Victor's eyes darkened and he glared hard at Twila. This was his ship and he may have assigned her to chart the course, but there was no way she would be talking to him like that. "In case ya didn't notice, the storm," he snapped and gestured wide with his hands, "is pretty large. We're only a few degrees off from the proper direction." He looked at the charter that Vivien had been using and shook his head she, or someone else, had altered it. His glared hardened and he gently pointed her in the right direction, showing with his finger their true course. "Hold 'er steady," He instructed their pilot, trusting her to know how to face the ship in a storm, and then pointed to Twila. "Stay with her. This storm is gonna be a rough and long one." In a low voice he added, "Don' you talk to me like that again on my ship or I'll toss you overboard myself."

Pulling Luci and Neimh aside he instructed the latter, "We need all," he considered what he was intending to say and altered, "... experienced and heavy hands on deck." Anyone who might be knocked over in the storm and wouldn't be of some use was to stay below. "The sails need to be let down before they're ripped to shreds." God, he was hungry but that would have to wait.

Luci's instruction was simple; the charter was handed over, "Find out who messed with this." Because if they'd followed that path...? He didn't want to think about that.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Haytham was informing all of the men in the kitchen that the extra fish that had been cooked was all gone.

He was grateful, though, when the cook staggered in and found something else to cook because he was absolutely famished. After throwing everything up in his stomach the night before, he hadn't been able to eat anything for the rest of the night. Someone else wondered in and the small kitchen was beginning to feel smaller but Haytham smiled at the newcomer, Al... something, and returned her greeting with a polite, "Hello."

How had he allowed so many young people to come on this journey?

The scientist went ahead and got the cook his drink before the doctor had a chance because, well, he needed food. Once Duncan was properly served a drink Haytham snuck out of the kitchen. Too many people in one place, he needed to breathe. The moment he stepped out, though, another large wave hit the ship and it rocked to the side. He lost his footing and flew into the opposite wall (not that it was a far distance to go), hitting his left side and his head. "Ow." He muttered, deciding if losing his dignity would be worth it to crawl back to his cabin instead of attempting to walk.
Nestor had been leaving the kitchen when the ship moved roughtly and he had to lean against a wall. However, Haytham wasn't so lucky... the man had made him a favour by giving the Alcohol to Duncan himself, so Nestor walked up to him, even though he was still pissed because of his hairtie's disappearance. He had to find jimmy.
Before anything else, he offered Haytham a hand so the scrawny scientist wouldnt stay on the floor...
"Need some help getting to your cabin?. Im heading outside anyways, its on my way there." He offered, along with a brief smile that lasted a second.
Victor's words to her made her rage rocket higher. They were in the midst of a storm she strictly told Vivien to avoid, yet they're in it now? Why would she be yelling at Victor for that? If she yelled at him for anything it would be for drinking her stash of rum. He probab;y thought she was yelling at him because she had caught his eye and made her way over to them when she came out on deck. It wasn't his fault, Twila couldn't blame him for yelling at her. She did feel hurt an angry for him to think so however. Somebody had altered her course and Twila didn't know who. She was mad at Vivien for blindly following the charter handed to her, when she could've just asked Twila for the right direction.

She huffed at Victor's directions for her. 'Stay by her side.' She mimicked his voice in her head and glared at his back. Oh she would alright, but not before she had her say in this too. This wasn't her fault and for Victor to threaten her with being tossed overboard, it didn't sit with Twila one bit. She turned to Vivien and held up a finger. "I'll jus' be a moment. Stay in the new direction Victor pointed out. I don't know why ya' followed that charter. Next time jus' ask me. I'm 'ere fer a reason." With that Twila walked over towards where Victor had gone. She caught his words to Luci and Niemh. Yeah she wanted to know who altered her charter as well. She grabbed his arm when he was done speaking, not hard enough to hurt, but a grasp to just get his attention. She whipped around the front of him and glared up into his face. In this moment she looked fairly comical. Instead of appearing angry and filled with rage she looked more like a drenched angry puppy. Not scary at all.

