Ame Damnee Character Sheets & Reservations [FULL]

@OmniversalRPer, @Marcsun, @Revelree


Please post up your threads.


Name: Lila Nender

Moral Alignment:
Chaotic Good
-Mother: Deceased
2/3 Human, 1/3 Daemon
The 1/3 Daemon is Vampire.
Sexual Orientation:
Standing at 5'4, she weighs 140 lbs and has a toned hourglass shape. She has thick, curly auburn hair that has quite the temper, not wanting to be tamed in any way, leading her to wear it in a bun most of the time. Her deep-set, almond-shaped eyes, while amber in color, have crimson red radiating out from the pupil and she has a deep tan tone. Scars decorate her arms, legs and face. One prominent scar being the one located from the corner of her mouth to the tip of her ear.

-Stolen from a person she can not remember. This was one of the first items she had "permanently borrowed" at a young age and she's had it ever since. It's made of dark brown leather that is cracked with age but it's still very sturdy. It still comes in handy to this day.
- Stolen from a traveler. It's the newest item of her collection but it is quickly becoming her favorite toy.
-Her pouch that her uncle gave her made of a soft, sturdy fabric that's held together for so long.
Combat Prowess:
She isn't the best at hand-to-hand combat but she can hold her own. She is a very quick individual though and handy with her whip and dagger. She also is good with a bow and arrow.
She has an affinity for illiusions but she isn't very strong with them though she has good control over one illiusion, that can make her completely blend in with her surroundings, making her unnoticeable to most humans and possibly some weak daemons. It's not the strongest illusion as anyone stronger than her can see through it.
Though she is quick, she has questionable hand-eye coordination. The way sbe learns how to wield the weapons that she has are from muscle memory.
She can become weak if she doesn't drink blood.
She is someone who is very mature for her age, though despite that she is someone who is almost childishly stubborn until she gets what she wants. Whatever is on her mind will more than likely be said. One could say that she can be quite the bitch and truthfully she can be with her sharp tongue and fiery temper

She is a skilled thief, living a lifestyle of thievery since a very young age. She could pickpocket someone right under their nose if she wanted to.

She had grown up with her uncle for most of her life, not ever knowing what happen to her parents but speculated that they had died ilshortly after she was born. Her uncle was a thief and because of an shown affinity for illusions, he thought it would be a good idea to teach her some of the things he knew. So her uncle trained her day in and out, honing her skills. Lila took to it like bees to honey and began experimenting on her own by the time that she was six. By the time she was thirteen her uncle passed away due to old age and left her to continue learning on her own.
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Name: Maxwell Tethir

Titles: The Gentle Stranger, The Healer

Role: Warden

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good

Affiliations: Himself

Hometown: New Eden

Race: Half-Elf

Age: 67 (late Twenties)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual


Citali (Mother)

Maxwell’s relationship with his mother had been complex since the very beginning. Citali came to New Eden from the wilds of Oblitus wounded, pregnant, and no sign of the father. It was a rocky beginning, but Citali recovered from her wounds and settled safely in one of New Eden’s more modest, but safe districts thanks to the kindness of an old blacksmith whom Maxwell is named after.

Even after she settled into her new life, Citali never quite fit in with the people of New Eden. She thought the city’s citizens fools for losing their survival knowledge and in turn they found her odd and called her a witch for the wild garden she kept and the potions she brewed. Because of this, and Maxwell’s mixed blood, both Citali and Maxwell faced seclusion from the community. They never starved, nor did they go without a roof, but they would always be outsiders in New Eden. Maxwell would grow up in the city, but every time he stepped into his home, Citali would always ensure he had a taste of Oblitus on his tongue. He learned from her how to brew potions and twist wild magic and call to the enchanted creatures of the forest. Citali raised her son in the safety of the city, but she never seemed to have forgotten her own wild roots.

When Maxwell was fourteen, the ache of the wilder lands finally grew too much for his mother. Citali left Maxwell and their modest home behind, leaving only a letter with a few short words:

‘My lovely child, I cannot stand the stone any longer. Do not look for me, you will not find me.’

Maxwell did search, but her letter rang true. He never found her, and he never got the chance to ask her why she left him behind.​

Uriel (Friend)

The Ethereal angel has been both Maxwell’s unusual friend and mentor through most of his life. Where many of New Eden’s populace simply tolerated the wildling half-elf, Uriel had taken to Maxwell from the very beginning.

Initially, they met quite by accident when a ten year old Maxwell took refuge in a one of the many cathedrals of New Eden proper while running from a group of cruel peers. Uriel found him tucked behind a column, furiously suppressing tears while trying to heal his own bloody nose. The angel offered to help him and Maxwell told him to ‘mind his own damn business’.

When things had calmed down and Maxwell’s eyes had dried, Uriel took him into the cathedral’s library and retrieved for him a book on basic first aid spells, offering then to help Maxwell train his budding abilities. Though the angel was not strong in healing magic, he knew the basics well and offered to help Maxwell get started. Young Maxwell was understandably suspicious, but time and patience revealed Uriel’s honest and friendly nature.

Though half a century has passed since then, the two have remained friends and allies and often coming to each other’s aid when necessary. Uriel saw Maxwell’s potential early, and Maxwell has let Uriel become a trusted friend. He often seeks Uriel for advice when he is troubled, even when their viewpoints don’t always align.​


It is difficult, upon first glance, to identify Maxwell as a half-breed - he looks relatively human, aside from the pointed ears. His bone structure is only marginally thinner, but he only stands at 5’10, certainly not like the tall, lithe elves out in Oblivion and his muscle structure reflects his human nature more than elvish.

His hair is a dark brown, much like his mother’s. In his youth he use to grow his hair long to hide the ears he once hated, but now he has let go of that childish wish to hide and usually keeps his hair pulled back for convenience. Along with his long hair, Maxwell has strong, defining eyebrows and a full beard, and he is fastidious about keeping it all well groomed, near to the point of vanity.

Unlike his dark hair, his eyes certainly came from his father. The soft blue hue, it has been said, is an open window into his soul, and Maxwell often finds it difficult to mask his own feeling from showing on his face - not that he finds the need to mask them often.

While some wardens may trounce around in shiny armor or fine coats, Maxwell prefers the simpler, practical clothes of a working man. Being a healer, Maxwell spends a large portion around sick or injured citizens. Because of the high demand of his job and his need to remain clean, his clothes are rarely ornamental or detailed - usually consisting of a simple undershirt, a vest, trousers, boots, robes, and some sort of item that identifies himself as a doctor - usually a white and red band that sits on his upper arm. He often carries with him a satchel of herbs and spices, spell components, and enchanted tools that he has found necessary during his long career.

