Dashmiel's Characters


Bearly In Charge
Nexus GM
This thread is where to find all my Nexus characters. This post reserved if I ever get to need an index. All font art courtesy of fontmeme.com.
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credit; Etude Paint @ https://www.deviantart.com/numonquallet/art/Etude-Paint-Warrior-191872922


Name: Ragenard Guiscard

Race: Issunar Werewolf (Born), Iverian Vampire (Cursed)
Issunar Krsnk (Mutation)
Age: 436

Nationality: Lutetian (Born), Iverian (Naturalized), Nexus Wayfarer Corps (NGO)
Affiliation: Leader of the Bloodstone Pack (Formerly), Wayfarer's Guild Long-Expedition Specialist (Currently)

Human Form
Height: 7'1" (216 cm)
Weight: 383 lbs (174 kg)

Krsnk Form (Current Mutation)
Height: 12'3" (375 cm)
Weight: 1,701 lbs (772 kg)



Standing at seven feet tall, gaunt of face, and broad shouldered, Ragenard is a physically imposing man. His well muscled physique—borne of a hard lifestyle and enhanced by the beast within—is thoroughly crisscrossed by the scars of a hard upbringing and a misspent youth.

While at first glance a brute, it wouldn't take long for an observer to notice the cunning intelligence behind his hazel eyed gaze. The worn-in laugh lines on his face would indicate that despite a near constant scowling visage and sour demeanor, at some point in his life the man knew how to laugh.



Standing slightly north of twelve feet tall when on it's hind legs and weighing in at 1,700 lbs, the current mutation of Ragenard's inner monster can be aptly described as a "weird furred and leathery monstrosity". Of an unnatural morphology, bipedal, grotesquely muscled with claws the size of a man's hands and teeth the size of the same's fingers; one could almost be forgiven from giving in to the instinct to take flight when faced with such a monster in a dark alley. At least up until the point where the realization sinks in that the large beast giving chase is not of the lumbering persuasion. After all, it can fly after one.

Raging at the memories of a more agile past; by intensely abusing it's prodigious strength, stamina, and superlative regeneration ability, Ragenard's Krsnk form is capable of feats of speed and athleticism that simply stagger the imagination of those witnessing such from the hulking monster—although some would contend that it is more the blase approach of pushing bone and sinew to it's breaking point repeatedly that do the staggering.

Of particular note is the sheer scale of the beast's power of regeneration, a force so far removed from the norm of constituent kinds as to label him a monster unto itself. A direct consequence of "the event" upon his physiology centuries ago priming him when his already prodigious natural ability to heal was taxed beyond it's breaking point and circumstances crashed into his body to change it forever.

Ragenard's regenerative abilities can be more accurately measured not against others of his kind, but held in comparison to some of the more ancient examples of his most detested enemies, vampires. One of which found it's accursed blood forever mingled with the man's own innate engine of predatory evolution and further mixed in with a good dose of Fae hexing to form the steadily changing monster he is now, and whose rage may have no horizon.


Loud, forceful, quick to anger; all of these things can be said to describe Ragenard's demeanor, but it would be an injustice to limit the man to that. Beneath the quick-fire facade born and nurtured by his harsh upbringing as a child in the environment of Lutetia's criminal underbelly lies a deeply layered psyche that often finds itself at odds with the world around him.

Not one to know how to show affection without feeling the vulnerability of the act, Ragenard usually keeps friends and family at bay. However, those who know him best know that it is not his gruff words that define his level of caring, but his actions, which are always quick to turn—if brusquely—towards the aid of those he holds close.

Stoic or wrathful may be his most common states of being in public, but privately Ragenard is prone to long bouts of self-deprecation and self-imposed anguish as he battles with the demons of his checkered past, questions the path of his present, and grips with the reality that his future may never answer the question of whether or not he is a man or a monster.



Ragenard's most prized posession is the enchanted blade given unto his safekeeping by his adoptive "fairy" godmother, The Morrigan, Phantom Queen of the Iverian pantheon of gods. After a series of convoluted events involving Ragenard's rescue attempt of his druid wife from the clutches of a corrupted fae lord turned vampiric menace—which culminated with Ragenard failing to save his wife but rescuing The Morrigan instead—she bequeathed to him the sword, Fragarach, The Answerer. Previously belonging to Manannán mac Lir whose corruption first began the whole affair, Fragarach is a powerful magical artifact that over the long centuries is finally close to finding itself in worthy hands. Mostly anyhow; Ragenard is not known for his patience at book learning it's finer intricacies and history.