Twila spoke lowly to him, letting him clearly know that she was not happy. "Now listen 'ere. Aye this is your ship, yes I abide by yer rules on it. But I will not stand for bein' talked ta like that either. Adopted uncle or not. Jus' so ya' know, I was not, yellin' at ya'. It was Vivien who I had yelled at. Before I went ta bed I told her ta stay on the course we were on. And ta go in the opposite direction o' the storm. Something happened after I went ta sleep and tha' was when she must've followed the altered charter's path. I want ta know jus' as much as ya', who altered my charted path. Next time, before ya' threaten me uncle. Make sure I'm really the person ya' should be threatening." When Twila was angry her Scottish brogue came out thicker and more defined, so some of her words must've sounded blended a bit. But wiping the water and hair from her face once more, she placed her hat on her head tightly. And holding it in place, she turned her back to Victor and walked back up to Vivien. She took her place on the side of her and leaned against the railing next to the wheel. She had her back to Victor still as she was still angry at him for threatening her. However, she could tell what direction they were headed in still, so she was not required to face to bow of the ship.
The dramatic tension of the situation was not lost on Luci. With eyes that shone with bright, violet fire, he'd listen silent to his captain before setting out to obey. His dagger, freshly sharpened the night prior, one of his many manic activities from his time alone on the deck, slapped against his hip as he removed himself from the room, and back out into the storm. The purpose of his mission was clear enough, but the who wracked his mind more painfully than he'd hoped. He'd been topside almost the entire night. Hell's bells, he hadn't gone back down below until the wee hours of the morning, and as far as his admittedly wine addled memory could recall, he hadn't seen anyone go near the captain's quarters, or the steering. It was possible the ship had hidden trap doors, to w0nder about unseen, and granted, yes those would be useful if such things were true...

But only two people would know of them. The Captain, and the bossy, screaming Scottish lass who admittedly had caught Luci's eyes. Something about the accent, but that was neither here nor there. With as much rain as was pouring on him, he doubted anything would be left unwashed away on the deck, or anywhere else topside for that matter. Nothing of importance to his investigation anyway. No dirty, uncleaned footprints to track. No one to question either. Whoever had done this would've had to in the absolute dead of night, without rousing a single suspicion. The very idea that some one was tampering with the Captain's course, and his belongings for that matter, filled the tall, lanky giant with a seething, bitterly cold rage. But...

It also brought a smile to his lips. Maybe Twila had been the culprit. If so, Luci would get to have some of his personal brand of fun with her...The very idea made that same smile spread across his thin lips. Or...perhaps it was Niamh. That might prove sweeter, in its own way. Doubtless he'd get to inflict some form of pain on the pilot herself, and that alone was enough to look forward to. But he'd wait until the others were done screaming at her before pulling her aside for interrogation. For now...

He moved to the kitchens, sopping wet with his cheeks split in a horrendously eerie, too-happy smile. "Gentleman," He began, not caring that he might be interrupting the cook, the doctor, the other girl whose name he could not recall but was eager to learn, and the carpenter at whatever business they were in the middle of. "I come from the Captain. Some one messed with the Charter, either last night or earlier than that. Piloted us right into the middle of the storm. I've been sent to...loosen some lips if you would." Luci seemed to take up the whole room when he talked, his tone gentle, but loud enough to be heard over the bashing din of the rain and waves, each syllable pronounced with a cold, malicious edge. "If you know anything, including you sweet lady, it is time to talk. This is a serious accusation the Captain has made, and if I find out people might know something, and refused to tell me...I'll make sure they share the saboteur's fate."

His pale, purple eyes slid like snakes over Alexis cold, wet form. The way her cloths clung to her skin. The way the salt and rain water dripped. Without realizing it, the quartermaster would lick his lips...
Alexis raised her eyebrows at the man who had just swaggered in. "Well, I haven't done nothing. I've never even been on a ship anyway before this. The only thing I've done so far is stagger like a drunken donkey across the deck because of the storm." What's he grinning at, anyways? Dear god, I'm on board with a maniac, she thought, keeping her face neutral. Also, what on earth was a charter? She had to assume it was important, otherwise this weirdo wouldn't have bothered to come in, but why would anyone even alter it?