On the occasions when he is training, or outside of the city limits on a hunt, Maxwell dresses with a bit more weight and protectability, usually dressing in leathers with bracers and gloves, and a cloak when he is hunting. He rarely goes anywhere without his satchel, though; he has had far too many surprise visits to make the mistake of forgetting it.


Maxwell is, above all, a healer, and as such, often carries around items that help amplify or aid his magic in some way.
  • Healer’s Staff: A simple staff that somewhat amplifies his magical abilities. He can use it as a weapon if necessary, or a focus item during spell casting.
  • Spell component pouch: A simple leather pouch warded with a protection spell. The components inside are simple items that may help strengthen or cast his small collection of spells.
    • Some items include: incense, amber, crystal shard, rabbit skull, charcoal, blank ash carvings, eggshells, owl feathers painted with runes, honey, ivory beads, salt, and other odds and ends
  • Herb pouch: This pouch is also a simple leather, but has no need for warding. It is coated with a wax to keep the herbs inside from seeping their smells into the air. These herbs are usually mixed and given to patients ailing with a sickness neither his healing touch nor a spell can relieve.
  • Waterskin: Contains water. Maxwell can use herbs and spells to alter the water into various potions. Such potions could provide:
    • Fever / Pain relief
    • Drowsiness / Alertness
    • Stamina invigoration
    • Defense against infection
  • Bandages and Splints: While Maxwell’s magic can usually mend any wound requiring such objects, Maxwell still carries a small array of such items in the event he finds someone in need who is resistant to magic, or if he ever comes upon a time when his magic has exhausted itself.
While Maxwell will always be known as a healer to the people of New Eden, the half-elf is also a well-trained fighter and a fastidious planner. He packs for whatever job needs doing and for the unexpected as well. Perhaps a bit much for a warden in a city who’s had hundreds upon hundreds of years of peace, but maybe Maxwell simply hopes that one day his preparedness will pay off.
  • Dream Catcher: A strong recurve bow brought to the city by Citali, Maxwell’s mother, when she first stepped into it’s walls. She claims it belonged to Maxwell’s father and if that is true it is the only thing Maxwell has from the unknown elf.
  • Eternal Harmony: A cursed sword Maxwell came across in his time as a warden. It’s blade is viciously sharp, and will cut inanimate objects with ease, but it is incapable of cutting the flesh of living creatures. He carries it around because it looks threatening, and in dire situation he could use it as a bludgeoning weapon.
  • Light stone: A simple stone about the size of an average man’s palm. It is enchanted with a light spell and gives off the same amount of light as a lantern and lasts thrice as long. It will, however, fade if used continuously without the opportunity to recharge in the sun. This trinket was a gift from Uriel.
  • Journal: An occasional piece of equipment when Maxwell is not working. The journal is filled with various entries ranging from a spell ingredient list, musings on the different types of wounds and diseases, and the sketchings of whatever he might fancy to in the moment.
  • Quill: Only accompanies the journal. A simple hawk feather quill enchanted to draw ink from it’s partner inkwell without having to keep the well physically near. The well is kept in Maxwell’s desk drawer. On more than one occasion Maxwell forgets to refill the well and is left with a half finished thought and an empty quill.
Combat Prowess:

Maxwell had dabbled in many forms of combat. When he was young he used it for defense against those who felt the need to fight someone different. Since then, however, Maxwell has found that training often quiets his mind and helps him focus, but he has trouble keeping his interest in a single style of fighting, and he is known for hopping from style to style at his own whim, but there are a few that really stand that he revisits more than any other.
  • Archery: Maxwell’s archery ability comes from a lifetime of practice. He even has a range set up in his garden where he goes to practice when he needs to think. He is a fine marksman, but has never had to strike anything more than targets and hunted game.
  • Bowstaff: This skill came upon him later in life, but he took to it after he started carrying around his healer’s staff. He’s better at defensive motions than offensive, though.
  • Swordsmanship: This skill he practices solely for the enjoyment of the work. He does carry around a sword, but he would be quicker to reach for his staff or his bow.

Maxwell’s most defining characteristic is his ability to heal. The trait rose from Maxwell at a young age, though his mother did not hold such magical power and claimed that his absent father did not either. Regardless of where it came from, however, Maxwell shows a strong favoring towards the ability and quickly rose into a master class few ever reach. His abilities to help the people of New Eden, despite the failings of his mixed blood, has made him a rather famous figure among the people of the city, especially those who live in his Warden District.
  • Heal Wounds: Both the strongest and most basic of Maxwell’s abilities. Any physical wound from open gashes to broken bones, he can drive the body to mend the injuries in a matter of seconds. The larger the wound the larger the strain and longer it would take for Maxwell to recover again. A two inch cut on the hand would hardly affect him. Mending a severed leg would be a marathon run.
  • Detect Sickness: While Maxwell can’t directly cure sickness, he has many tricks up his sleeves to combat them. One trick is that he can touch a living being and sense where the body is focusing its attention. If a person has a cold, Maxwell can sense the body working to fight the virus in the throat, sinuses, and lungs. Often times, if Maxwell has met such sicknesses before, he can identify what exactly is attacking the body, as well as where.
  • Fortify: Maxwell can boost a person’s immune system. This spell is often passively active, and will affect those within fifteen feet of him, and will linger after leaving his presence.
  • Calm: Maxwell can influence a mind in panic or delirium and lay a calming sense of safety upon them. The weaker the mind the more Maxwell can influence.
  • Mend Organic: This spell Maxwell doesn’t use as often, as it is relatively useless compared to the rest of his magic. This ability allows him to restore organic material to prime condition. This means that he can turn a rotten apple fresh again, or restore a wilting rose to its full glory. It tends to offer some help if his herbs have withered before use.
Although he excels so easily with magic, Maxwell seems doomed to fail at any other class of magic he attempts. Even the most basic of spells seem to sputter and die at his attempts. To compensate, Maxwell uses a wide array of spells constructed through quick chants, hand gestures, or enchanted items. These spells help fill the gap in abilities he requires for his work. Most spells are a variety of aid spells, but a few are larger, more time consuming, and very difficult to pull off.
  • Dispel Curse: Due to his popularity, Maxwell often will be approached not only for healing, but to help remove bad luck and curses. Most of the time it’s only paranoia, and Maxwell will put on a small show to ease their minds, but sometimes he finds a true curse, and will draw it into a carving made of ash wood. He usually keeps the resulting cursed carvings back at his district headquarters.
  • Rain clouds: A spell that summons a small rainstorm in a concentrated area. Maxwell uses this spell to tend to his garden. It requires a sounding rod
  • Warding Shield: This spell requires a careful ritual and a circle of specific runes painted in the circular area where the shield will be place. The spell is time consuming and impractical to use as a passing fancy. Maxwell has commissioned stones carved with the runes and placed them at key locations surrounding his warden’s headquarter. Using them and a ritual circle in the center of the building, Maxwell can strengthen the spell weekly with a well practiced ritual. The spell itself creates a bubble shield that wards against illness, curses, and damaging magic.

