Beauty in the Sewer

"Mmm," he resonded, more less his way of agreement. He could show her an easier way in and out, if she preferred. "I have no reason to injure you over words. It gains me nothing. I attack only what attacks me."

He turned down another pipe to the left, then right, then left again before speaking. Ancient feelings were bubbling to the surface. Feelings of... curiosity. He wanted to know more about her. She'd never said a name as far as he could remember. What did she do? Why was she here? What did she want with him? It was not like he dwelt in the most inviting of palaces.

"You appear to be injured. The sewer is not a safe place for an open wound," he whispered, glancing toward her briefly.
Ingrid nodded along like she understood.
She didn't. At all.
Only attacking what attacks you seemed like a good idea in theory, but what was one to do if they had the opportunity to strike before? Was being the one to start a fight worth it for the upper hand? Who knew. It had never provoked too much thought out of her.

She had plenty of time to compare her corrupt views as they walked. It was weird. Serene in the most unsettling sense. She felt like she was in one of those shoddy 'found-footage' movies, and her non-existent camera would fall to the ground any second with screams in the background. Ingrid shuddered, her own train of thinking resulting in her looking behind out of paranoia.

"It's not the safest place for a closed wound either."
Ingrid gripped her shirt and tugged at it, as if the two sizes too big shirt wasn't draped over the mentioned wound like a big, heavy, stage curtain.
"But I'll survive. I take care of it best I can, and I haven't died yet, so I must be doin' something right. I'm not down here for long anyway. Not sure if he told you..." She chuckled dryly at her remark, "Our meetings don't last too long. I just come down here to see if he's still around. Only allowed short scheduled meetings, apparently."
He listened patiently to her talk of meetings. Meetings? What a curious way to describe them. "I meant," he explained patiently, "The smell of blood will draw rats. Large rats. In any case, How many meetings have you had?"
Tsh, she could take on rats. She once wrestled her bag away from a fat chihuahua. Her vermin combating skills were at their prime.
How many? There was the first one where she was chased, the one with the beef jerky, then there was the one where he was caught in the wire...Then the watches...And that brought them to now.
"Four. Four times over the past four days. It feels like it's been longer-- But it also feels like it hasn't been that long at all. It's...Weird, to put it straight."

Ingrid answered, once she successfully counted all the way up to four.
"I didn't intend for it to become a daily thing. I just...I got curious. Then after the incident with the wire, I felt...Concerned. I guess. I dunno. Mainly curious."
She was quick to sweep her own feelings under the rung immediately after mentioning them.
"I imagine he is curious about you, as well. There are not many who come down here, and few who bring bait," he replied, stopping in the middle of a pipe. "Most he avoids or chases away in hopes that none would be so foolish as to tell others about him. Yet you return."

He cocked his head, studying her. "Who are you?"
Bait. This guy had a special way of making her aware of how shitty some of her actions looked. She walked some paces forward before noticing he stopped, looking back to see he was watching her. Beneath the bundle of clothes concealing his identity, she saw a shift in movement. Was his head tilting? Another trait from being down here for too long? Huh.

"I'm the crazy woman who feeds the sewer dragon sandwiches. Or if you don't wanna use the formal title..
My name's Ingrid."
Ingrid had a strange concoction of spite-laced humor accompany her introduction. She was waiting for that question, because now she could ask without it being out of the blue.
"What about you? Who are you, mysterious shadow stranger?"
He mulled over her reply, turning it over in his mind. "Ingrid," he said slowly. "Iiiingrrrad... Scandinavian, meaning 'Hero's daughter, hero's beautiful daughter, beautiful daughter.' The initial association with this name is that of a cold character who is determined, willful, and intelligent who may come across as domineering, humorless, or aloof. Despite the Germanic roots that often lead to one picturing large, broad, muscular women, Ingrid is often pictured as elegant and statuesque." He started walking again. He knew he sounded like he was quoting something in his nearly musical way, but he could not help it. He felt like everything he said was quoted, even if it was not. He tried to tag on something a little more "human." "Likely influenced by Ingrid Bergman."

He had not answered her question. He stopped again just a little further down the pipe and turned to face the wall. He reached out and started brushing the wall slowly and methodically as he thought. His name... what was his name? He had not used it in a long time. He remembered it, he thought, but what was it?
From few word sentences to a full damn thesis. The unpredictability of this guy's words made her head sore.
"..I was named after my great granny."
Was that the best she could say? What was she supposed to respond with, though? She didn't know who Ingrid Bergman was. Hell, she even had to think twice to check if Scandinavian was a real thing.

"Sounds like you've been reading those baby name books. For someone goin' in-depth with names, you're holding out on sharing your own."
Ingrid eyed his movements. Stopping and tracing the wall. She'd seen some crackheads do that once-- But this was different. His entire self was like nothing she'd come across before; and she'd come across some wack-ass people.
Claws. It had something to do with claws. Right? Claw... Clause... Claudius!

"Claudius," he mumbled. "Claudius Donovan. I... have not used my name in a long time."