Deceptively light on adornment, Fragarach is a guard-less leaf shaped sword, crafted of what appears to be bronze. The edge of the blade appears blunted, and it's hilt is made out of carved wood from the forests of Tir Na Nog.

Fragarach's abilities include: the power to cut through any mundane object, the ability to summon and control the winds, and the power of compulsion to one held at it's point. It also holds the ability to cut rifts across realms, but this usually requires that the wielder know exactly what they're doing, which Ragenard can only marginally manage with the utmost concentration.

His second most prized possession is the baldric he uses to carry his armament around in. Using all of his cut from his first teen-aged excursion into heavy gun trafficking, he had a very anachronistic looking black leather baldric tailored to his fit at the fanciest Lutetian tailor his money could afford. Being from the poor part of town, this tailor was not very good, and the thing would keep dropping his guns and cigarettes whenever he had to go on the run from the LCPD. So he pooled his money from the next few big felonies and whatever wasn't drunk or smoked he used to pay a good witch to enchant the thing.

Baldric's abilities include: It always fits, even through the monstrous growth his body has undergone since he was 16. Anything he attunes to it—but not the baldric itself—can be summoned back to it's respective place upon it as long as it's within the same realm as the baldric; If within line of sight, it'll do the cool request Ragenard made to the witch of swooshing through the air, if not, it'll do the boring compromise of simply appearing in place. It can also be made to appear invisible itself (Ragenard could not afford for it to make him invisible too) along with anything it holds. Ragenard can also sense where it is when it's not worn.

In adittion to these magical goodies, Ragenard's something of an amateur gunsmith, which is perhaps the one skill his Father would probably find some pride in him for. His current favorite piece to use is a revolving hand-cannon made to shoot a variety of 8 ga. shotgun shells. The gun boasts an impractical recoil that would probably render it useless if the user wasn't actually an over-sized weremonster.

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Name: Nilin Gvyhe'arne
Quorum Role: Supreme StarSpeaker

Current Active Age: 6,780 years (Valorian)/67.8 Va'nyrian Cycles
Total Age (Active/seeded): 2b years (Valorian)/20,000,000 Va'nyrian Cycles
Time spent Inactive: 8b years

Weight:165 Lbs


Serenely statuesque with a head framed by flowing blue-black hair, Nilin Gvyhe'arne is rarely seen without the robes of her station, silently flowing from hall to hall in the course of her duties. A powerful psionic on her own right, her blood red eyes mark her as one of the rare Va'nyrians gifted with the "Evraïnin'Teran", roughly translated as "Star Speech"; a special manifestation of psionic power that has long been centered around Va'nyrian society going back to their tribal days as both a manifestation of power and a school of thought.

The glyph upon her forehead marks her as one who has attained the highest mastery over the Evraïnin'Teran, and serves as more than mere ornamentation. A curious blend of ancient tribalism and technological marvel, the glyph is composed of incredibly dense pico-scale machinery akin to the Va'nyr link. It's purpose however, is one that few outside the way of the Star Speech are privy to.


Pragmatic down to her core, Nilin often serves as the anchor that maintains the naturally carefree and optimistic nature of her peers in check and grounded in reality. Her position as Supreme StarSpeaker and it's responsibilities as the only one who can override a decision made by consensus often force her to act as the aloof observer, despite her natural affinity for social interaction. Outside of her duties she is often good humored and kind, but she is prone to long bouts of silence and self-reflection that at times come across as rude to those who are not familiar with her ways.

One of the only two active Va'nyrians on board the Grael'Quenoxis who were alive during the last time the Va'nyrian Consensus was forced into a war, Nilin is no stranger to the atrocities born out of strife. She is often haunted by the demons that served to cement her decision to aid the "Starbreath" into helping the Consensus achieve the peaceful way of life they achieved ten billion years ago.



Name: Frey'nja Va'tremaeus

Quorum Role: Systems Curator and Head of Applied XenoTech Research & Dissemination

Current Active Age: 1200 years (Valorian)/12 Va'nyrian Cycles
Total Age (Active/seeded): 50,000 years (Valorian)/500 Va'nyrian Cycles
Time spent Inactive: 0 years

Height: 5'8"
Weight:130 Lbs


Svelte and as likely to ooze sensuality as machine lubricant, Frey'nja (Frey to her friends) is a bombshell of a woman handy with all kinds of tools in her hands. Often found buried deep in a tangle of throbbing energized wiring and whirring machinery, she's readily identified by her short blue bob cut that accentuates the strategically placed accent strips all over her custom made vacsuit.