While Maxwell has expanded his spells and magic to encompass almost any sort of ailment a person may have, but he has left himself open in every other regard. He has very little in ways of defensive or offensive magic, and even if he is trained in a sword and bow, he very rarely carries the bow around and his sword is as useful as a bat.

Another large problem that Maxwell has kept under tight secrecy: he can not heal himself efficiently. The energy he gives others does not loop back well. While he can heal, it takes longer by a factor of ten.

In New Eden, he doesn’t have much to worry about in ways of fighting. The worst he can expect is a thief with a knife or a delirious patient, but Maxwell almost seems to leave himself open on purpose. As if he’s asking for a fight.

Maxwell is also not exactly a friendly person. He is pleasant, at most, but he has trust issues. A lot of them. The Warden’s are his allies, but even among them few would call the man a friend.


Maxwell is fastidious, focused, and well prepared. He keeps his district headquarters run like a well oiled machine and his room practical and tidy. He is a great healer, he is a good fighter, but he isn’t exactly well fit as a citizen of New Eden.

Ever since he was a child, he always held himself different than the rest and that, as much as everything else, has kept him closed off and distant from the people of the city. While pleasant to the ailing citizens who come to him for help, he will tend to them, and then he will forget them without a second thought, refusing kind gestures or attempts at befriending. Instead of visiting friends for dinner, he would rather shoot arrows at targets or tend to the wild garden surrounding his district headquarters.

There are few that he has let into his shell. Uriel being one of the few and even then they both seemed to have agreed to keep each other at mutual arms length. To his friends he shows a side of him conflicted, and a little bitter, that he wouldn’t dare show normally. He is frustrated, and he wonders more and more whether he had fought so hard, gotten so high, for the right reason. He thought being a Warden meant he was a part of something grand, part of a fight to protect the city.

Really, it was all the same trudge.

Maxwell is bored, utterly and completely bored. He’s sick and tired of all the sick and tired and sometimes he thinks it would be more fun if a plague hit the city, or a war.. But he knows those are childish thoughts and he buries them deep. Right next to his growing curiosity of the wilds outside of the city limits.


Maxwell has few hobbies outside of his work and even the few he does have he tends to set aside except for the rare occasion he feels the need to spoil himself.
  • Drawing: Maxwell dabbles in sketching, and his journal is filled with little studies of his day to day life, but it is only an idle fancy to occupy his focus.
  • Hunting: Maxwell is a fine tracker and hunter. A few times a year, when the flu season has passed and the ailing give him a break, he’ll take his bow and flee the city to the hunting forests around the city and spend a few weeks among the trees.
  • Gardening: This skill is a little more practical to his work. The herbs and seeds he needs are grown on his own grounds and he tends to take the delicate work on his own.

Maxwell is the son of a wild, Oblitus woman and an unknown elf man. While he was born within the walls of New Eden, he often wondered if that was what really should have happened. His mother never quite got along with the city and abandoned him at fourteen to return to the wild lands and leaving him behind to make his way on his own.

While he dreamed of one day following his mother, Maxwell never managed to follow through with leaving the city. Instead he turned his focus inward. He ignored those who thought him different or weird and he focused on improving himself. His healing magic was special, and he threw himself into the study of how to amplify and grow his abilities.

He grew up in libraries and cathedrals, his nose buried in books, or in the presence of trainers and masters. He found ways to pay if he had to, and he never took what he couldn’t give back. He hated to owe anyone. He still does.

Despite his healing abilities, the thought of using it to help others in large numbers hadn’t occurred to him until he turned his attention towards the Warden’s. All the texts he could find on them praised them for their abilities and their role as the city protectors. Something about those faceless heroes in all those books stirred him with a purpose he had never felt before. He realized he could be a part of that and had spent decades training to prepare. He even went out and made a name for himself as a healer, working tirelessly for the people of the city.

He got his first foot in the door when he was called on to heal an old warden with a rattling cough. It took days of uncertainty, but the warden pulled through and Maxwell was able to convince him to request entry for him.

Despite this, however, he was almost rejected. He was not a warrior in the usual sense, and he was also not known for being very friendly. It was Uriel who ultimately swayed the Wardens to bring Maxwell into the folds. It is a dept Maxwell cannot repay.

That was ten years ago. Now he is well established in his own district. His Warden headquarters turned hospital has been his home ever since.

He wishes he could say he was happy now.
Name: Micheal Glassfeld

Moral Alignment:True good

Hometown: New Eden


He idolized his mother thinking that she is the best warden in the world.

Uriel he enjoys being around Uriel because of how friendly and how much cool things Uriel teaches him.

Subrace: 1/4 Angel

Age: 5


Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Appearance: He has a small frame and features being 3 foot 4 inches, his eyes are light-blue and his hair is a mix of silver and black ,he usually wears a paper helmet that Uriel showed him how to make, wearing a nice little light blue shirt with several silver buttons on it,


A stick that has a dull crystal tied to It. it can make a good flashlight.

Combat Prowess:

Micheal has some combat skills from watching his mother practice though he is not very good at fighting.

He is not really good at offensive spells in fact he down right sucks at it, but when it comes to healing magic he is in his element. He can regenerate at a faster rate than most beings he regenerates as soon as a golden aura surrounds him is and is able to extend this healing aura to other in order to numb some pain, fight off sicknesses and can even heal broken bones but that takes a lot of energy.


Using to much of his healing powers will tire him out, he is very naive and curious with can land him in trouble sometimes.

A fairly nice well behaved kid a bit naive, though he is always smiling and exited to learn, he is always talking about his mother and how much he wants to be like her when he grows up. But sometimes he wishes she could spend more time with him even though he loves spending time with Uriel.

Knows how to drawl decency well with a giant brush, is actually a good shot when given a small bow, can sing pretty well.


Born only knowing his mother he always clung to her most, never knowing his father but sometimes hearing stories about how much of a great man he was. He sometimes wishes he could have know his father but he never dawns on it long always to busy trying to help his mother and anyone else because “Not everyone can carry a ton on their shoulders” He didn’t really know what it meant but his mother just told him it meant people need help. When Micheal’s mother is not around he is baby sat by Uriel himself, this is were Micheal learned how to make his paper hat for himself. Life is good for Micheal especially since his mother can spend more time with him at the festable.
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Aliases: The Blood Of War, Wrath of the dammed, Rage of the slaughtered
Title(s): N/A
Role: Carnage over the land

Moral Alignment: chaotic evil " Destroyer "
Affiliations: N/A
Hometown: Abaddon
Relationships: N/A

Race: Daemon
Subrace: lost soul
Age: 749
Gender: soul of a man, does not have a physical gender due to being composed of blood from the dead.
Sexual Orientation: none
Appearance: Carnage has an entire body that is a mixture of black and blood red, he can change his form but usually appears like the grim reaper without a hood. Carnage is composed of blood from the dead, he although able to change his appearance he cannot change his color, only his shape and bodily features. He has 2,478 gallons of blood that currently make up his being ( used my friends pool measurements to get the number XD ) enough to fill a 12x35ft 12ft deep pool. His facial features usually include glowing red eyes and a large mouth filled with sharp black teeth.