She looked to the people around her, wondering if they knew what was going on. She sure as hell didn't, but it'd be nice if she could know a little more about this. Not only was he seemingly accusing them of altering the course or whatever, he was also in the way of her getting food, and she was not a patient woman when it came to food. She noticed where his eyes were traveling, watching him lick his lips. Shivers went down her spine as she observed the almost hungry look in his eyes. What on earth is wrong with this guy, and why is he so creepy? She forced herself to stand tall instead of moving away, spending a moment or two trying to find her voice. She finally managed to, squinting at the grinning man. "The hell are you looking at?"
Another body replaced the one that had skipped out of the kitchen and Duncan was considering making using of this fellow. Taking a slurp from his mug of rum the cook looked over at the girl and then to the newest comer not far behind her. He recognized the man as the quartermaster. If he wanted to have his share of rum from the barrels Duncan was going to have to be decent with this one.

For the time he intended to mind his own business. He was just the cook and currently cooking under the ever watching eyes of shipmates that resembled vultures more than anything else. Busily stirring the boiling rum in the pan he got a few of the fish chunks from the night before to lift off the bottom of the pan and then Duncan crumbled some of the bread into the rum. It was going to be rum and bread pudding with flecks of fish. No point in putting anything to waste. "Almost done here." Glancing over he caught the man licking his lips and Duncan made a face at him before taking a sip of his rum. Some men were volatile creatures not even worth the time to address.

As if it couldn't have gotten any stranger the little woman gave a sort of declaration as if she was trying to warn him. Duncan looked up from his cooking again and glanced toward the girl. He never paid much attention to the business of crew mates around himself and he hadn't noticed much of what was going on between the girl and the man. "I wasn't lookin at yer lassie. Nothing but a sack o'bones. Get a little meat on yer skeleton and I might take a look miself." Slurring the words he turned back to his cooking with grunt. "Quartermaster instead of lickin yer lips ye migh as well elp me get this ere puddin served into dishes." Duncan took the lip licking as a sort of vile gesture toward himself or perhaps as best case scenario a compliment of his cooking. Nobody complained the night before.
Victor whirled around to face Twila and shook his head. "It's not yer job to be yellin' at my crew." His eyes grew wide and then angered further, "What were ya telling her to go the opposite way for? We need to be heading that direction," he gestured a few degrees to the north-west where Vivien had been heading true North. "I'll not hesitate to change yer job to swabbing the deck."

She had taken it too far by putting her hands on him, and then getting an attitude. He wrenched his wrist from her and leaned in close, "yer on a ship and adoptive niece or not, yer gonna have to start learnin' to take orders." The conversation was done and he walked away, leaving her to navigate Vivien through the storm.

The odd thing that she might have noticed? He walked and talked like he was drunk, but when he leaned in close not a drop of rum could be smelled on him.

Haytham looked up at the doctor and offered a smile that resembled more of a grimace. "I'm not very seaworthy," he admitted, taking the hand and using it to leverage himself up. "Here you are, helping me out, again." He considered the doctor for a moment, "Thanks."
When he'd entered the kitchen to grab some breakfast Carlos wasn't expecting to end up elbow deep in fish guts. This cook was seriously rubbing him the wrong way for some reason, but he had a point. It would probably take forever if it was just this old drunk doing everything by himself. Well, not exactly forever but it would feel like forever. He had flashed Alexis a smile in greeting as she entered the kitchen. Then he proceeded to half-assedly gut whatever fish he needed to. He'd done this enough times to be rather good at it anyways.

The kitchen somehow managed to get even more crowded with Luci's arrival. Strange, how it didn't feel as crowded even when both Haytham and Nestor were in the room. Messing with the Captain's charter sounded like a real stupid move - even too stupid for him (which was saying something).

