Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Avenpeak Mountains

as written by barney_fife

"I think we have some extra heating blankets." Nagala said as she shifted in her spot. "They're in the crates behind me, they might help warm him back up." She said.

"The ship should, under ideal conditions be locked tight, automated systems keeping people out. I have an IFF beacon but no response... maybe there's some subspace interference." She said, making a face. "But that doesn't make sense... because if I'm getting an IFF Beacon... but no response..."

She swiped on the screen and began to tap into the keypad, interfacing remotely with the ship's systems.

"Hmm... my codes are valid..."

She brought up a few more windows, interfacing some more, and frowning. "Not getting any life signs..." She said, keying in several commands.

"Let's see.. this is difficult to verify without any Datalink connection... According to the Construction manifest; launch isn't due for another six months, if the date hasn't changed." She said, keying in a few more queries.

"But why is it here..." She said, trying to pull up navigational data. "Looks like most if not all of the key systems are offline, Diagnostics show red lines across it's lateral structural members. It crashed, and from the looks of it, tore the hell up..."

"Why is a ship that's not due to launch for another six months crashed here I wonder."
as written by Sokka

"Crashed?" Ejon said. "This sounds awefully suspicious to me but I suppose we have no other choices here right?" He said rather abruptly .

He walked behind Nagala to the crates and gave Cinaed one of the extra heating blankets as he spoke. "So what are we doing and when are we leaving then?" He asked.
as written by Tiko

"If the ship's crashed, then our time-table isn't as urgent," Jason mused. "We'll hole up here for the week, see if we can't figure out what happened to Cinaed, and give Nagala time to recover enough to travel safely. After that we'll pack up as much as we can carry, and make for the ship. We'll leave a message here, with our destination, in the event the rest of the team locates the place after we're gone."

That just left the matter of the Taiyou.

Jason grimaced as he threw the prisoner a look. He didn't think Nagala was entirely wrong in wanting to just execute the man here and now, but the team had made clear its stance on the matter the night prior. There was an old rule of leadership that a leader knows never to give an order that won't be obeyed. Forcing the matter would fracture the group.

He approached the Taiyou soldier and squatted down in front of him. The man clearly didn't speak their tongue, but there where ways around a language barrier.

"Bring me that rifle," Jason told Ejon.

Once he had the Taiyou soldier's rifle in hand, he stared the Taiyou man dead in the eye and pointed to the man's hand, and then to the rifle. He repeated the gesture, before he drew his side arm and put it to the man's forehead.


Jason wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in him, if he so much as tried to lay a hand on a weapon. He kept the gun there, letting the soldier sweat a bit over the implication while he waited for the man to make some confirmation of understanding.
as written by Script

Cinaed wrapped the blanket around himself tightly, clinging to it, but he continued to shiver despite the heat. "Th- thanks." he stammered to Ejon, before lapsing back into silence
as written by barney_fife

Nagala simply shrugged.

"You're the boss." She said, deferring to Jason.

The Taiyou on the other hand brought his eyes up to Jason as he gestured with the gun, watching his movements closely.

"Watashi wa kazoku ni ōkina fumeiyo o motarashita." He said quietly to himself.

He leaned forward to press himself firmly to the gun held to his head.

"Ute!" The Soldier screamed. The look of shame on the man's face, shame and resignation.
as written by Tiko

Well, that was problematic. Threats and fear tactics where little use against a man who didn't fear dying. He frowned and reholstered the gun keeping a contemplative eye on the man.

He had no doubt that if given half a chance, the man would do as Nagala said. That he would go for a gun, and take as many of them out with him as he could.

He stood back up and shook his head.

"No one untie him," he instructed.

If transporting the man was going to be remotely possible, he would need to connect with him as an individual and not as a soldier. Perhaps hunger might encourage the man towards a point of conversation later. As it stood, he doubted the man would even accept food.

