Books, Stories and Tomes...

Hm, i read comics, but mostly the franco-belgium ones,

Asterix, Blake and Mortimer, The adventures of Tintin, Lucky-Luke, Spirou..

I used to read novella books, but my attention is not high enough to finish it.
I read a lot of shitty Harlequin/Mills and Boon romances <_<. They're my guilty pleasure lol.

But my favourite book of all time is The Smoke Jumper by Nicholas Evans. I have read that so many times it's ridiculous :3
I read constantly. I average about 150 books a year, currently, I am reading the worldwalker trilogy which is ok thus far. My godfather got me into reading at a young age. I like to read because even at my lowest, I can lose myself in a good book.
My favorite book is Great House by Nicole Krauss. It was a National Book award finalist, but I've never seen it really get talked about so it just saddens me that not too many people know or appreciate the book. The story isn't the best story I've ever encountered (though it's still really great!), it's Krauss' wordplay that just constantly hypnotizes me. The book is fairly short, but it took me nearly 1 month to finish it. And I wasn't reading any other books during that time. I just had to reread so many sentences and lines so many times since they were nothing short of literary miracles for me. She just writes poetry then calls it prose, and then you're just confused as to which is which.
One of my favorites is Codename Verity by Elizabeth Wein. Its set during World War II and focuses on the friendship between two girls, one of them a British spy, the other a pilot. The characters are amazing and the story is very moving. It describes their friendship beautifuly. Again, one of my all time favourites. I've read it like five times and I'll probably be reading it again soon haha.