"All I know is that it probably happened sometime at night. Charter was fine when the capt'n showed it to me, "The carpenter looked up to catch the quartermaster running a tongue over his lips. Carlos squinted. What was there to lick lips at? The food wasn't cooked and the fish was still raw...but then again, raw fish was still edible,right? It just occurred to the carpenter that he'd never had fish raw before. Has anyone even eaten it without getting sick? Great, now his mind was being distracted by raw fish thoughts.
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Kenn smiled at the sight of the chef. He was starting to get seriously hungry. However, he wasn't expecting to be immediately employed, and he gave a stern frown. He chewed on the inside of his cheek, wanting to complain, before remembering that his fishmonger skills were part of the reason he was on the ship in the first place. He kept his sigh to himself and rushed off to his room, getting his own knives. He ended up walking into the dining area at the same time as their massive quartermaster, but stepped aside to let him go first. There was something about that smile that made Kenn want to stay pretty far out of the way.

He headed back to where Carlos was gutting the fish. He dropped his bag of knives onto the table and pulled out one of the identical blades. He plucked a fish up from where they were stored and put himself to work. He didn't even have to look at the fish as he sliced at them, and was able to look up and give Luci attention. His brow furrowed. That's why the storm was so bad; they were right in the middle of it. The stern frown returned as he chucked a fish head into the bait bucket.

He shook his head. "I was only on deck to try and fish a little," he said. "Apart from that, I was in my cabin." Dreaming of home.
Tearing his eyes away from Alexis, somehow willing himself to stop his malicious glare, Luci would take in each persons supposed alibi. Duncan was drunk, but barely seemed capable of completing his own task, so the odds of him being responsible were...incredibly low. Carlos seemed useless, which would be trouble down the line, but again, doubtful that he was involved. Kenn was the most likely bet, but even those odds were shoddy, and his story seemed strong enough to stand on its own. And, while it would be fun to drag the girl down to the brig and break his toys out on her, a thought pounding at Luci's skull like a sledgehammer, he knew he couldn't get away with it.

Diego and Jimmy might prove useful. The doctor, Hestor, as well. Of course, he'd need to talk to Vivien, and Azazel, and all the rest. The only one he felt like he wouldn't need to speak to directly, would be the Captain himself. "I'm afraid...I must decline to offer to join in on the kitchen's duties. I have my own to perform."

Casting one final glace at Alexis, Luci would leave the room, heading towards the crew quarters. If no one had a lock on their was time to do some room checks, with or without the crew's permissions...
Nestor helped Haytham up, smiling at him momentarily before stopping Luci as he headed out the door.

"We were on the deck with the captain until late, and then headed straight to bed... he could probably tell you that. Also this morning I woke up to find that someone had gone through my bsg during the night and stolen some mint leaves, and my hairtie, which I need to see and because it was a present. Anyways, I know that kid Jimmy needed the leaves for his upset stomach, so if you see him or his friend..." The doctor sighed. "Make sure they return my stuff and ask for my supplies when they need them?. I know this ain't as urgent as the charter business, but once you're done with that, give me ah hand if you'd be so kind, Alexander." He told the kid, keeping a serious attitude.
There was more than one way to empty the galley. Duncan liked having it to himself and though he did get a little help it had far less gaping mouths and gawking eyes than before. Soon as he had enough fish chopped he looked to the only ones remaining as help. "Git out...I finish cooking ye breakfast in a few minutes." Scraping the fish chunks into the pan he let it boil in the bread and rum mixture for a few minutes before he started to yell for everyone to come back. Hobbling with the kettle down into the dining cabin he set the steaming pan in the center of the table and swiped the slime from last night off a plate that hadn't been cleaned too well.

The plate was fresh enough he started to wonder if it was whoever stole the last of the meal instead of allowing the galley to have a few nibbles left for the morning vultures. Every crew had morning vultures, but whoever it was that ate it was more than a vulture. They were a thief and they had eaten what was intended for all. Since there was naught to do for now Duncan contended himself with serving a portion of the bread, fish, and rum pudding onto his plate. Staggering back to the galley he poured a little extra rum over his breakfast from his mug and then reserved the rest to wash the meal down. Quietly he watched the men and occasional female brush past to go into the dining pit. Duncan shoveled a few mouthfuls in at a time and then chewed carefully with cheeks bulging and lips barely parting slightly to show the mass of food in his mouth every time he rotated the food to be sure he had it all chewed. When it was chewed and ready to go down he would force it down his throat with a few half gagging efforts and shovel in more. A man never knew when a meal would be his last so it was better to try and eat it all at one time.
With Luci on the venture to find out who had messed with the charter and the ship now headed in the right direction, Victor went to the main deck to start loosening the sails until more hands came on deck to help. The storm was growing wilder by the second and the waves were starting to splash on deck. He wasn't worried that the ship wouldn't make it, but it did make it harder to walk around.