"I'm going to go have a look around. I'll be back in an hour," he said as he gathered up his things to go have a look around their current location.
as written by Vaifal and Tiko

A dangerous howl lurked from the other sides of the peaks, a string of the Hawk like entities flooding form where the roar emerged from, snow began to tip from the icy peaks, towards the direction of the howl. With the last of the howl and the last of the sound dispersed, naught could be heard from the other side of the mountains now, for a few moments anyway, not until the flap of a mighty pair of wings emerged in place of this howl and with that a mighty white dragon rose from the peaks and began circling, the wildlife of this place fleeing in fear of the mighty beast.

Circling for a small while and making some of the wildlife closer to extinction, a few less of the "Rabbit-Hawks" flying near the mountains now, whether this was because they were the quickest to get away or the first to get eaten was beyond all but the dragon. The dragon then proceeded to face where the Soldiers were, unsure of what they were, or their intent it quickly darted overhead where they were, and with that emerged something a bit more commutable , was he human? This didn't seem to be something you could be sure of looking at him. With a glance he looked at the soldiers, just like the dragon he rode.

"Calm Dakoren, I see no threat..." He then proceeded to fall down from the dragon, the heights he fell form being dangerous for a human, his eyes wincing as he made his way towards the ground, the cold icy air coating slightly over his eyes, and just as most would think he was a mad man, a pair or large black wings sprouted from his back, as large as he was tall, to slow him down and make him land on the nearest patch of ground big enough for him to land comfortably and with the dramatic entrance he smirked and placed his hand on the hilt of the sword on his hip.

"Step forth, State your name and business, if you don't you will be seen as a threat to me and my beloved beast..."


As most of the men had made their way back inside the tower, it would be Jason that the man would be met with upon his descent to the ground below.

The militiaman had turned his eyes upwards as the shadow of the dragon passed overhead, and it was with a sense of awe that he had gazed upon the beast as it made its pass. It wasn't the first dragon that Jason had laid eyes upon, but it was certainly the closest he had come to one so large. And where dragons were concerned one never knew if they where to be met with friend or foe.

Much like with men he noted wryly as the one who landed lay a hand upon his sword.

Still, they where in a tough spot and in need of answers. He raised the Taiyou rifle up in a show of not intending to use it before slinging the strap over his shoulder. Of course, he had no comprehension of where he was, or that the locals likely had never lain eyes upon a rifle before. Jason also bore a sword on his hip - a weapon that had saved his life more than once during the long polar twilights of northern Terra. Ammunition was apt to running scarce after weeks alone in the Icy Peaks - a fact that was liable to present itself once more in this strange new land when it became apparent that such technology did not exist and they would have no means of replenishing their ammunition once it was used up.

There was some saving grace that the stranger spoke a familiar language - albeit it with a strange dialect.

Jason's own words would seem equally as foreign to the stranger before him. Two millennia of Aelora being lost to the rest of Valore had left the languages mutually understandable but with diverging differences in dialect and pronunciation. Though it was equally possible that the stranger had come to be in Aelora the same way Jason had - through a crossroads - and was from an equally foreign and alien place.

"My name is Jason Tommel," he called out. "I'm with the Windcrest Militia, we were on an expedition and ran into trouble. We have wounded," he explained.

He left the details of their exact predicament to himself for now, not yet trusting this stranger enough to reveal the true depth of their situation. Most of what he had revealed would make little sense to the stranger though. There were no known settlements in Aelora by the name of Windcrest. Of course, there where a lot of knew settlements cropping up all across Aelora for anyone to know the names of all of them. Perhaps these strangers where from further north, or even from east of the mountains - a land few had ventured far into since the voidlings had been driven back. The Feywilds.

"If you could direct us to the nearest town or city, it would be much appreciated," he added.

The closest settlement was likely to be Marne - capital of Aurelan - a good two weeks hard hike in the wrong direction from the signal that Nagala had received from the Forest of the Fall.


ahamur proceeded to relieve his hand from the hilt of his sword and released a sigh before looking sympathetic towards the soldier and thinking to himself, 'This man has an unusual tongue, he's not native, but he seems to pose no threat either, what action do I take?'

