
  1. Hyperdontia

    New User Hello there! I'm new.

    Hi there! I'm just trying to get my account set up. I'm not new to this site (been here in the past) but if you could help me out that'd be great. I'd like to be able to send PM's soon. Nothing else is really important to me right now. Thanks! That's all I guess! If you wanna know about me just ask.
  2. link8304

    New User A Wild Roleplayer appears!

    Helloooo, my name is Link. I'm a literate, if silly, roleplayer that joined this site in search of fun roleplays to pass my time. IDK what else I can put here, really. My RP Interests: - Most Video Game Roleplays - Fantasy/RPG Roleplays - Post-Apocalypse Roleplays
  3. Sour Rocks

    New User Welcome!

    To me. I am welcome. Hopefully. Best case scenario, the title attracts attention and people reply; worst case, I've at least managed to receive one welcome, even if it's from myself. Hi, I'm Whisky/Sour Rocks/Other aliases as well, and all of the other stuff I thought up for a title and intro...
  4. Jail Rose

    New User Why hello there!

    Hello there, everyone! Whew, I'm very sorry for not introducing myself much earlier, but now here I am! So, basic info. I go by Jail Rose EVERYWHERE around the internet. I enjoy writing, drawing, and roleplaying, though I mostly need to study because school has been revolving around my life...
  5. Squidward Uchiha

    New User Greetings & Saluations

    Hello Storyteller's Circle, my name is Squidward Uchiha, but you can call me Squid for short. I am a semi-seasoned roleplayer of five years in search of a new space to do stuff, so here I am. My interests in roleplay are mostly invested with fandom based properties, though I do occasionally try...