New User A what now?


King of the deidonien Kingdom
Well... uhm... First of all: I am really bad at introductions! Now that that's out of the way, hey I am deido! Well... that's not my real name... and considering my gender it may not be the right... ANYWAY! I am deido, the guy everyone in real life hates and online loves! I am normally a roleplayer but I started to get into writing a while ago. I prefer to write stories here because it is more comfortable for me with the current system in use here. I can be weird at first but you will get used to it :D English isn't my native language as you may guessed (so sorry for typos) but I really like English and use it more than my native language. I love to write stories that vary in length from a few paragraphs to novellas (so many trees died for those novellas...) I am a really sarcastic person and love to see it when people are dieing or internally broken, I sometimes help breaking them aswell (I hope you got the joke ;) ) I am extremely open to literally everyone and love to have a competition with others (whenever I roleplay I try to have one letter more than the other person). I am pretty direkt and don't talk around without getting to the pretty round and rarely used button on the lower left on my smartphone Wich I hate to use normally except in a way Wich makes it occurred three times to add a bit of silence, the dot or point! (God... why am I typing that much...?) I normally write really deep or depressing stuff so yeah here I am! Deido, the prepare to cry edition!
Welcome, Deido! Don't worry, I also don't like doing introductions. They make me so nervous and I never know what to say. x.x Rest assured, though, yours is great! :3 We have several people here that speak English as a second language, so don't worry! You're in good company. Plus, the most fluent of us still make typoes, so again, good company!

It sounds like you like to write some pretty intense stuff, and I'm sure you'll find several of people that'll love to write that sort with you! The community here is great, so don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions or need any help finding an RP or a partner!

Welcome again! I hope you enjoy your stay. :3