He the proceeded to raise his arm into the air and flopped his hand over, as if a signal of some sorts as the dragon began to hover over where they were, mere meters away from them, maybe an attempt to intimidate? Surely not?

"Dakoren, Keel!" Bahamur shoted this as if a command, and with it the dragon dispersed and left the immediate area, freedom to leave one another was a rarity, but Dakoren is hungry. Much like Dakoren, Bahamur was hungry, but only for information, he wanted the full intentions of this man, he wasn't a native like he was, though Bahamur may not know the ground the best as he spends a lot of time upon Dakoren, he knew if anything came to it, he has the home field advantage here.

"I think you aren't telling me the full truth, I believe you have wounded, I believe you want guidance, but I don't think you're giving me the full details Jason. Since I see no savage intent from you then I guess my introduction is in order, I am Bahamur Leviath, the first born and only son of Dakoren the Mountain Drake, but of course my mother doesn't to be here and negotiate with you..." He had a softer tone in his voice now, as if he was trying to make himself more trustworthy, but that soft tone turned to a cynical smile when he finished speaking, there were further intentions. "Now we both know there's no way I'm going to help you without helping myself, it's natural, now what say you? If I can join your band you will stand more of a chance in these harsh cold mountains... But you, you're foreign to this world, I want to come with you when you leave, so may I ask again, What say you?"


"The last man we crossed paths with out here killed one of ours, and left another wounded," Jason answered. "Forgive me if I'm not entirely forthright with you."

He remained wary of this stranger, and of his intents.

"Let's discuss it further inside, with the others. There's five of us left, and a prisoner - the man who attacked us," he explained.

He nodded his head towards the stone portal of the old outpost - still jammed ajar from the years of neglect. It was an invitation, but a guarded one. Jason had yet to make up his mind about the nature of this stranger, but neither did he seem malicious in his invitation.

It wasn't an entirely unhealthy precaution within Aelora, though Jason didn't yet know of the cut-throat nature many regions of Aelora had fallen to now that its common enemy had been driven from ts lands. Eager to reclaim their homelands, both man and brother had turned upon one another in their scramble to retake what they deemed rightfully theirs and ancient feuds had been rekindled once more. Others simply sought to eek out whatever living they could in such a harsh and unforgiving land as Aelora, doing whatever was necessary to ensure their own survival.


"That seems to be the nature of things lately, who can blame the land? A thousand years of torment followed by a thousand more, but you people, I guess you provide some hope... Hope we can leave..." Bahamur did notice the shunted way the invite was offered, he saw the man was trying to keep up his guard, doing his constant routine of thinking it over before he trekked forth, he thought 'He cares for his friends, maybe a display of what is at my disposal will make him see me as an asset more than a liability...'

Walking towards the portal hoping to meet the rest of this group of soldiers, he just hoped the man never lied, maybe asserting his dominance will make the man reveal everything there is to know.

Snapping his fingers Bahamur's sword turned to dust and many, many metal granules flew from his clothing and hair, the now seemingly vast amount of metal dust began to circle around him, cloaking his lower body in metal send as he proceeded to breath a small amount of fire, heating himself and Jason. Walking towards the portal and stopping just shy of the entry. "Now is there anything you'd like to add to your statements?"
as written by barney_fife

Admiral Nagala quietly shifted in her seat, grimacing at the pressure points as her back ached pressed against a pair of Imperial Military marked supply crates. The cold had been nipping at her gunshot wounds as they struggled to heal, but it was a nagging pain that the Aschen officer had learned to deal with. She listened to the sound of something flying over the outpost. Her slender fingers wrapping around the stock of her disruptor rifle.

The Type 23 was an older but elegant weapon, packing a good deal more 'oompf' than Jason's Taiyou rifle, trading rate of fire for sheer punch, the long, sleek weapon was drawn ever closer, as she struggled to get a better vantage.