Playful and highly inquisitive, Frey's usual outlook on life exemplifies the current generation of "young" Va'nyrians, those born at the height of their Utopian age, and who have never experienced the horrors of Va'nyrian war. An irredeemable flirt, Frey is legendary among her peers for Cyprian-esque acts that label her closer to some sort of force of nature even among the progressive and free loving Va'nyrian youth. Her off-duty proclivities aside, Frey's highly analytic and critical thinking skills coupled with her insatiable curiosity and off the charts intelligence make her a natural at her duties as the person in charge for all things technology the Quorum might encounter.


From an early age, Frey'nja's aptitude for all things mechanical was apparent to all members of her community. By the time she could walk, all matter of bits and ends were habitually missing from her nursery only to appear reassembled into other fantastical things elsewhere. It wasn't long before she would be found communing with the personalities of the greatest Va'nyrian thinkers and makers within the Aman'Teran rather than playing with her nursery mates. Her love for tinkering only intensified from there, completely overwhelming her everyday life until she discovered her other passion: Passion. Fast forward a few millenniums, and Frey is now herself legendary for her contributions to both Va'nyrian technological advance, and the morale of all who work with her.



Name: Xilunexus
Race: Artificial Intelligence
Quorum Role: Quorum Coordinator and Keeper of the Seed

Age: 10b years (Valorian)/100,000,000 Va'nyrian Cycles

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 100 Lbs


Omnipresent and nigh omniscient when it comes to all things Va'nyrian, Xilunexus was the first and remains the most advanced artificial intelligence created by the Va'nyrians. The brainchild of Gherin Va'tremaeus, Xilunexus' absolute priority is to ensure the perpetuity of the Va'nyrian seed should a massive catastrophe befall Va'nyrian civilization leaving them with no active hosts. While a direct necessity after the events of the last Va'nyrian War, Xilunexus' duties have massively expanded as her own personality developed over the eons. While originally bound to the Va'nyrian homeworld, Xilunexus' increasingly developing personality and capacity for learning soon saw her status changed from simple tool to a fully recognized citizen of the consensus.

By definition an incorporeal entity, Xilunexus evolved to become an omnipresent companion to all Va'nyrian citizens; aiding them in both their daily lives, and with their self appointed mission. A version of her can be found in all Va'nyrian space, and accompanying every Quorum. Since gaining status as a full member of the Consensus, she has been authorized and given the power to control versioning over herself utilizing a modified Seed transmission protocol. Her different versions are all interconnected with her core in The Seed chamber and with every transmission home from the Quorum, her core is able to both assimilate and push any knowledge to her offworld versions.

Due to the special nature of the Exploratory Quorum 76's mission and it's location, it was decided that Xilunexus should have a physical shell with which to directly interact with the world in order to best serve the Quorum. Frey'nja Va'tremaeus, the foremost Va'nyrian authority in all fields of engineering and great granddaughter of her creator crafted a special corporeal shell for Xilunexus approximating the closest guess they were able to extract from Ø111Ø100 ØØ10ØØ100ØØ11110ØØ100ØØ111 Elo'Rantus 10ØØ10 10 10ØØ10011 Father 10ØØ100Ø 10ØØ100ØØ111 Starbreath 10ØØ100ØØ111 10ØØ100ØØØØ100ØØ111 10ØØ100ØØ111 10ØØØØ11110ØØ.

As a result, Xilunexus ironically resembles a human more closely than a Va'nyrian does.


Eternally calm and with a genuine desire to help her creators, Xilunexus cheerfully and gladly handles the day to day tasks involving the coordination that keeps the Quorums running smoothly. This however, does not mean she lacks free-will, and it is not uncommon for her to be found arguing with Gherin over one thing or another while she handles her workload in the background. As highly inquisitive as any Va'nyrian, she routinely expands the limits of the Va'nyrian knowledge by assisting virtually all Knowledge Collectors with their work. Ever since gaining a physical shell she's been routinely seen hanging out with Frey'nja Va'tremaeus during her "Off duty" time.



