A fantasy idea


The wandering Lizard
A massive fort stands, guarding a deserted pass. To the east, the Empire lays, struggling against it's many opponents. To the west, the wastes lay, from which The Horde came.

The Horde was decimated a thousand years ago, however. The fort was constructed in that pass, to make sure that another Horde did not come through the same path.

Yet with time, the fact became myth, and the fort went without attacks. Less and less men and women were sent there to guard it, it's walls slowly crumbled from a lack of maintenance, and what had once been a title of honor had become little more than a drain one was still forced to maintain... Even if barely.

Yet now, people claim to see scouting parties moving further up the pass at night...

This is a rp I tried to start on another site, but it never got off the ground. So I'm now giving you, yes YOU, the opportunity to join me for this little adventure. I've got a bit more background material worked out, but none of it is set in stone.

And I am planning to make it a 1x1, due to not being the biggest fan of group rps.