Haytham nodded his head in agreement, the rocking of the ship turning his stomach again. "Never saw anything out of the ordinary." He appreciated the doctor's help and leaned on him, some, to remain up right. Once he got on a ship home that would be his last time at sea.
Still fuming silently, Twila stood off by Vivien keeping an eye out to make sure they were headed in the right direction. Twila was by no means mad at Victor, but him lecturing her so did make her anger skyrocket higher. If anything, Twila was more mad at herself, and mad at whoever messed with the charter. That was important and they shouldn't have been heading in the direction they were. It was notorious for... varying reasons best left unsaid. She watched the people rush about the deck, bracing the ship for the storm in a hurry.

Taking a deep sigh, she looked up towards the cloud covered sky. The rain poured through her hair and soaked her to the bones, giving way to a slight chill. She shivered due to the cold seeping in her bones, but not once did she complain. It was her job to navigate Vivien in the right direction and she couldn't abandon her post. If it meant getting a cold due to the rain because she was too stubborn to seek warmth and shelter, then so be it. It was getting too rough out on the water for her to leave anyways, and the rougher waters caused her to tighten her grip on the railing next to her for more balance. Once again she brushed the water out of her face and looked on straight ahead, scanning the horizon for signs of funnels and other dangerous things that sea storms brought with them. Twila sighed once more, god she could go for a mug of booze right about now, and the stress of what is going on, on the ship is not helping her one bit.
Diego was pretty sure that, outside of the walls of the captain's quarters, the rest of the crew was going through a lot of drama and struggle. It just came with storms really. He was also pretty sure that he wanted absolutely nothing to do with it, and was fine being stuck in the cabin with his best friend, whatever money Victor had foolishly left behind planks and this large thing with the squiggly lines.

The item per... p... perplexeed? It confused him. It was kind of square, and it had a bunch of squiggly lines on it. There was some sort of four pointed star down the bottom right, with a reverse N pointing down, but aside from that there wasn't much else. Some really weird looking runes above some dots, a square here and there. It was evident Victor had touched whatever it was, as he could recognise signs of newer markings. But for the life of him, he just couldn't figure out whatever it was.

Laying the square down on the table, he places Victor's things on each corner to hold it down as he stared at it. There was something familiar about whatever this was, almost like he had seen it b-

Diego slapped himself on the head for his moment of sheer stupidity. Quickly circling around the table, he peered at the map. Now that he knew what he was looking at he was astounded as to his sheer stupidity in that moment. The dots and squares were towns, the star a north pointy thing. And these markings... he wasn't sure what they repsented. A bunch of dotted lines. Ooo! Maybe they were the maps to whatever long forgotten pirate treasure the old fossil had buried.
"Of course Doctor. Theft among the crew will be dealt with, severely, you have my word. There is no place for scoundrels and pickpockets among any crew I serve." Luci would give the briefest and smallest of bows before moving off back towards the deck. There was still no sign of Azazel, or whatever his name was, though the quartermaster hardly suspected that flamboyant Lothario of an individual could be...or would be...capable of such an act. And what would be the point? What would the motive be.

The lanky giant would bite his thumbnail, his eyes flickering about rapidly as he pulled himself back into the rain. Those violent, violet eyes would dance, from the captain wrestling with the sails to Twila and Vivian up in the pilot's area. Such a sight, two women standing in the rain, clothes clinging to their struggling forms.

Once more the young man would lick his lips. Brush his thumb against the hilt of his dagger.

Then move in their direction. He couldn't wait to get one of them alone for...questioning...
They spent the next hour floating through the storm. By the time it cleared and they had made their way through, the ship had taken a few hard hits, and all of the passengers were wet, regardless of whether or not they had come on deck.

