New User Checking in~



First off, I am very bad at introductions. But let's give it a shot!

My name is Angela, but I go by Avens online. It is very nice to meet you all! I'm a 27 years old individual from the Netherlands, where it either rains, the sun shines so I get sunburns and sometimes even both at the same time! My concentration goes all ways and I can get distracted easily. Unless I have a case of what I call 'hyperfocus'.
Other than that.. Mhhh... What else to tell? I might like my coffee a little bit too much and will almost never go a morning without.

Now, this is a roleplaying forum... So let's talk about that! Yay!
I love roleplaying a lot and have been roleplaying for years, with a select group of friends. Lately I have been wanting to expand and meet new roleplayers! Because oh my gosh, it's not only me & my friends who do this... I discovered there was like a whole community and now I'm sold ~

I've been roleplaying for around.. many years now. I started in high school (around age.. uhh... 14-15? So that will be around 12-13 years now? Math is not my friend).
Also; English isn't my 1st language and I am prone to mistakes. I will always try to do my very best. Google translate is my best friend, and I think word with it's spelling and grammar check is a close second.

Thank you so much for having me here! I hope to enjoy my time here on the forum ^^

~ Avens
Hey! Welcome to STC! Yes, there is a whole community of role players who enjoy it very much :) What genres do you like to play in?
Hello! Thank you so much for your warm welcome, Knosis!
I personally lovefantasy RP. But I'm not shy from the darker rps either ^^ It depends on my mood really.
And yes, I love the role play community I've recently discovered already ~
Hey Angela! Welcome to STC!

We don't really care what language is your first language, nor do we really care about accuracies. I can't really English good and it's my only language, so there's that.​
Hey Angela! Welcome to STC!

We don't really care what language is your first language, nor do we really care about accuracies. I can't really English good and it's my only language, so there's that.​

Thank you so much for the warm welcome, Capri! ^^
I hope to have a lot of fun here ^^
I always include it, as some people are very precise on grammar and spelling :emoji_flushed:
Welcome to STC!
I'm from Florida so I get the sunny rain somedays too!!
I'm so excited you've joined us! Please enjoy yourself!