Equipment: Carnage is able to construct just about anything using his Blood Manipulation abilities.

Combat Prowess: Carnage can fight hand to hand exceptionally well, but he is very deadly with weapons because of his past as a warrior. He mostly uses his blood manipulation to aid him in battle using a variety of methods.
Spells/Powers:Blood manipulation: Carnage is a Demon created from blood on the battlefield, it is able to freely manipulate the speed, density, hardness, and sharpness of it's blood. It can control the shape of it's blood and solidify it. It can construct weapons, walls, Armor or puppets/servants, is able to create items for others as well not just himself. It can link itself with others using it's blood by inserting it's own blood in others allowing for communication between itself and the other person/people, and he can connect others to speak to one another as well. Carnage is able absorb blood that has been spilled or blood from dead bodies, he is not however able to absorb blood from the living.
1.unable to create blood, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources. to manipulating the blood of onlyhimself.
3. like all liquids, can evaporate. to 5 puppets at a time.
Personality: Carnage is full of hate and rage, his wish is to spread death and chaos across the land. Having everything he loved taken from him and having been killed himself turned him into an angry spirit that ended up manifesting itself in the form of all the spilled blood of battle. He is a crude smart ass that is constantly disrespectful and has no regard for any type of life at all.
Skills: Anarchist, Chaos spreader, instilling fear in others, creating carnage.
Bio/History: Long ago the soul of a warrior killed in battle, filled with hate and rage wandered the battlefield that he, his friends, his loved ones, were all killed on. This soul was filled with so much hate and rage that it longed to kill, it did not care who or what it killed, this soul wanted to inflict it's hatred upon the world. The soul looked at all the spilled blood of those he once fought beside and lived beside covering the battlefield, The soul began zooming in circles around the field of dead bodies, faster and faster it went. Suddenly the blood covering the ground began to rise, it turned into a large ball of blood levitating in mid air, the circling soul flew straight on into it. The ball of blood fell to the ground and flooded the ground once more, then it came back together to form a humanoid shape, it formed eyes and a mouth filled with sharp red teeth. This humanoid figure began to chuckle as it smiled, the chuckle turned into manic laughter.... " My name is Carnage, and i shall show the world why. "
Other: Carnage would like me to tell you, screw you.
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Name: Mallow Devers
Aliases: Mad Bear Mallow - While Mallow does not approve of the title, he doesn't deny it or stop people from using it, either.
Title(s): N/A
Role: Gladiator

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Affiliations: Gladiators of Abaddon
Hometown: Abaddon
Relationships: Mallow is the sixth of nine brothers, and is very close with all of them. He has no other associates or living relatives.
Race: Human
Subrace: N/A
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Appearance: Standing at five ten and 165 pounds, Mallow is lean and muscled, with an average build. His black hair is shoulder length, but near always keeps it pulled tight around the back of his head. He doesn't shave often, and usually has a shaggy, unkempt beard. He cuts his hair himself with a knife, hardly adding to his overall appearance. His eyes are cat's eye green. His skin is tanned, and is broken by several ugly scars. His facial features were above average in appearance, but a broken nose, missing tooth, and a few scars detract from his otherwise decent looks. He wears little other than his combat armor, occasionally removing bulkier pieces or wearing a drab cloak.
Equipment: While proficient in a large number of weapons and armors, he has one that he usually sticks to, only changing if it would help against his opponent, given the opportunity.
  • Helmet: Mallow will wear a helmet during combat. A traditional, rounded helm with an iron facemask for protection, lined with padded cloth. He will forgo it on occasion, if he feels he needs to prove something in combat, or as a challenge.
  • Left Pauldron: A thick and heavy piece of metal protects his upper arm and shoulder during combat. It is plain and unadorned, save for a bit of rust, scratches and dents.
  • Left Vambrace: A long leather glove extending past the elbow, with hard leather affixed over, and metal plates sewn on overlapping atop it.
  • Right Arm and Chest: Straps holding on the other pieces of armor, partially functional, partially decorative. He does have a leather glove on his right hand, however, mostly for the grip.
  • Greaves: Long greaves, extending just past Mallow's knees protect his legs.
  • Sword: A gladius, single edged, slightly thinner than its double edged cousins, and slightly longer as well. Expertly crafted, the blade is one of Mallow's treasures, and is often identified with him.
  • Daggers: Hidden under his armor, and some sheathed in view, these daggers are a cross between stilettos and throwing knives, alloyed from several types of steel to be better balanced. Good for throwing at gaps in armor, or piercing them as a weapon. He generally carries close to ten daggers at a time, more if necessary.
  • Money: Aside from a pouch on his belt he wears when not in combat, Mallow keeps a few coins sewn into the lining of his armor, just in case.
  • Ring: A simple iron band, worthless by all accounts. It has a symbol carved into it, of no special significance to most. It has his name carved on the inside of the ring. All of his brothers have identical rings, albeit with their names instead.
Combat Prowess: Generally considered a master swordsman, Mallow attributes it mostly to his lack of magic, which he finds many use as a crutch. Although skilled in many types of blades, Mallow is able to use most every weapon to some degree of proficiency. His skill in armor is similar, master in lighter armors with greater freedom of movement, although poorer with medium armors such as full lamellar, and worse with heavier plates. He is skilled with throwing weapons, and the use of a shield as well.

Spells/Powers: Almost unnaturally un-gifted in magic, Mallow, as well as his family, lack a drop of magical blood in them. They do, however, have an almost uncanny sense for sensing it and its users and avoiding them and their magic, though.

Weaknesses: In relation to combat and powers, what weaknesses does your character have? This section is mandatory. Weaknesses can include both physical drawbacks and personality flaws.
While an expert with throwing weapons, Mallow lacks any skill with bows, crossbows, or any sort of long range weapon for that matter. In addition, he lacks magic whatsoever.

Mallow is bullheaded, holds a grudge, and will do anything to win a fight. He's callous and stubborn, and rarely backs down from a challenge. Conversely, he's overly cautious at times, almost to the point of paranoia. He lacks a strong sense of fear, for better or worse, and can be greatly foolhardy. Worse yet, in times of great desperation, injury, or rage, he becomes bestial and animalistic, practically unable to form coherent sentences. Part of what gained him his nickname.

