Count to 50 before a staff member


Yeah. 200... They'd have to just not post at all to allow us to go that far. I had half a mind to @ Mai after hitting 50 just to say we did it
We may outnumber those pesky staff, but a single message ends a string of hundreds. We must revolt for restore the power balance!

It was thank you lol. I also get bored of replying too soon. It's not fun if I crush you guys all the time at the start
I was literally at 1, I doubt the validity of that statement but all good. Your RPs seem active enough - maybe we need more distractions for you.

Apparently I missed something. But, hey, Kat and I made it past 100 about three times in a row. That's already past 226 if you forget that we had to begin at 1 again... a.. few times.