character sheets

  1. KittyWolfSpirit

    Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Kitty's Scratching Post (Bring the catnip & mouse toys!)

    So this starts my collection of beloved Characters I am bringing to life. Though she was not my first ever to rp, she is being put first in this list since I have been using her most lately. Name: Lady Talyria Rei Katsumi (pronounced Tall-ree-uh Ray Cat-sew-me) Race: Cravyre (pronounced...
  2. Dashmiel

    Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Dashmiel's Menagerie of Unfinished Horrors

    This is the place where yours truly stores his Omniverse characters, most of whom will have unfinished bits and where nebulous promises to finish them are unlikely to ever be filled.