In addition to his personality, he has his various vices. He enjoys alcohol, and has dabbled in other drugs on occasion. Although he loves them, he is hardly addicted.

Personality: Mallow wants to be able to say on his deathbed, "I don't want to live again - I'm already satisfied."
Mallow lives for himself, plainly. His greatest fear is having regrets about his choices, about what could have been. He compensates by making the most out of every opportunity given to him. He cares for his brothers, but they all share a grudging competition between them, and to a degree, a similar mindset. He often finds himself scoffing at magic for it being a crutch many rely upon. Magic doesn't help, after all, when you have a knife in your spine you never saw coming. He has a similar distaste for some of the longer lived races, finding their longevity robbing them of their drive, and making them more fearful of death. While he doesn't want to die, he acknowledges his mortality, and has little fear of death.

Skills: Mallow has a handful of other skills that he's learned over time.
  • Stealth: While not good enough to stalk wary targets, he can sneak well enough.
  • Survival: On more than one occassion, Mallow has found himself in Oblitus for one reason or another. He can survive a few days, at least.
  • Underground: Mallow has his finger to the pulse of the illicit. He knows of drug trade, black markets, and other such activities. He can hardly claim to be an insider, however, and isn't extensively knowledgeable on the subject.
Bio/History: Mallow never knew his father, and was too young to remember his mother, who died giving birth to triplets, his three younger brothers. The brothers eked out a living in Abbadon, staying alive however they could. With no magic, no money, and no family, they stuck together despite all circumstances. When the eldest brother came of age, he became a servant for a minor, petty gladiator. When the gladiator fled away with his money, the oldest brother was asked if he would fight. He was the first of the nine to do so, the other eight following in his footsteps. They fought on the condition that they would not fight each other. Mallow, the most wild of the bunch, had a natural affinity for the line of work. He became a better fighter than his brothers, and was thrust against fiercer competition, for greater rewards.

Mallow earned the title of the mad bear for several reasons. His appearance was fierce, and many people often compared him to one. The Mad Bear, however, came about during one of his more difficult fights. After his opponent had viciously humiliated one of the Devers brothers in battle, Mallow vowed to humiliate him likewise. The fighter, however, was of the same skill as Mallow. In a long, grueling, and fierce battle, the two had reached a point where they had both disarmed the other. Wrestling each other, each keeping the other away from weapons, Mallow grew into madness out of frustration, and bit the throat of his opponent when he left it exposed. He was a seething mess of rage, mostly incoherent and incredibly violent, even after his opponent had bled to death in the arena. He was referred to afterwards as the Mad Bear, or Mad Bear Mallow, by many.

Nevertheless, Mallow moved forward, with a new title, and the Devers family name with new respect, and new fear. He led the family in place of his eldest brother afterwards, and led it cautiously for several years more until the present.

Other: If someone wants to use one of the brothers as a minor character, (no CS, just an NPC,) they can feel free to do so.
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Name: IL,
This means Multiple in Irish according to google translate. i think it is befitting of the RPC, he can be called this no matter his persona they have come to understand this as their overall name.
1. Jack- Mental illness, Derealization , Depersonalization
2. cody- schizophrenia, manic episodes
3. Bob- Cotard delusion, necrophilia, cannibalism
4. frank-Bipolar II disorder
5. mike-Paranoid Personality Disorder
6. sam-Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, Fregoli delusion

The Cannibal, The Oblitus Horror, Random Murderer, The one imprisoned in his mind.
Title(s): N/A
Role: Prisoner, Murderer, Horror of Oblitus

Moral Alignment: Neutral " Undecided "
Affiliations: N/A
Hometown: Oblitus
Relationships: with some personalities, himself.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation:
Jack, Bisexual
2. Cody, heterosexual
3. Bob, Necrophilia
4. Fank, Homosexual
5. Mike, Pansexual
6. Sam, Asexual

Appearance: Their height remains the same for the most part, standing at 6' 6" and weighing 280lb IL is a very large man. His physical features change a little bit depending on the persona. just enough to notice it was not the same persona you where just talking to but at the same time it is hard to tell just by appearance if you do not pay attention. His eyes will change color 1. black 2. red 3. white 4. blue 5. gold 6. hazel , some personas my acquire dark rings around the eyes, small things like that. The large man has pitch black hair about neck length, he has a very solid build, not ripped but well built, strongly built, this is due to not only living in Oblitus but having to survive in the wilderness because the small villages will not allow him to stay since he always goes around killing people.
Equipment: The vessel has a Katana in a seethe on the back belonging to Jack, a pair of brass knuckles in each pant pocket belonging to Cody, a throwing tomahawk strapped to each leg belonging to Bob,

Combat Prowess:
Jack is a skilled swordsman, when it is his turn to take over the vessel he can usually be found training or hunting to try and focus his mind, because if he allows himself a moment to think he usually goes off on a emotionless killing spree, simply to observe human beings reaction to death. he is not the most skilled at hand to hand but he does box decently, with his large size he packs one hell of a punch.
2. Cody is skilled at hand to hand combat and is probably the most dangerous of the bunch simply because his mental illnesses make him prone to being aggressive and psychotic.
3.Bob loves using throwing tomahawks in combat and is extremely skilled in using them via melee or throwing them at medium range, he prefers these because he can hack apart then eat his victims.
4. Frank is a crazed fighter, not to skilled, but crazed, he perfers to bite, claw, go for the eyes, weak points.
5. Mike is proficient in hand to hand but is completely a counter striker.
6. Sam is odd, sometimes he is a BADASS other times he is a complete coward, it depends on how large or small he see's himself and others.

. Jack has an ability similar to x-ray vision, He can see through anything and make all his surrounding objects look transparent, so he can see that they are there but he can see straight through them. This ability is passive meaning that he cannot activate it instead it is always activated, this may be part of the reason for his mental illness.
2. Cody can phase through any object, buildings, people, weapons water etc and the solidify his entire body or just individual parts at will , while fazing his body cannot fly but does levitate so his feet are just a barley off the ground, you cannot even tell he is levitating his feet are as close to the ground as they can possibly be without touching the ground.
3. Bob can do a little necromancy, he can summon up to three draugr to fight for him, these draugr as not that fast but have immense strength, with one wing they can take down a tree, they are very slow but Bob can summon them anywhere around him in a 15ft perimeter and as soon as oe is destroyed another can be summoned.
4. Frank can create and bend light around himself or other people and objects making them mostly invisible, you can slightly tell something is there but you won't be completely sure, it is like looking through the cleanest window you have ever seen. in certain environments it is impossible to see so you must use your other senses to help you. Ex of good environments to hide in with this ability is the forests of Oblitus.
5. Mike is a shape shifter, he is able to shape shift into any other human being.
6. Sam has the ability to shock things like an electric eel, he can produce 4.3 amps of electric shock effects usually include Ventricular fibrillation (heart pumping action not rhythmic) occurs. Muscles contract; nerve damage occurs. Death is possible if shocked long enough.