The rifle's charge indicator showed a full charge, an estimated 50 shots before the rifle's microfusion cell would be depleted. The indication reassured the woman, before she shifted and pulled the sight profile and the muzzle towards the stone portal, just in time to watch Jason come in with the newcomer.

"Identify yourself." Nagala demanded. "Hands where I can see them!" She called out, moving to outright point the weapon towards the newcomer. Her emerald green eyes betrayed her caution, wheras Jason was subtly guarded, the raven haired woman appeared almost hostile, much like a wounded animal.
as written by Script

Cinaed's eyes rose to the newcomer when he entered, but he made no comment. If he was surprised to see a stranger wreathed in swirling metal, it wasn't obvious. He'd barely reacted to the dragon's earlier roar. The teen pulled his knees up to his chest and simply watched to see how things would unfold.
as written by Tiko

As Jason had grown up in the rugged northlands of Terra, he had encountered more than his share of magically inclined beings. The spectacle that this stranger put on was relatively common place enough that it didn't occur to Jason that it was anything more than that. It wasn't any effort to slight the strangers abilities though, but one could scarcely walk the streets of Windcrest without being subject to such forces. From Igtrid the blacksmiths elemental affinity to fire, to the divine power of the Le'thorian Knights that walked their streets... from half-giants to centaurs, mages and sorcerers... He had grown up around such fantastical elements until they became accepted as simply normal.

As such, the abilities where simply noted with the same wary watchfulness as everything else about the man. Information to be stored and remembered.

"We'll talk, and then we'll see," Jason answered as he followed the stranger into the tower.


Meanwhile inside the tower Amethea had heard the sounds of voices outside well before the pair entered, and she shifted her weight restlessly as she contemplated heading outside herself. She slipped her bow from her back and notched an arrow as she took a step forward, but she paused. Ejon had wandered off upstairs, and neither Nagala nor Cinaed where in any shape to defend themselves adequately if trouble came through that door. It was for this reason that she hung back stamping restlessly at the stone floor with one hoof. Her anxious nerves at what it was that lingered beyond view was sated as a moment later the curtain was pushed aside and the stranger entered with Jason trailing at his back.

Jason had opted to letting the man go first, to ensure he was surrounded if he tried anything - but he hadn't intended for Nagala to shove a gun in his face so to speak. Fortunately the stranger had probably never seen a gun - or a disruptor rifle for that matter - and likely remained woefully unaware of just what the object pointed in his direction was capable of.

"Gods almighty, would you put that damn thing down?" Jason asked as he moved an arm across to half block Nagala's line of fire on the stranger - and to keep the stranger from approaching the group while tensions where suddenly spiking. "If you're going to shove a gun in the face of everyone we cross paths with, you should have stayed in Windcrest," he growled. "I'm in charge of what's left of this expedition party, and the next time you point a gun at someone I clearly invited in, it better be in self-defense, or because I told you to."

Reason was of no use when it came to the point first and ask questions later mentality of the Aschen military, but Jason hadn't forgotten the underlying mission behind this expedition either. While he could appreciate Nagala being jumpy after having been shot by the Taiyou soldier, alienating every local they crossed paths with would be counter productive to making positive contact with anyone. He only hoped she would respond to a more militant approach from him, rather than efforts to appeal to her better side. She had after all agreed of her own volition to abide by the chain of command if she accompanied them on this expedition. If nothing else he hoped her military background would compel her to respect that.

Amethea meanwhile kept her arrow notched, but her bow was lowered so that it was pointed at the stone floor rather than directly at the stranger who had just entered. With Jason having entered at his back, it was likely he had been invited in, and unless Jason ordered otherwise she had no intents to engage the man.
as written by Vaifal

"You people have a rather unorthodox chain of command don't you?" Bahamur's eyes shown that he looked down on the worried soldiers, but with that, he didn't want a fight either, so he retracted the metal dust back into his clothes and his sword formed on his hip once again. "I will more than happily show you my Tenacity at another interval, but fighting me isn't something you should be considering in that state, I'm more than a match for you... I guess what I'm saying is... Do the math, I've been here for a rather long stretch of time and I'm in peak physical form, you've been here how long? And you have wounds."