He stopped talking as he found the handle he'd been looking for and twisted. Above them, the rusty ladder squealed and clanked its way down to the floor and settled down before them with a tired groan. Their way up and out! He took hold of the ladder and climbed up to the round door in the ceiling. The round handle turned with a squeak and the whole thing swung up with ease.

Up above, an old, abandoned house covered the entrance with creaking timbers. It looked like it was going to fall down at any second, but it was surprisingly stable. The busy street outside was packed with pedestrians hustling to and fro, but virtually no cars.
Ingrid parroted back, her squawky exclamation echoing up from the underground and following her up. The ladder up to the surface didn't phase her too much; It made perfect sense he'd know a secret passage. Or, just a normal passage she only considered secret because she couldn't see, but anyway-
"Claudius is a fancy name. A fancy second name, too. Any hidden meaning behind it? A foreign origin, maybe?"

Shaking her jacket free of any dust or gathered muck, Ingrid let the bite of a draft catch her off guard and reminded her of the positively sucky weather she had to now endure again.
"Nice place. Got that anxiety-inducing, could-fall-at-any-second charm."
She remarked between shivers, wrapping her jacket around her further.
Claudius - ah, yes, he remembered his name now, even the part that he had not told her - pulled his jacket tighter around himself as he watched her. She did not seem all that happy to have been shown a way up. He knelt and pulled up the ladder, a click sounding as it automatically locked itself into place. Only when he stood did he reply.

"It is Latin, primarily from an ancient Roman era. It means 'the lame.' or 'the one that walks with a limp,' or 'the one that limps,'" he mumbled softly. "I need to go. Goodbye." He started walking again.
Lame or with a limp. Ingrid couldn't help but study the way he walked to see if it rang true. Her name meaning was true! Sorta. Kinda? Well, it meant something about women, and she was one of those, so it was true in one way.

She'd have to make a note of where this place was. She'd completely forgotten how to get here underground- perhaps she could backtrack? At a different time. She'd get lost if she did it now.

Ah, she probably shouldn't keep him for too long. He only had today to get everything he needed. She knew how stressful rushing for essentials could be; she had to buy food on a day-to-day basis because of her lack of ability to follow a shopping list. Before he left out the door, though..
"Ey. Claudius? One thing before you go."
It didn't matter if he stopped or not. She continued anyway.
"If you ever like, need any sorta help getting any stuff like...Food or water or whatever--
You can probably guess where to find me. Follow the dragon. I can help you out if you need it."

Ingrid spoke fast, and mumbled her words a little, but the message she was trying to convey was clear enough. She was usually the one waiting out on people to help her, and she wouldn't usually be caught dead trying to give back to a world she hated-
But the world above was different to the world underground. So it didn't count.
He looked back at her. She was offering help? "I... no one has ever... Thank you. I will consider it. I hope to see you again. Until next time."

He hurried away, sinking down deeper into his coat as he went toward the bank. His pockets were weighing him down with loose change. He wanted the change sorter to get bills. Nice, light, portable bills that did not feel like armour as he carried it. He glanced back, though, watching the strange human girl. Ingrid. He hoped she would continue to come. She could be sweet. Behind armour as thick as the dragon's, and as guarded as his spines. Perhaps someday she, too, would shed her skin, but for longer than one day.
Ingrid gave a half-assed wave to feign indifference, but she still made sure to watch him go out of the corner of her eye.
" 'Till next time."

She only lingered around the house until he was gone. Poking around, all she discovered was dust, and how much a splinter could hurt on an already cold hand. There was time left in the day, and she had some pocket change, so before she resided herself to the dark scary lair of her room Ingrid decided to get some coffee.
Warm drinks were nicer cold in her opinion, but adding any more chill to her body might freeze it from the inside out..
He slunk through the busy market, his head down. He wasn't the only shadow hesitatingly making their way through the throng. While this area was not exactly a "black market," it was definitely an area where undesirables felt a little more at home. Many slunk in the shadows like he did, and some strode confidently like a lion on the savannah. Hunter and Prey, all were welcome here as long as they brought cash. Despite the heavy number of enemies and high-strung nerves, fights were few here. Fighting was bad for Business, and the mini tycoon who watched after these streets bowed to only one authority and prayed to only one god: the almighty dollar. Anything that was bad for business was... discouraged.

Those who ran the actual shops and stalls were all of one kind. Black, white, Asian, they all held the same flat, tired expression as they fought to keep their heads above water. Most of these folk were more or less law-abiding and tried to stay out of trouble, but for whatever reason, they were forced to keep their heads down and were unable to open up shop in a more respectable part of town. Some were illegal, some were barely able to rub two pennies together, and some had a past they were trying to forget but never forgot them. Here they were welcome so long as they understood who actually ran this piece of town and got their rent. As long as no one caused a fuss, no fuss was brought to them, and for some, that was more than they had ever been able to hope for in the past.