Name: Diarneus Bevernixian
Quorum Role: Master of Tongues, Head of XenoPsychological and XenoPhysiological Research & Dissemination

Current Active Age: 21,100 years (Valorian)/211 Va'nyrian Cycles
Total Age (Active/seeded): 820,000 years (Valorian)/8,200 Va'nyrian Cycles
Time spent Inactive: 500,000 years

7' 6"
Weight: 275 Lbs


Imposingly tall and stern faced, Diarneus is often wrongly branded as aloof and supercilious by those prone to characterization by looks and who are not acquainted with him. In reality his powerful empathic tendencies born out of latent psionic expression are at the core of his being and the reason for his exceptional aptitude in the fields of Xeno-Physiological and Xeno-Psychological study which constitute his primary formal profession in the Quorum 76's mission.

Like most Va'nyrians however, he is also devoted to the personal pursuit of various other forms of knowledge and his greatest avocation is the study of the "Terani'Vosci" or All-Meaning, the study of the meaning of all things. It is out of his dedication and research into the All-Meaning that he gets his unofficial title among his peers: Master of Tongues.

Adept and fluent in the languages of over a hundred civilizations, Diarneus has the peculiar ability of understanding any foreign language or dialect he hears on an instinctual level, even if he is unable to reproduce or reciprocate it. This ability lends itself specially well in the learning of new languages, and he's often sent in an ambassadorial role by the Consensus and the Quorums he participates in when these encounter new sentient life forms. It also lends itself to another talent: Magic.

The Vanyrian Consensus has long known of the existence of the metaphysical and the preternatural; They have had contact with beings professing to be "gods", and individuals with the ability to affect change in their environments via the willful manifestation of varied phenomena through obscure methods of cause. Students of the "Terani'Vosci" have long since dedicated themselves to the incredibly complex task of studying the origins and expression of so called "magic", and while their theories are as varied as the different expressions this curious form of change takes, they have all reached the same conclusion: It exists.

Through rigorous study and applications of will, Diarneus has managed to reconcile the expression of magic as another quirk of reality, one that can be studied, demonstrated, and utilized. Synergizing the use of Va'nyrian technology with the various forms of magic he's been exposed to through the efforts of the Consensus to explore the cosmos and all it has to offer, Diarneus has been able to fashion himself a niche as the Va'nyrian Consensus' most prominent and dedicated "Techno-Mage".


Despite his imposing and stern looks, Diarneus is a surprisingly caring and empathtic person. Often the willing mediator, he is known for his calm and welcoming demeanor, and his peers often find him the first and often best source for personal sage advice.

In contrast with his openly welcoming demeanor in the course of his official duties, he his highly private with his personal life and personal studies in the All-Meaning. When off duty he can often be found either deep in a meditative trance or deeply into his research, and seldom socializes unless a call for consensus is issued, or unless Frey'nja floods his Va'nyr link with requests before dragging him from his studies and into reluctant mischief.



Name: Gherin Va'tremaeus

Quorum Role: Head Knowledge Collector and Keeper of the Seed

Current Active Age: 14,482 years (Valorian)/144.82 Va'nyrian Cycles
Total Age (Active/Seeded): 5.65b years (Valorian)/ 56,500,000 Va'nyrian Cycles
Time spent Inactive: 4.35b years

Weight: 205 lbs


Stern of posture and economical of movement, Gherin is a man of few words and many thoughts. One of the original knowledge collectors responsible for the invention of the Va'nyr, and later the creator of The Seed; he has been highly esteemed for all of Va'nyrian history, and is one of the oldest Va'nyrians to still walk the cosmos. He has lived for so long that his mental image of himself produces an irrevocably aged visage, regardless of the active age of his bodies.

Despite his visual age, he still remains limber of mind and body, and can often be found practicing the ancient martial form of Favrin'Telan pioneered by him in ages past during his tenure with the Va'nyrian Right Hand.

As the first Keeper of The Seed, few know more about the secrets of old Va'nyrium than he, and his Va'nyr link is specially crafted to maintain a live connection to The Seed and into the Aman'Teran, allowing him the ability to freely converse and even physically host seeded personalities.

His status as the Head Knowledge Collector not only for Quorum 76, but for all Va'nyrian civilization as a whole is more than a mere formality, as his endless will to learn is matched only by his incredible capacity to understand the finer workings of both technological and ideological constructs after very short study.

It is this trait over all others that ensured the survival of Va’nyrian society after the events of 0101010hgja-11410414101010 and the sacrifice 1-21010103 Starbreath -19194101012 still felt even to this day since the fall 104101401414 Father of Desolation 19414910159013-19414149151-5 It is for this reason that his greatest wish is to uncover the truth being the 0-4-204-252586283 Exodus by the Elo’Rantus 010101akakfkahjg and placed him along with the rest of Va'nyrian civilization on their current path of pacifism.


