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And so it goes…
Hey everybody!

My name is ChocolateChipCookie, and you can feel free to call me Chip, Cookie, or C-cubed! While I am new to the forums thing, I am not new to role-playing, and really look forward to being able to tell some stories with various people on here! I prefer responses with multiple paragraphs, as that is what I strive to do. I can play any gender, multiple characters, different species, and enjoy most fantasy plots! Really looking forward to being a part of this group!
Welcome to STC! You mentioned fantasy -- any other genres that you enjoy or is that your main preference?
Hi there, and thank you! It's my main preference, but I also enjoy sci-fi, and historical (especially medieval) settings. What about yourself?
Welcome to STC!

Fantasy is my favorite as well, and there's quite a variety for you to be able to look into or the opportunity to write up your own if you're looking for something specific.
I've always been a sucker for science fiction, or at least the backdrop of sci-fi for a setting in which to tell a character-driven story. Fantasy is actually my least-used genre as I tend to stick with humanity as a base or almost everything, but I'm trying to branch out more over time.
I've always been a sucker for science fiction, or at least the backdrop of sci-fi for a setting in which to tell a character-driven story. Fantasy is actually my least-used genre as I tend to stick with humanity as a base or almost everything, but I'm trying to branch out more over time.
What are some of your favorite plots for sci-fi?
:emoji_hibiscus: Welcome to the Storyteller's Group Chip!!:emoji_hibiscus:
:emoji_tulip:I hope you get to tell a lot of great stories on here!! :emoji_tulip:
:emoji_seedling:But as for everyone if you need help please don't hesitate to ask!:emoji_seedling:
I'm down for both and have characters in RPs for each genre. Nexus has a lot of sci-fi but you can throw medieval at it just fine if you're interested
A few places, the bulletin board will show all available RPs or if you wish to create one

Or you can hop into Sandbox RP that takes place both in the Forums and in our Discord by creating a character for the Nexus

Should be ^^ Best of luck out there, I'm in one RP at the bulletin board, potentially applying to another as we get interest in Abden, and I have one at the Nexus. Find what works best for you