He made his usual rounds in this market, exchanging his small coins for bills and buying some food and drink. He kept the ease of opening the packaging in mind as he shopped and bought little by way of perishable items. A few people knew he came from the sewers and wrinkled their noses in disgust as they washed their hands and whatever he touched, but they would not turn away his money, and a handful looked almost pleased to see him. Everyone needed someone to look down on. Someone to look at and think, "At least I have not sunk that low!" He knew and he understood. It gave people a tiny spark of relief, of hope, of happiness, and he would not take that away from them when they had nothing else.

The evening's shopping trip ended at the newspaper stand on the corner. The last of his spare change went to buying one of every newspaper and tucking them in a bag. He had learned the exact amount for everything, and when he returned to the abandoned building, he had exactly ten dollars left over. This he handed to the homeless man on the corner. Everyone needed someone lower than they were. Then he disappeared down the hole and retreated to his home. For while it was not glamorous, at least he had one.
Well, whadda you know? 'Ingrid' really does mean beautiful. It also apparently sounds like an old lady name. Ingrid snorted into her coffee mug indignantly at the comment google threw at her. It wasn't an old lady name!! She knew other Ingrids!
....Ingrids that were all over 60. Damn. Maybe she should dedicate herself to a new name. Having an alternate identity could be useful.

Ingrid slumped down into her couch, her laptop balanced on her knees, clicking through whatever bogus headline looked interesting. She'd looked up what her name meant just to check if Claudius was spouting nonsense, and to her surprise-- He wasn't. Everything was more or less spot on.
Claudius...Better check that one too. Such a fancy name couldn't mean something so demeaning, right?
Wrong. Word-for-word, Claudius was right about its meaning.

"Oof, what a name to be lumbered with..."
Did he choose the name himself? Ingrid still had a lot of questions. Was he always living down there? Was he put there? A human living down there was a lot harder to explain than a dragon, surprisingly. What did he say his second name was again? Dovakon? Dolaron? Donovan? She was pretty sure it was Donovan. However there was always the chance he altered it- if he had something to hide.

To Ingrid's immense disappointment, the addition of a second name didn't bring up anything noteworthy. Not at once, at least. She made a small note of some people who could potentially be the Claudius she knew, but her hopes weren't too high. Claudius Dolan: a drug trafficker, Claudias Dorian: allegedly killed his wife and fled the country (yikes), Claudius Donald: one of those supposed 'messiahs'...None of them sounded accurate, but she couldn't know.
There was one possibility that Donovan was a name of his, and just not the last one...But her eyes were getting sore, and her scar was kicking up a fuss again. She'd have time to check it later.
A new day. A new pipe. A new pang of pain as he reaquainted himself with his scaly skin. It was a strange sensation, changing in either direction. He rose up to the higher levels earlier than usual and prowled, waiting for the human. Would she wait until nightfall to come? Or would she come down earlier? Would she come at all since he did not come to see her last evening? Now he could only sit and wait.
Claudius was interesting for sure, but with him gone for the next week or so Ingrid resumed her usual route for the week. Dig up her ruined clothes, grab the food she needed, and head out downtown for the junction. It was only just scraping noon, and that was an achievement. Going to bed and waking up at reasonable times was rare and celebrated.

A clunk, a clatter, and a snarl of unsavory language announced her arrival into the pipes. Hands feeling numb from the persistent cold, Ingrid damn near dropped the manhole cover on her hands on her way down. Broken fingers weren't on the agenda.

"You here today fella? Or will I get to meet another one of your roomates?"
She was confident the dragon would be here today. Claudius said he only came up on a Friday, so Saturday was a dragon day. She hoped it was, anyway.
"Either that, or I'm talking to myself. Nothing new."
Ingrid sounded rather chipper judging by her voice alone. Again, another emotion her vocal range wasn't familiar with.
There was no mistaking when she arrived. What was her name again? Ingrid, right? Yes, that was right. Ingrid. An odd name for this era, but he rather liked it. It was a good name for her. And Ingrid was smashing and crashing her way down only to call out cheerfully. An intriguing person, she really was.

He did not bother to hide in the shadows this time. He lay just off the center of the junction in a patch of dry, mostly clean concrete. He watched her quietly, amused by her questions. Roommates? That was a new thing. He didn't think he'd ever had a roommate. He rested his chin on his tail and waited for her to notice him.
The little light made a point to cross over every corner, every shadow, and every place that wasn't the obvious. Ingrid wasn't sure if her vision was failing her or he just wasn't around. Strange, she could have sworn she heard something...Oh.

Ingrid drew back with a small gasp when she finally spotted him. He was sitting out in the open; no lurking or hiding. She didn't want to award herself the badge of dragon-handler, but was he doing that because he didn't feel the need to hide? It was a nice gesture if it was the case. If it wasn't, well, he might just be having a lazy day.

"You certainly look relaxed. Enjoy your day off?"
Ingrid questioned with mock-disapproval, fishing about her bag for the holy grail that was: a chicken sandwich. Her hand seemed to grab anything but. Never go bag-diving blind- A rookie mistake.