Ages Eternal/Legends Eternal - Recruiting!



It is the fourth age. Winds of a new day bring with them an odd aroma; Steel is forged, Catapults tuned for laying waist to the mighty structures of Mortalkind, and the gods watch as the people of the world continue their lives in relative peace. but nothing ever changes, really...

Welcome to Ages Eternal. In this Epic RP you take control of both the mortal people, and importantly, the gods themselves. In a world built through roleplay, Magic is had through deals, Justice through blood, and Honor through courage.

How it works
You can control any number of two sorts of characters; godly characters and mortal characters. These character are used in ages eternal and legends eternal thread respectively. As a godly character, as the name might imply, you are a member of Ages Eternal's pantheon. You mold and build races, nations, locale, and anything you might imagine within the confines of our medieval fantasy world.

As a mortal, you are a traditional hero, dastardly villain or even something as simple as a mere peasant. You play in Legends Eternal threads and partake in the adventures that await us there, as travelers of the world directly built through Ages Eternal.

If you are a new member, Remember that your first character must be approved by me or @Pawnige leaving a like on it before you would post to any Ages Eternal threads. After that characters don't need approval, record them as they occur.

The Story so far
Four thousand years ago the world was created. The gods took hold of it, and it was soon beautiful and sprawling. But its peace would not last. A trickster god, named goggins, awoke in man a dark root; the love of power, and the lust for godhood.

Knowing little of the consequences for goggins mistake, the gods put there best effort to protecting Eng the first man. But he was fatally was cursed by Nonpa the obsidian lord, elder-god over the arch-devils that would form the dark continent, a vile place some believe to house the door to Nonpa's realm itself.

Now it has been three thousand years since the Dragon goddess Paloria surrendered her power to Refcaskha the god of vengeance, paying penance for leading her people into a divine war against Mutare the God of Change that took the world by storm. Life has been peaceful and fruitful since, and the people of the world has learned much, and yet nothing at all. Now Paloria and Mutare are free again, but no one seems to recall the war, which has fallen into myth, it's heroes into folklore and it's pains into fairytale.

Links to follow
Read about races you may play as in Legends Eternal here
Read more about the world here
Make your characters here

More info on individual story-arcs will be posted below! Thank you!

Image by KlausPillon
In the far eastern fringe of Idain, lies a port village called Easttowne. Ruled by the wealthy merchant Lord Hokk, the town will accept all peoples, be they on good standing or otherwise with civilization, as a matter of survival. The people are tough and have few luxuries, despite the many luxuries sold and purchased by Hokk's merchant enterprise.

Monsters gather around the fringe. Darkness looms overhead; ever watching, as it has for generations. This is not peaceful land, and the need for those willing to fight is desperate. Whether or not you take up the blade and torch, the real question is, why?

For Easttowne, the idea is that it is a fringe trading post outside of society. The drudges are accepted here as a matter of surviving in the harsh wilderness. We will be playing as adventurers come to stake out a claim in the uncharted, untamed lands.
Oh, Mizzrym, great to hear from you again!

We are absolutely looking for more mortal character as well as godly characters! Feel free to hop in at any time.

Speaking of godly characters, I'll post an Advert for Obus soon too.

Once, there was a magnificent and powerful elder goddess named Obusett, the Lady of Wonderment. As Idain fell to dark influences of the ages long past, Obusett stood for the peace and child-like awe the Elder gods intended for the world. Everything she touched, for a time radiated this. Oh, if it was only to last...

Many years pass, the world is at peace and Obus could not go unnoticed by her neighbors, as Obusett is no where to be seen. Orcs and Man tread the soil looking for riches, glory and perhaps even peace. But the land of Obus is not without her own representatives; Elves shine pure light and Golems build towering, impossible structures as a beacon for the world, both in the name of their gods.

North the land of Tuaru is made up of Humans and worships Refcaskha, and south the Orcish land of Urzegibir follows the Great Maiden, a goddess from Idain.

You play as a god or goddess of Obus, awakened after Obusett mysteriously vanished. No one knows what occurred and few even know that their was an elder goddess in the first place. But the work of Obus was left unfinished, and now it is up to you to finish mother's noble craft... Wherever she may be.