"My name is Bahamur Leviath, Son of the Mountain Drake Dakoren. Admittedly I wasn't too friendly to your leader either but he made a good impression, and with me that lasts." He smiled to the wounded soldier acting completely oblivious to the girl Holding the redied bow. Then he began to grace his way towards Nagala, merely ducking under Jasons arm and crouching on the ground before her, and with a slightly bigger smile he asked. "Now what is your name?"
as written by barney_fife

Nagala's green eyes followed Bahamur as he stepped into the outpost. The Aschen Officer was clad in much different attire than the rest of the expeditionary remnant. A thick winter coat stained with blood, and colored in the fractal winterized camouflage scheme that was typical of Aschen winterized combat gear.

At Jason's command she slowly began to lower the rifle, pointing it more towards the stone floor than the newcomer, but her eyes remained watchful, while her mind subtly calculated possible scenarios as he approached even closer.

Her hand moved to drop the rifle as Bahamur approached ever closer, Nagala's hand then moved into her jacket to produce a strange silver colored sphere, her thumb rested on a small slide switch on the top, but otherwise she made no further hostile moves.

The sphere would likely be inconspicuous to the Aeloran, but Jason would likely instantly recognize this infamous staple in the Aschen arsenal.

"I might have wounds but I can still put you down if you're a threat, physical conditioning won't stop a disruptor bolt." The Admiral retorted.

Her gaze followed the newcomer, as he offered his name, she offered her own, name and rank as was protocol.

"Sheila Nagala, I'm the Admiral of the Fleet for the Imperial Aschen Navy, not like that means anything to you; or him for that matter." She said, nodding her head towards Jason.

Unlike Jason, Nagala had grown up in the sterile, and modern confines of the Aschen Empire, with a repressive and totalitarian government that far from tolerates the magical beings that populate the Universe. Instead it elects to hunt and exterminate those that display "Mutant" tendencies. Creatures like Centaurs, Giants, Sorcerers, all of them would have likely faced a brutal execution before the Aschen Empire once discovered. It was this attitude that puts the Empire at odds with much of the International community, and it seems that years of propaganda and media fear mongering had taken hold, as the Admiral watched Bahamur with outright suspicion, and perhaps even a subtle preconceived prejudice.
as written by Script

"Patronising ass." Cinaed muttered under his breath, scowling into his knees. Time and an abundance of blankets were starting to take the edge off of the piercing cold, but despite him warming up externally, he still felt frozen inside. It was a hollow, dull ache in the bottom of his chest. And it was not conducive to patience. Abruptly, a thought occurred to him and he looked up sharply at Bahamur. "Do you know anything about a temple nearby?" he blurted out, "With a mirror in it. It was on a road, and there was a healing pool?" There was a desperate tone to his voice, and his dulled amber eyes held a pleading hope behind them.
as written by Tiko

Jason's impression of the stranger declined further yet at the manner in which he continued to hold himself. Cinaed's mutterings weren't wrong in the slightest, and the faintest of scowls touched upon Jason's expression.

"Your proposed arrangement will be short lived if your idea of acquainting yourself is to treat our wounded like invalids and children," Jason bit out.

Nagala might be a bitch at times, but this stranger just rubbed him wrong. The haughty attitude, the condescending and patronizing manner in which Bahamur spoke to Nagala, as well as the blatant disregard of himself and everyone else in the room.

"We've been in tougher spots before, so if you want our help you'll get your head out of your ass," he told Bahamur as he re-closed the door as far as it would go and re-draped the tarp over it.

Northern hospitality it would seem fell short in the face of Bahamur's attitude upon being brought in among them.

