New User An Introduction of Sorts

Red Queen

New Member
Well, here I am, a brand new member to this site, but hardly a new role player.

I am absolutely terrible at introducing myself anywhere, in real life, on the web, to a stray dog - Introductions tend to begin and end in a string of incoherent babble. But here is an attempt, even if it is a bit rough:

I am no dainty flower to be held. I am a blunt young woman who'd rather dally in the affairs of thrones and dragons instead of concocting meals or bringing up children. While, like most little girls, I once had a dream to become a princess, I now know fate has taken a different turn.

I am a Queen. A Queen named Elaine - Or Ella or Ellie -

My kingdom is currently a bit shabby, littered with stray books, old movie posters and sketchbook drawings stuck on every spare inch of wall. I spend most of my days on my cushiony throne, which is conviently located to the kitchen. My royal steed(s) are not gallant white horses, but rather one fat, sassy miniature pony and one skinny, old Tennesse Walking horse, who both are useless when it comes to charging into battle but quite skilled at chasing the farm's goats and sheep. My hunting hounds are even less impressive, being particularly inclined to chasing dreams instead of wild game and fowl. While they attempt to catch all sorts of vermin, they are always outwitted by the small little creatures which scurry about in the woods.

I have no king or queen to rule beside me, and while I could go with either, I prefer, for the time being, to be alone.

So there it is and so shall it be for a long while, I'm afraid.
Really creative introduction! Sounds like the prologue to an auto-biography of a warfare-driven majesty, I look forward to seeing some of your written works!