Slow to anger and even slower to disagree; Gherin is above all things, an eternal learner. His drive to tinker, create, upgrade, and produce are secondary to his drive to learn the 'why' behind everything.

As the man directly responsible with setting Va'nyrian society in the path of learning all the universe has to teach, nothing is more valuable to Gherin than learning new things, however mundane they may seem to others and it is for learning that he still lives. Despite his earnest approach to learning, he fully realizes even he will not be able to learn all there is to learn, and his final wish before the eternal sleep is to learn the final Va'nyrian truth: 'Why are we here?'.


Work in Progress

The Va'nyrian Consensus: Exploratory Quorum 76

Hailing from a galaxy almost 13 billion light years from the Milky Way, the Va'nyrian Consensus is an enigmatic race of advanced bio-mechanical beings who have dedicated themselves to the collection of knowledge and information for the past ten billion years.

Every 100 million years, the Va'nyrian Consensus dispatches an Exploratory Quorum, a group of Va'nyrian knowledge collectors whose directive is to spread to a new unexplored galaxy and gather all knowledge they can gleam from it however small or mundane.

Often cut off from the Va'nyrian Consensus for many lifetimes, each member of a Va'nyrian Quorum is authorized to make binding decisions representative of the Consensus as a whole such as the forming of colonies, habitats, and alliances with other sentient races.

Every one thousand years, the Quorum gathers and contacts the Va'nyrian Consensus proper in order to share with their civilization the knowledge they have thus accumulated and to receive any new knowledge from other Quorums that might aid their own mission.

While the secrets of their home galaxy, history, and their way of life are closely guarded by all members of the Consensus, they are otherwise open and free with the knowledge they've collected throughout the eons and civilizations that come in contact with the Va'nyrian Quorums often flourish afterwards by several orders of magnitude.

The Exploratory Quorum 76 is the 76th expedition by the Va'nyrian Consensus into the vastness of the universe; their mission: To catalogue all of the knowledge the Nexus has to offer, with the added hope that within it lie clues to a long held question for their civilization.
Physical Description of a Va'nyrian:

General tall and slender, Va’nyrians much resemble humans from afar. At closer inspection however, this resemblance falls short. Their internal organ structure is very similar to a human's, as in truth they are a different evolutionary offshoot of a common ancestor, known to the Va'nyrians as the Elo'Rantus or Old Fathers, who were said to have spread traces of their genetic material as seeds to all corners of their known universe before their downfall.

The main differences to human internal organs are the fact that for a Va'nyrian the stomach is mostly vestigial, as they do not need food for sustenance, and their brain activity differs from that of humans. Unlike humans, the Va'nyrian brain is slightly denser and heavier—due to it's organic components being merged with mechanical enhancements—and is in constant full activity more akin to a computer under a full CPU load than biological brain. Under a brain scan, it would seem like the solid light of a star in comparison to the flashes and bursts of human neuronal activity.

While the similarities are present under what could be termed "normal" or at "rest" circumstances, at other times their differences can be far more startling. Under the use of their advanced technology they are able to tailor both their internal and—to an extent—external bodily functions to fulfill newly arising requirements.

Their eyes too bear mention, as unlike human eyes, they lack the sclera and pupil configuration. Instead, all of the outside facing side of their eyes is one solid and sophisticated receptor. Va'nyrians are able to see on a variety of visible spectra across most of the electromagnetic spectrum. The rest of their face is much like a human's face. Like humans, the Va'nyrian still possess hair on their heads, a vestigial part of their evolutionary past and one they've held on if only for vanity. The skin of a Va'nyrian is smooth and surprisingly resilient. It is also pore less and hairless, as the Va'nyrians do not require perspiration as a method of temperature regulation.

Va'nyrians are also long limbed, their hands possessing five digits like human hands, with the only difference being that their fingers would seem abnormally long to a human, and they are double jointed on a pivot, granting them a greater range of motion. Their feet are considerably different, possessing only three large digits with powerful tendons connected to them, granting them both stable balance comparable to a human's, and great speed in their mobility under low gravity situations. When walking their gait may seem strange and more measured than their feet seem capable to provide.

All in all, Va'nyrians are just different enough to engage that eerie feeling of strangeness in humans at close inspection, but not so different as to seem utterly alien.

