Search results for query: *

  1. pandakatiefominz

    Interest Check Welcome to Versailles

    I visited Versailles last week, and beyond how beautiful (and emotionally complicated) the chateau and the gardens were, I was struck by how fun it would be to do a RP set there (or set in a Versailles-inspired palace so we don't have to worry about historical accuracy). If you've ever seen the...
  2. pandakatiefominz

    Open Life in the Boarding House

    In the little town of Juniper Hollow, everybody knows everybody, and family roots run deep. Summers are sleepy and long, winters quiet and cold. But on Azalea street, one house is a little different. Two stories tall, the yellow house with a big white porch has seven bedrooms, a dining room...
  3. pandakatiefominz

    Interest Check A RP a Day Keeps the Big Sad Away!

    Alright, hens, raise your hand if you're like me and your mental health is not in a good place right now. I feel you, I'm right there with you. When I'm at a point like that, which I am, I like to distract myself through Role Play, because it gives me the chance to be someone else for a little...
  4. pandakatiefominz

    Full What treasure is hidden within?

    Some of you may have seen my post called something like, "Stranded in an enchanted forest." It followed two of my most played characters: they got lost, found themselves lost inside of a forest, and needed help. This is a variation on that theme. Instead of being stranded, however, it's a...
  5. pandakatiefominz

    Open Looking for a partner for a realistic, slice of life RP

    Hello there (General Kenobi), I've been thinking for a few days how exactly I wanted to phrase this, because I wanted to seem interesting but not overbearing. I'm looking to do a down to earth, realistic* role play, centering around adults (aged 20 to 40, for variety), that deals with...