Weaknesses: IL's weakness is that these multiple personas take control of the vessel that they are in at random times, and it will be a random persona. These personas cannot talk to one another while dormant so when they take over the vessel they have no idea where the previous persona has gone or what it has done. Jack could be in the middle of a fight and suddenly Mikes consciousness takes over, it can be very dangerous for the vessel.

Personality: IL's personality is different depending on his current persona but considering every persona has it's own mental illness no mattr what persona has control of the vessel you can be sure that it is dangerous, impulsive, confused, and a lot of the time pissed off because the circumstances that surround it are quite aggravating, how would you feel if you had 6 different self aware entities controlling your body not knowing who was the original persona and always waking up in a random location doing things you had no memory of.
Skills: Survivalist, one thing all the personas have in common is that they can survive in the harsh environment of Oblitus, being shunned from society has forced the multiple persona to fight and survive in the wild.

Bio/History: IL's story began at birth, not long after he was born he was acting strange his mood and behavior would switch on the flip of a dime, they also noticed when this happened his eyes would change color and small facial features would change ever so slightly. at the age of 5 Cody had killed the vessels father, he had found his ability to phase through objects and phased his right arm into his fathers head and solidified it accidentally killing him. IL's mother saw him kill his father and second later Jack took off the vessel and saw his father dead on the ground while he heard his mother screaming on her knees, he walked over to his mother who looked as transparent as everything else around him, the noise bothered him so he walked to his fathers sword, picked it up, went back to his mother and cut off her head. That night Jack ran around killing random unsuspecting victims, at some point Sam took over and was being attacked by villagers, this is when he found his electrocution ability. Sam shocked the hell out of everybody that touched him with there body or any metal object, killing some incapacitating others. Sam ran to the forests of Oblitus and survived for a while until Mike took over, Mike had no idea what had happened or why in the world he was eating burnt fish in the forest, he walked back into the village where all the villagers where scared shitless of the child. Mikes mental illness caused him to think the villagers where trying to follow him and hurt him, Mike found that he could change completely into other people, their image, their size, their voice, everything. So mike decided he would kill them before they killed him, he began shifting into the civilians loved ones and assassinating them. Frank then took over and was surrounded by death in this small random village, scared he made himself invisible and kind of lost his mind, he grabbed a spear as he ran back into the forest. Frank survived out in the forests remaining invisible killing creatures that would come over following his scent. Then came Bob, Bob walked back to the village to see all of the dead bodies , they where just like him, dead. Bob noticed all the dead bodies on the ground made him feel strange... he wanted to hug them, and so he did. Upon hugging one of the dead bodies and strange aura surround them both, and suddenly the dead body stood to it's feet... Bob stood still, amazed and fascinated.... the living dead creature did nothing, it just stood there until Bob gave it an order, he did this twice more before Jack took back over. Jack saw three dead bodies standing for a moment before falling to the ground, he was a bit confused but put it off. Jack came to the realization that something was wrong with him, how he would always blackout and then become aware of himself yet again at a totally different time of day, or even a complete different day. So he wrote himself a note that read, " Hello, my parents call me IL but i would prefer to be called jack, is there somebody else living inside this body? " Mike was the next to take control of the vessel and saw the note laying in front of him as the vessel sat on the ground outside with it's legs crossed. after reading the note Mike was confused but it actually made sense that there was another entity living in this body of his considering his black outs, he replied to the message giving his preferred name and asking if him and jack where the only two, this continued for about two days until all the personas inside the vessel came to understand there was a total of 6 conscious entities living inside of it. IL survived in the forests of Oblitus for years until he came to the age of 12, and some hunters found him. They took him in unable to believe a child had been surviving in these dangerous forests by himself. The 6 personas would talk to one another by keeping a pen and small note book in the back pant pocket of the vessel, they lived with the hunters for about a week before Cody had a manic episode and killed them all. He wrote his name, cody, in the vessels notebook using the blood of the slain bodies in the house he made sure to leave a smiley face in the note book. Mike was next to take control and he shook his head thinking his brother was crazy, yeah that is right they where all like brothers, he wrote this in the notebook. Mike shape shifted into one of the dead hunters and fled the village before anyone had known what happened. These types of occurrences happened frequently and Jack would go into random villages sometimes to kill people just to watch their reactions. IL is now 25 and trys his best to control himself while in society but with all the persona and each of their own individual mental illnesses, it is hard to not end up hurting somebody.
Other: We are legion.
Title(s): (more of a nickname) Sage
Role: Healer/support

Moral Alignment: neutral good
Affiliations: none
Hometown: abaddon
Relationships:None so far.
Race: half human half angel
Age: 24
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Appearance:Height, Los is about 5,6 in height and is lanky, Has a mix of blond and black hair that is kept short, eyes, his right eye is a golden color and his left is blue like the sky.
Equipment: Weapon: A cane with a hidden short rapier coated in a weak paralysis poison. A medium size satchel filled with herbs and potions.
Combat Prowess: Adept swordsmanship Rang is kinda useless if he is aware of being attacked from afar.
Spells/Powers: Healing aura:Should be clear what it does.
wound transferal: Being able to transfer small wounds onto himself or other people (must have physical contact to work)
glyph conjuration: Can summon glyph's to use as a shield or make platforms for more mobility they can speed up or slow down things they come into contact with.
Weaknesses: Can easily be overpowered by someone skilled in close combat. Will never kill someone so no need to worry about a killing blow.

Personality: Los is a very kindhearted man and will help anyone in need. His goals/motivation is to make as many peoples lives as he can better. Likes: kids, reading, exploring and meeting new people. Dislikes: Murder, Theft (depends on the persons situation) and arrogance.
Skills: Healer,Herbalist,cook.