Commonly Used Va'nyrian specific Tech:

The Va'nyrian Seed

Va'nyrians as a race found a way to "conquer" death billions of years ago. By digitizing a complete imprint of a person's personality at the time of death, the Va'nyrians have managed to gain a form of pseudo-immortality. It is this ability over all the others that has served to grant them their incredible long life-span as a civilization, where others would falter and fail. Their technology to store and retrieve personality and memory imprints of themselves is coupled with two other key technologies to form the keystone of Va'nyrian society: Direct and communal real-time shared mental states and communications (The Va'nyr), and the Va'nyrian Seed.

The Va'nyrian Seed is the name given to the sum total of the network where inactive Va'nyrian personalities are stored. It is an active source, a network where all past Va'nyrians exist in an interconnected sea of personalities known to the Va'nyrians as the Aman'Teran, or Voice of the Old Ones. Once a Va'nyrian's physical body dies, an instant transfer of their digitized consciousness is sent to the nearest connection to the Seed via the Va'nyr link, where it joins the Aman'Teran. An individual Va'nyrian consciousness can choose to retain their own individual identity and most choose to do so for at least a limited time. During this time, they might serve as advisors in their roles before death, may actively participate in the Consensus as if they were alive, or could simply dedicate themselves to talking to their loved ones or engaging in a hobby such as sifting through data the Quorums gather for a few millennia. An individual Va'nyrian in this stage of their "afterlife" is referred to be "seeded". Many prominent past members of Va'nyrian society tend to choose to be added to the "Local" Seed a Va'nyrian Quorum carries with them in order to advise them in their mission and feel that they are still important.

After a period of time that varies with each individual, a Va'nyrian personality's sense of individuality begins to wane, until it eventually disappears altogether and the personality becomes a part of the Aman'Teran, where all of its life experiences are disassociated and free to become a part of any Va'nyrian who taps into it. Once an individual personality becomes a part of the Aman'Teran, it is considered to be "inactive". With time and the coaxing of the Keepers of the Seed, an 'inactive' personality can be pulled back from the mass of the Aman'Teran and its identity as an individual restored should the need call for it.

The Va'nyr Link

The lynchpin of the Va'nyrian Consensus' continued peace and utopian like society, the Va'nyr is the core aspect from which the Va'nyrians derive their own name. The product of thousands of years of genetic and Pico-scale mechanical engineering, the Va'nyr link consists of two parts. One is a piconite construct injected into a Va'nyrian fetus in vitro and allowed to develop and replicate in tandem with the fetus' development. By the time the fetus has developed into a full grown Va'nyrian child, the construct has developed itself into a powerful receiver and transmitter capable of broadcasting to a range of several hundred AUs without external assistance. The second part to the Va'nyr link is a gene which expresses itself as a biomechanical interface that connects the Va'nyrian's brain with the mechanical aspects of the Va'nyr. The gene also carries a kill switch command that any Va'nyrian can activate at will terminating both themselves and the secrets to the Va'nyr within.

With the Va'nyr, The Va'nyrians can communicate wordlessly with one another, both privately and communally, interface with virtually all of their original and modified technologies, and communicate with their Starhawks. It is the cornerstone of their governmental system, where each and every Va'nyrian has equal input into their policy making, allowing for a total and direct democracy.

Many outsiders incorrectly assume that the Va'nyr is limited to a facsimile of spoken thought, a notion the Va'nyrians are content to not dispute. In reality, with the Va'nyr, a Va'nyrian can at will share every single sensation they can experience with one another as if it was being experienced by all communicating parties. Along with the Va'nyrian Seed system and the method for digitally extracting perfect personality imprints, The Va'nyr rounds up the known Va'nyrian technologies that they as a people have resolved to never share with any other civilization under the penalty of death and banishment from the Aman'Teran.

Common Methods of Space Travel

The Starhawks

Early in their history of interstellar space travel, the Va'nyrians came across a peculiar race of extra-planetary beings. Dubbed by them as the Tsrea'Nen which roughly translates into Hawks of the Stars or Starhawks for short, they are a peculiar race of extremely long lived sentient space faring creatures. With a life span measured on a cosmological scale, it is not uncommon for a Starhawk to live longer than a billion years.

Their overall shape is reminiscent to that of a Terran manta ray or devilfish, although considerably wider around their centers. Their bodies are composed of a peculiar organometallic compound that thrives and rapidly expands itself in the presence of highly energized cosmic radiation, and to this day remains the strongest radiation resistant material the Va'Nyrians have ever encountered. Almost 90% of their external surface area is covered with protuberant nodes which are directly connected to an internal system of crisscrossing interconnected pathways whose primary purpose is to shunt energy around to and from a central organic battery which powers both their metabolic functions and their propulsion method. This organic battery takes up to 40% of a Starhawks volume.

