New User A Wild Moron has appeared!


Professional Twit
It uses 'Cliche Greeting'.

No, don't worry. There's nothing wrong with your screen, my face DOES look like Gollum got his head stuck in an elevator; it's a common mistake. I wear the name Kanassa as a mark of shame, signifying my connection to my longest running RP character, who I absolutely hated. Yet, others for some reason liked the rotted skin faced bastard who spat like bitter coffee beans were his blood (I purposely made him to be a pathetic doormat that others would laugh at. How did it all go so wrong!?).

I've participated in RP since I was but a wee hormonal, dumb, dumb 10 year old. Starting strong with my first mary sue (He had so many names, an introduction would cause death from starvation), fit with a whiny voice and 'dah bwek gamma evr!!!!!'. I've gone from forums to MMO's, to forms, to DnD (I was psychotic, cannibalistic elf. He died after the party decided that constantly sleeping in a bed of blood was a bit shady. Probably best they never found out what he was cooking for them).

I enjoy RP of various settings, from high fantasy (I'm usually the wise-cracking rouge everyone wants to choke in his sleep, or the really lazy wizard) to sci-fi (Worst. Pilot. Ever), to dance wars (I was known as Blue Lightning). I've attempted to DM... With a very low success rate. And generally always enjoy coming to an RP, where I can have the pleasure of having an annoying character that can get sucker punched for me.

So, was my move super effective?
I've been clickbaited T-T

Welcome fellow wild moron

Ah, social interaction. I've heard of this. *Adopts loner-at-party-in-corner stance*

Good to know, I'm not alone here. Though that might put a damper on my ego that transcends the heavens... I need a special and pointlessly convoluted uniqueness...
Your username is awfully familiar. Hmm. I don't mean awful as in terrible, but... well, yenno.
Hahaha, no. It just seems familiar. Not quite sure why though. Maybe someone had one similar on one of the other sites I have frequented.
Hahaha, no. It just seems familiar. Not quite sure why though. Maybe someone had one similar on one of the other sites I have frequented.
*Puts on fake moustache, nose and glasses* I'm sure you're quite mistaken.