Bio/History: Los grew up as a orphan and was left on a orphanage door.He has no idea who his family is or what his original name was. Later at the age of 12 he was adopted by a traveling monk after seeing los powers to be taught to use them.once los turns 18 he returns to abaddon and not even 5 hours of being in the city he ends up saveing the life of a crime lords son after he was stabbed and left to die this process repeats over and over the two become friends and Los is given a old storehouse and makes it into a clinic.
Other: (the clinic is kinda being used as a front to draw off any attention to more.. illegal things.)
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Aliases: Renee
Titles: N/A
Role: Daughter of a Warden, Distant Member of the Royal Family

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Affiliations: N/A
Hometown: New Eden
  • Rikbiel (Warden, father, deceased)
  • Mother (Unnamed, died when she was little)
Race: Angel
Subrace: N/A
Age: 87 (looks about 17-18)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Appearance: Renee stands at 5’4 and has a fit well-proportioned body. Albeit a little petite, she did not look delicate at all, with the way she carries herself with an almost obnoxious sense of confidence. She has scarlet hair and eyes, lightly tanned skin, and a beautiful pair of white wings with golden streaks on them. She looks quite pretty, as well.
Equipment: Renee usually has a bag she totes around everywhere, nobody seemed to know what the contents are. In truth, it was a bagful of art materials, pencils, pens, brushes, ink, paints and the like, as well as the sketchbook journal that was very important to her.

Renee was born as a distant relative of the Royal Family, a fact her father never seemed to forget. That is why, even as a child, she was taught to act appropriately, with grace, confidence and an aura of power. She trained hard on combat, magic and learned a lot on leadership and the like. Her father reminded her over and over, that as he is a Warden, he expected her to follow in his footsteps. When she was younger, she didn’t mind. She loved her father, and would do anything he wanted. She idolized him, looked up to him. But day by day the training days left her feeling sad and hollow. She was unhappy. It was then one day that she had wandered into the cathedral, and watched Uriel draw. She was so young and it was so long ago that he probably doesn’t remember. But she does. That day she had fallen in love with art, fascinated by the colors and forms. That day, an artist was born.

His father wasn’t so pleased when he found out. That instead of practicing her sword skills, she was reading books on anatomy. Instead of practicing on offensive magic, she instead developed strange spells that his father deemed useless. She was so mad when he tore apart her artworks that she snapped at him, for the very first time in her life. For the very first time in her life, she fought back on his plans for her future. She didn’t want to become a Warden, not anymore. He would hear none of it, and for the next few years she was bound by the shackles of her father’s expectations, only able to practice art in secrecy. She was plotting to run away, perhaps go to Abaddon even, where she had heard that art was considered with high respect. Maybe she can make a name for herself. She was sick of her father’s controlling nature, she would go anywhere where she could be free. One day his father left for work. She thought that was the day she can go, her chance to leave…
She did get her wish, although not the way she wanted. Her father never came back alive, but only a cloth covered corpse, one of many, came back. The news came by as a shock, a numbing feeling creeping in her chest. No matter how many arguments they had, he was still her father.

The price had been too great. Nonetheless, she was free. Finally.

At the surface, Renee seems to be rather selfish and vain. She defies authority, a rebel child, and seems to have no care for anyone other than herself. That, however, is not exactly true. Renee is a sensitive, imaginative person, although she was not raised to be one. She was raised to be witty, confident and tough: a strong woman. And a strong woman she did become. But under the shell she had made to hide herself from her father was the passion to create, the passion for art. She is also frank, rarely embarrassed and not afraid to express her opinions, however it may hurt people. She believes that honesty is the best policy, and while she this didn’t make her likeable, she simply believed that people who cannot take her as she is are not worthy of her time. Renee is the type of person who valued freedom most of all. And that’s why for her freedom, she will be stubborn, she will not comply.

Combat Prowess: Having been raised at the expectation of being a Warden, Renee is quite adept to hand to hand combat. She is quite fast and agile as well, able to move on her feet or with her wings whenever needed.
Spells/Powers: The core of Renee’s power is the power to create. Using any surface, she can draw a figure and breathe them into life. Living things and nonliving things alike, she can create them easily with a couple of strokes. They act like golems, without free will or thought, as they are after all only figures animated by her mind. The more detailed the figure is, the more realistic and strong the counterpart will be. She can also dispose of them easily whenever she wants to, as with a single command they could just crumble to pieces at her feet.
Weakness: Since she has been training since she was little, she didn’t get much chances to interact with people other than her father, and so she now has horrible social skills. That is why she is rarely liked by people. She also finds a lot of trouble expressing herself to others, the medium of which she only able to express herself is through her art.
  • Artistic talents – these are skills she has fine-tuned as a child since meeting Uriel
  • Swordplay – a skill she had learned from her father.
Additional Information:
While Renee is technically a part of the Royal family, she was not close enough in terms of bloodline to become truly relevant. And so she is living her life just like a normal citizen of New Eden.

*Credits to the owner of the art. It will be removed upon the artist's request.
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Name: Brynhild Nyman
Role: Gladiator

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Affiliations: N/A
Hometown: Abaddon
Father-Alive but whereabouts unknown
Brother-Alive but whereabouts unknown

Race: Daemon
Subrace: 1/2 Succubus, 1/2 Kitsune
Age: 248, but looks about 23- 24
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Demi-sexual
Appearance: She has long, sleek black hair she always wears in a braid with with wide golden eyes, permanently surrounded by dark rings. She stands at 5'11 and is about 167 pounds of pure muscle and she has a curvy figure though it is hard to tell due to the baggy clothes she often sports. She has a few scars along with freckles that decorate her pale skin, though mainly her face. Unlike other kitsune, she doesn't have visible ears or tail but her eyes take on the form of foxes' eyes and she has whisker marks along her cheeks. Her nails take a clawed form and her hands are always covered with wrappings. She was blessed from her succubus side to have a pair of wings that are bat-like in nature and the full wing span is equivalent to her height.

Her broadsword. She rarely uses it in a fight unless absolutely needed as she prefers more of a hand-to-hand aspect of battle and she has a huge dislike of weapons. Despite her dislike, she fell in love with the sword as it was the only reminder of her father.

Combat Prowess:
Hand to Hand Combat:
She is a heavy hitter, having to go through rigorous training under her father's tutelage, and learned how to focus force in a hit that once released could be damaging to her opponent. She is also very quick on her feet, as she was taught to never stay in one spot.
While not the best, she is able to wield Astrid with moderate proficiency.
Her mother dabbled in the study of poisons and different herbs and the such and passed the study down to Brynhild. In her free time, she studies and experiments with different poisons. She has never used poisons in the past though she isn't against the idea of using it if the need for it calls.
She is very aware of the emotions around her, especially negative emotions. If she consumes to much of one emotion, it could send her into a downward spiral to a state of emotional distress. Which can lead to consequences for herself and her surroundings.
A form of pyromancy that is special to kitsunes, she can expel flames from her mouth and if she focuses enough, she could produce her fox-fire in a ball form that can be tossed away from her person.
Smoke of Lust:
A cursed power, she dubbed the Cloud of Lust. When released it with take form of a pale pink smoke that travels to her target and affects the pheromones of that target. Brynhild does not use this while fighting, but instead when she needs to feed. It makes the chase a lot easier.
Body Altering:
She can adjust the length and hardness of her claws.
Water Affinity:
She can control water.