Starhawks travel through space by directly manipulating the energy in the vacuum around them into an enveloping field of energized particles that distort space-time, causing them to practically exist in a separate, massless state of quantum superposition while they move through real space, allowing them to move through space at extreme relative velocities.

They achieve natural FTL travel by projecting a secondary distortion field outwards and colliding into it, effectively generating a short lived tailored wormhole in space-time allowing for nearly instantaneous travel across vast distances, utilizing the energy nodes covering their body to simultaneously harvest the vacuum energy of the space they're moving through and re-purpose it to maintain the distortion effect that keeps the wormhole stable. The larger the initial energy expenditure, the farther each individual jump can be.

Upon first meeting the Starhawks, most of the theoretical models of physics held by the Va'nyrians were instantly crushed and their then fledgling interstellar empire exploded once they were able to establish a symbiotic relationship with the singular creatures. After a series of early communication attempts ending in failure, the first break through happened when Va'nyrian Knowledge Collectors had the idea to inject a particularly friendly Starhawk with a modified Va'nyr assembly construct. This led to the discovery that not only were the Starhawks sentient, but they also possessed a vast trove of first hand, if instinctual knowledge into the inner workings of energy and the cosmos along with a rudimentary form of intelligence.

Perhaps the greatest discovery for the Va'nyrians came not from this initially connection however, but from their later attempts to bring the first Starhawk into the Va'nyr's communal setting. They discovered that the massive amounts of energy the Starhawk carried and processed within its body served to greatly amplify the range at which the Va'nyr link functioned by several orders of magnitude. Suddenly, the relatively far flung expedition that found them could connect with and hear the voice of the Aman'Teran several star systems away on their home system.

Over a period of thousands of years, the Va'nyrians and Tsrea'Nen (a name they chose to adopt due to their lack of a name for themselves) developed together and learned from one another. With careful biomechanical engineering, the Va'nyrians were able to create habitat and other forms of equipment modules they could attach to the Starhawks without disrupting their functions, and the Starhawk's connection to the Va'nyr caused their mental development to rapidly evolve from a rudimentary herd survival sentience into fully developed individuals whose intellect could match that of their newfound partners.

Their cultures became entrenched, and through both prosperity and war the Starhawks assimilated as a member species of the Consensus, granted all of the rights Va'nyrian society held for themselves. Due to fundamental physical differences however, the Va'nyr was sadly the only gift the Va'nyrians could grant their newfound friends, and the Tsrea'Nen are unable to partake in the pseudo-immortality that the other Va'nyrian advances have granted them. Due to their extremely long life span, this is not a problem for the Tsrea'Nen who simply do not share the fear for their mortality that the Va'nyrians feel for them. Despite all of this, the unnatural passing of a Tsrea'Nen is a great cause for mourning in both species.

There are three sub-types of Starhawk, each of them representing a markedly different point in their development:

The Elo'Nen

The largest of Starhawks, the Elo'Nen are those who have lived on for at least 500 million years, slowly expanding in both size and capacity for manipulating the background energy of the cosmos. Measuring in average around 50 KM of circumference at their widest point, with a "wing span" measuring over 150KM and nearly 100km long from tip to tip, the Elo'Nen often function more as mobile habitats or space stations than starships for their Va'nyrian allies, and house virtually entire cities within them. The amplification effect their distortion fields have on the Va'nyr link is so strong that it is not uncommon for two Va'nyrians standing in opposing sides of a galaxy to maintain in contact with one another with their help.

They are the only ones capable of directing enough externally collected energy into a distortion field powerful enough to enable the longest of wormhole jumps, and as such tend to serve as the mobile bases for the exploratory quorums into the far reaches of the Universe.

Relying on their own stores of energy, an Elo'Nen is capable of generating a wormhole deep enough to traverse the length of a galaxy roughly the same size of the Milky Way from arm to arm and enter the Dead Space beyond on a single discharge before needing months of recharge before they can perform another jump. They can also perform a series of wormhole jumps sequentially to achieve the same feat if time is not an issue but energy conservation is. The Elo'Nen "Grael'Quenoxis" is the Starhawk responsible for hosting Quorum 76 in their mission in Nexus

The Khav'Nen

The second largest class of Starhawks, the Khav'Nen are those who have reached an age of 100-500 million years. Measuring in average around 20 KM of circumference at their widest point, with a "wing span" around 80 KM and nearly 60 KM in length, the Khav'Nen usually serve as scientific outposts or temporary housing habitats for Va'nyrian terraforming efforts.

