

Dragon Obsessed

Mars: Link

Mars was a bit confused when he woke up in large, cool, steel cage with a dish of water and bowl of brown kibble. Equally confusing were the rows of similar cages around him with different monkeys, dogs, pigs, cows, felines, and a handful of other species. Directly across from from him was another person, a bluejay in a cozy sweater. He stood up, looking around for a clue of where he was. Above them, a skylight revealed a fading blue and green and white dot slowly fading away from them. It was already smaller his outstreatched thumb.

Looking back down, he noticed that the bird appeared to be wearing only a sweater.
Doodle sat in the corner of her cell like thing, having been conscious for all of ten minutes. Looking about her surroundings did nothing to soothe her confusion, though at least now she had someone to talk to, as the character across from her appeared to be waking. She waited for their eyes to wander towards her, then waved subtly.
"Hey." Mars called out, noticing her wave. She looked just as confused as he was. "Where are we? Who are you?"
(Apologies my fren, birthday festivities and shenanigans happened.)

Doodle paused. "Well, we're...somewhere." She said, not at all confident about where that somewhere was. "I'm Doodle." She added, looking away for a moment.
"Mars. Er, it's my name, I don't mean we're on Mars." He gave the bird an unsure grin, looking over the room around them in the awkwardness. "Do you remember anything before getting here? I was just... at home, I think... now I'm here."
Doodle blinked. Did she remember anything? After a moments thought she hadn't recalled much that would lead up to her current scenario. "I think I was taking a nap or something to that extent..though it's a bit fuzzy. This is really rather jarring for me.."
"Yea..." Mars scratched at his ear, looking up suddenly as a woosh of air came on his right. A door in the wall at the end of the rows of the containers slid open, and two tall, quadruped creatures strolled in. Mars was by no means short, he was a healthy, average height, but these creatures's heads were almost twice as high as his own. They were covered in red fur, long and shaggy, and looked almost like comical giraffes. They spoke in an alien language as they approached, stopping and observing several of the animals in cages around them as they made sounds at them.