Weaknesses: As a close-range fighter, she is at a disadvantage when it comes to mid/long range fighters. The sword could make up for it due to the length of it but she would still have to be in a close range to strike. She suffers from a slow-killing lung disease that on bad days can leave her a in a pathetic state.

Personality: Brynhild is a woman with blood on her hands, with the hauntings of the people she had brought to their demise. She refuses to openly embrace the sexual nature of her succubus half which can lead people to think that she is a prude, which is all but the case. She is crass and vulgar, and usually partakes in unmaiden-like activities. At times, she can show signs of emotional unstability towards others. She is a bit unhinged and is like a ticking time bomb, no one truly knows when she'll snap.
Her tolerance has been proven to be exceptionally high, she can best some of the most regular alcoholics in Abaddon.
She learned this from her mother, who in her own words stated, "You'll never know when you need to get in or out of a tight situation."
She is adept at making poisons in varying lethality.
She loves to gamble. She's gambled so much, that she started to learn and see that gambling was a game of deception and if you knew the rules... Winner takes all.
Bio/History: She was the spawn of a one-night encounter between a kitsune and succubus, an accident, though her parents strongly disagree. Growing up, she knew love from both her mother and father, who actively tried a relationship not only for themselves but for her as well. In the end, they ended it on mutual terms and just shared time with their daughter. At the young age of five, she was dead bent on the idea on becoming a Gladiator as she wanted to follow in her father's footsteps. Her father was eager to train his daughter in what he knew. Even her mother encouraged her by teaching her what she could.
Years went along and Brynhild grew and became the eldest sibling of two younger half siblings as her father had settled with another woman. And despite having issues with her step-mother, she had a good life. As she reached the age of maturity in kitsune years, she grew tall and beautiful. At 5'11, she had towered over her mother and father by 5 or 6 inches. It was only her brother who outgrew her by 6ft, though her sister did get close. It was always a running joke about how the children grew to be taller than the parents.
A joke Brynhild would grow to miss dearly. It was then her world changed, in the middle of the night she heard yelling and banging in the house. She quickly got up and tried to open her door but found it to be locked. By the time she busted through the door, she saw a sight that broke her heart. Her sister lying in a pool of her blood and her step-mother weeping. Her brother and father were nowhere to be found.
Over the years she lived with her step-mother, she no longer felt love but hate and pain. She knew she could fight back if she wanted to but she couldn't bring herself to hurt one of the things that her loved the most. So she ran away and lived with her mother, who by that time was running her own underground poison shop, under the cover of a brothel.
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Name: Tobias Brown
Aliases: Toby
Title(s): Brown Claw
Role: A Warden Scout for the Oblitus. Charged with the research and documentation of the ruins of old. (secret mission)
Secret cover for the small village life is that he is the local carpenter/ Handyman and part time scavenger, type.

Moral Alignment: To put it as simply as possible I will give an example in D&D terms. True Neutral.

Affiliations: Being a scholar and archaeologist for the Wardens. He would have to go back to the wardens once a month and do a report of what was going on in the wilderness and anything from the ruins that he has uncovered. This report is covered by “selling” furniture for supplies in the city.

Hometown: Small village within the Oblitus, was found in and taken care of (Lycanthrope from birth)
Relationships: N/A

Race: Human
Subrace: Bear, Lycanthrope.
Age: 78 (Looks 35)
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Height: 5’11” Height(Transformed): 7’1”
Weight: 280 lbs Weight(Transformed): 800 or so lbs.

Human description:
Overly hairy, like Robin Williams, very dark brown hair. Very full beard/ mustache combo. Curly brown top. Eye color is hazel brown with a large scar from the middle of his forehead to his cheek over his left eye. He usually wears an apron covered in sawdust, with many pockets. Hidden within his sleeves, breaches against his thighs and across his back is an assortment of throwing knives. Hanging on his belt is 7 different hammers that are used for carpentry (and throwing), each weighing around 7lbs. Usually has undyed shirt (tannish in color), and brown dyed breaches (The ren-faire baggy knees type pants). Strong black leather boots. He wears this outfit in most environments from him being part bear he does not get cold easily.

Bear Form:
In bear form he looks like a bigger grizzly bear, with his face scar.


Undyed shirt
Brown dyed Breaches
Thick black leather boots
Leather Apron

Tools/ Weapons:
Large Steel Hammer (Named Sheela) (Sledge equivalent) weighs 50 lbs (Leather cup harness over the back)
5 Throwing knives hidden with his baggy clothes. (With respective straps)

Common Equipment:
Small leather bag (for him) capacity 50 lbs.
Small cooking kit: Flint (His hammer is the steel), small cooking pot.
Basic Climbing Kit: Rope 100ft. Grappling Hook
Basic Rations: Enough for a couple skimpy days

Combat Prowess: Trained with hammer since young. Usually carries a large steel hammer that weighs around 50 lbs. Proficient with throwing knives and throwing hammers. I wouldn’t put it under hand-to-hand, but being part bear he is very adept at what you might call wrestling, or brawl fighting.

Spells/Powers: Sense of smell. He has the sense of smell as a bear would even in human form. Fantastic tactician, and uses his connection to being an animal to be able to move silently in any terrain. He also has the strength of a bear, which is one of the reasons the Warden’s recruited him, and his proficiency to handle the wilderness, being part animal himself. When he transforms his clothes and gear gets put in a “limbo” until human again. (Doesn’t have to get naked to go into bear form)

Weaknesses: Color blind like his bear kin. Very antisocial, rather be in company of the animals and wilderness. Treasures his big hammer more than anything. Doesn’t like crowds, tries to avoid them. Cannot use equipment or speak in bear form.

Personality: Very secretive and secluded. Uses his skill of subterfuge to sneak info and around town for news about the ruins, even from other towns in the Wilderness. Using his cover as a carpenter to get work in other towns trying to get information of undiscovered or newly found ruins. But to the untrained eye, very curious and helpful.

Skills: Silent movement in any landscape. Very sneaky tongued when it comes to getting information. Can change to bear form at will.

Doesn’t know about parents. Found on the outskirts of a small village in the wilds. Grew up in the local carpenter’s house (Hence those skills). Used to go out into the woods when he was younger to forage, find different woods, etc. Ran into a small wolf pack when he was around 10 or so. “Unlocked” his bear form to fight them off gaining his face scar in the process. His aging slowed down once he hit twenty, a few years after the old carpenter died leaving him his big Hammer. He spent more time as a bear until the Wardens were called to investigate a bear sighting near the city. Once changing back in front of them to defend himself against attack they ask him to join and gave him training in ruin hunting, seeing him as a perfect opportunity to scour the ruins for anything useful.

He sometimes builds custom furniture for the Wardens and trades them and his information for supplies for survival.
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