Luci still hadn't found who messed with the charter and food was still going missing. Victor soon added that to Luci's list of problems to solve. They made it into one port where they stocked up on proper food and any other supplies necessary for their trip and they would soon be on their way. With everything they had purchased--where did Victor keep all that money?--they wouldn't have to stop again until they reached their destination.

Most of the crew had remained on the ship while Victor and Luci took care of the necessary errands. Carlos was put to work fixing a few issues caused by the storm they had traveled to. The captain and quartermaster were headed back to the ships, already on dock, when a voice called out the captain's name. It was feminine, young, and familiar. Victor turned and his eyes lit up as he recognized the co-captain of the Blackburne ship, The Secret. "Emma," He greeted the other woman.

The blonde woman's ferocious scowl turned into a smile as she approached the pair. "Good to see you, Victor. You've gotten older," She teased.

"You don't look a day over forty," Victor shot back, despite the fact that she was in her early thirties and hardly looked it. Emmaline turned to look at Luci, appraising the youth. Victor introduced him, "Our quartermaster, Luci."

"You're back at sea, then?" Emma asked, surprised. "I had thought... Well, that's great."

"Niemh came along as well." Victor explained and the blonde woman nodded, understanding lighting her eyes.

"Who will keep Diego in check?" She teased.

"He came with. Speaking of..." He glanced around. "Elliot?"

"Ahh, you're ship is doomed then." She quirked a smile and then waved a dismissive hand, "She's... around, should be heading back this way shortly."
Diego was having the time of his life! Oh, man! How he had missed solid ground and all that came with it. A new town of unsuspcting sheep, new nobles, and a royal guard that didn't have training methods designed to find and catch him! It was almost too easy to break into the mansions of these nobles. Only person to find him was a maid, and that only took a single gold coin.

Stealing off into the suburbs of the town, Diego had to mask an evil cackle as a cough when the alwrms first sounded and those prissy little guards started panicking, no doubt under some sort of threatening orders from the fat guys up top. He did a little hum to himself and the priceless jewels under his clothes and on his neck as the guards rushed past, slipping in to where Victor and Luci had gone off to. The old man and psycho hadn't seen him leave, but he wasnt stupid enough to think that Victor thought he had stayed on the boat.

As he swung in from a skylight, he had to pause for a second at the sight in front of him. Was that... it was! No fracking way! He almost giggled in delight, if he didn't realise what an opportunity this could be. Swinginf from the rafter he was on, Diego drops onto the floor with nary a sound and silently makes his way up towards Emma, his hand reaching for her pockets...
Of course Victor hadn't actually expected Diego to stay on the ship. As long as the kid wasn't thieving him, he encouraged the acts of theft!

The old man did nothing to give away the presence of Diego, but still the female ship captain's hand whipped to her side and caught Diego by the wrist, whirling to face him. "You breathe too loud," she informed him, releasing his wrist. "Where's your better half?" She teased, looking for Jimmy. "I know there's no way you left him behind while you went on a grand adventure. "Also, you should know better than to think I'm going to be as easy of a target as Victor here."
With a smile and a deep bow, Luci would introduce himself with his birth-name. "Alexander, if you wish, but I do prefer Luci." Other than that, he stayed silent, just off to the side of the Captain. He was doing his best to be professional, but with complete honesty, his time on land so far had been both dreadful, and boring. At least it wouldn't be for long. Luci was actually about to ask permission to return to the ship, when that monkey boy attempted a thievery, right before his eyes.

But, the lanky violet eyes giant had to admit...he wouldn't have even noticed if it hadn't been for the captivating Ms. Emma.

Speaking up with a cough, the quartermaster would address the captain, a tone of eagerness creeping into his voice. "Sir? Should we let him off with a warning...or...?" There was hope clinging onto that last word. Hope, and something else.

Anyone with key eyes would see the fingers on Luci's right hand begin to twitch erratically. Since no one had been caught for sabotaging their charter, the sea obsessed youth had been itching, craving, anything to sink his blades into. To the point that some might consider it...worrisome. At least land had one benefit, if none of his crew would ever be given over to his brig.

Land had whores. Whores that no one would ever miss.