastic piece: The Other- Lauv

    Watching the wind encase each of her loose wavy strands was intoxicating. I stare into a pair of empty cerulean eyes, like the shadow cast over my desk from the dull white pills I force myself to indulge in for the sake of those “who love me”. In an empty glass casket that is decorated with...
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    New User What's up

    I'll bet
  5. C

    New User What's up

    Chilling man, doing my hobby haha wby??
  6. C

    Hers - cool with you YouTube it bro

    Hers - cool with you YouTube it bro
  7. C

    New User What's up

    What's up everyone, I'm a 19 year old girl struggling to get though college, I study bio medical science and my goal is to become a physical therapist for amputees. Ive always loved writing but my spelling is weak and I'm terrible at editing my own work so for that reason I've never been much...