Amethea picked up on it too as Bahamur didn't so much as address her or Cinaed, but instead walked past them as if they weren't even there, only to kneel in front of Nagala and talk to her like she was a child. She threw a questioning look to Jason and gave an arch of her brow. Amethea's people where renowned for their prideful disposition, and she was no exception to the rule. Jason could see the spark of anger within her eyes though, and he gave a subtle shake of his head and wave of his hand as if to say 'not now'. She didn't miss the look and for the moment she held her tongue. It would be hard to miss the distaste in her though as she shifted her weight restlessly and her tail flicked with agitation.
as written by Vaifal

Bahamur ejected himself back into upright position, and turned to look back at the leader of the party, his expression was confused, he wasn't quite sure how the mane meant what he said, but then again social interaction wasn't his speciality. "My dear acquaintance, don't scold me because my manners are different to yours, she asked for my name, I gave her my name, I apologise if I offended you, but I would enjoy stating, I don't have my head up my ass as you put it..." This could be difficult for Bahamur, he wasn't exactly with a bunch of people that seemed too easy going to his presence at all.

"And patronising? I don't intend to be..." He looked to the young man with another simply confused look but it faded shortly before turning back into his average expression. "But as for a temple, I don't know much, I know where abouts it is but that's about it, I spend most of my time in the sky with my mother you see?" He tried turning his face back into a somewhat cheerful expression before asking to the last person besides the captive the question. "And what is your name?"
as written by Script

Cináed visibly deflated when Bahamur revealed he knew little of the temple. He sighed and slumped back, pulling the blankets tighter around his body again and leaning closer to the fire. "I suppose it was a long shot." he murmured, his words coming haltingly as another shiver ran up his spine. He couldn't even find it in himself to be annoyed at the stranger any more.

"My name's Cináed." he replied softly, "I'm sorry if I spoke harshly. I'm ... not myself right now."
as written by barney_fife

"You can start by not treating me like a child, I'm wounded not invalid." The Admiral quipped from her spot by the crates.

"I've probably seen more in a day of my life than you have in your entire existence." She added, before she grabbed an MRE, pulling the silver tab and opening the dried cracker like bar inside.

"Regardless..." She said, turning to Jason. "I have a mission I have to fulfill... I didn't want to tell you but I absolutely must get to that ship, even if there's nothing to salvage, I have to recover the AI core and purge the ship's computer systems, as part of Shaw Protocol article seven." She explained.

"I don't think you want to explain to Chairman Inviere why we didn't recover that core when we were in a position to do so."
as written by Tiko

"Amethea," the centaur woman near Cinaed added gruffly by way of introducing herself - however unasked it may have been.

She didn't put her bow away, but she laxed her draw on the bowstring. The man had effectively acknowledged everyone in the room but her, a point that hadn't gone unnoticed as she watched him with narrowed eyes.

"Plans haven't changed," Jason reassured Nagala. "If there's a town or city nearby, we can head there to recuperate, then press on towards where you picked up the signal. Otherwise we'll hole up here until you're well enough to travel and then set out."

He looked then to Bahamur for clarification. The man hadn't yet answered his inquiry into whether or not there where any settlements in the area.
as written by Vaifal

He nodded to the Centaur, He was swamped with waves of information right now, he never usually had to handle this many people.

"Cináed, Don't apologise... I took no offence..."

"You're looking for a town Jason? You did say before but I thought you weren't giving me the correct details so I apologise again... I'm not too good with place names, but there are settlements around, and the easiest way to travel most of the time is in the air, I can probably get you a two weeks walk away within no longer than a day maybe two, if you're willing to trust me do that is a different story..." He smiled and laughed at this comment. "But I'm not a dark Draconian, I can make myself trusted." He then turned to address all of them gracing into a slight bow before he did so. "Me and my dragon mother are bound, and dakoren could get us anywhere as fast as the winds themselves, so you can take a quicker option, but it'd mean laying your trust in me... I wont give you reason not to if you want to go that way."
as written by Script

"We can't leave yet." Cináed said quietly, shaking his head. The specifics of Bahamur's offer fell on deaf ears. "I need to go back. To the temple. I ... there must be something we can do to fix what happened."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "There'll be something." he repeated, seemingly more to himself than anyone else.