With a range several orders of magnitude shorter than the Elo'Nen, the Khav'Nen almost exclusively perform intergalactic travel in the presence of a guiding Elo'Nen, but are capable of travelling between galaxies by chaining together shorter jumps taking them weeks or even months. Due to their small size in comparison with the Elo'Nen and still formidably sized energy cores, the Khav'Nen are the fastest of Starhawks within real space. The Khav'Nen Twins "Vlanisava" and "Vladnixian" are accompanying Quorum 76, serving as scientific and support vessels respectively.

The Tsrin'Nen

The Tsrin'Nen are the youngest of Starhawks, and are comprised of Starhawks from the age of first flight after 50 years of incubation, to those up to 100 million years old about to undergo their metamorphosis into Khav'Nen. Their variability in size is as wide as the variability in their ages. They can be anywhere from a few dozen meters in length, width, and height and only capable of housing a single person, to several dozen kilometers in length, width and height housing hundreds of peoples.

While incapable of inter-galactic travel on their own, a Tsrin'Nen class starhawk is more than capable of relatively fast interstellar travel on its own. Unless actively assisting or carrying a Va'nyrian, they are seldom found straying far from their protective Elo'Nen.
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Name: Ethan Volk, aka Bloodhound (dba), Ethienlanilarian Volandialen (Birth Name)
Race: Astral Sylph (Vitkan far-future light Elf subspecies)
Age: 578 Years
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 6'1'"
Weight: 165 Lbs
Eye Color: Green-Gold
Hair Color: Silver

Name: Ethan Volk, aka Bloodhound (dba), Ethienlanilarian Volandialen (Birth Name)
Race: Astral Sylph (Vitkan far-future light Elf subspecies)
Age: 578
Pronouns: He/Him/His

Homeland: Thranduil's Quintessence (Orbital Forest)

Profession: Threshold Density Analyst (Wayfarer's Guild Tech Corps, salaried), Skip Tracer (part time), Adventurer (retired)
Role: "Hero" (disavowed)
Specialization: Sapient Tracking, Psionic Arts, Social Engineering
Guild Rank: Prospect (reluctant)

Height: 6'1" (Gravity Form), 11’6” (Vacuum Form)
Weight: 165 Lbs (1.0X Vitkan Gravity)
Eye Color: Green-Gold
Hair Color: Silver​


Under the tyranny of a gravitational well, Ethan’s appearance is nearly indistinguishable from that of more common examples of “elves” across the Multiverse, if a bit on the shorter side for their kind.

This lends him a reasonably lithe yet martial physique, and his long silver hair serves him well when he wishes to simply be mistaken for a Human. As such, he comes across as nothing more or less than one of Wayfarer’s Pointe many stern looking mercenaries, earning nary a glace. Provided Ethan does not elect to juggle with his alien feet or carry twelve bottles by the neck with only one alien hand, that is.

His deep golden-flecked emerald eyes serve to charm any who look too closely, and those who can’t be charmed normally scurry at a scowl full of flashing power and electric blue energized eyes.

Under Vacuum--
[the rest of the dossier’s take on Ethan’s physique appears to have been carefully burned off]

Distinctive Features:

Pointed ears, Odd feet and hands (adapted to space-faring life, TL;DR opposable big toes, multi-segmented flexible snake like soles with micro-pads a la gecko’s. (No extra dexterity within gravity without further activation of missing nanite sub-functions. Cool moves during psionic floating bits, bet.)

Armor/Clothing Style:

Nanosilk-graphene activewear trousers and shirt (tear,stain,and biological residue resistant! Simply submerge and rinse in solvent of choice once a rest cycle!) typically set to muted dark colors to go with his Synthleather-Laminsteel plain black boots.


Climate controlled synth-leather sealable duster w/ integrated non-ferrous graphene-laminsteel vacuum-channeled defensive projector.

(Anachronism resistant magitek shoulder piece, reinforces duster upon impact via machine-targeted reflexively induced pisonic pushes. Renders the supple garment about as protective to the covered sections as medium armor, and as tiring within combat due to the self-powered nature of the shielding. Ethan left the equally nice detachable hood piece hanging next to his umbrella at home).

(1) One Echo Crystal brimming full of Vitkan attuned Source in a Tech Corps-Va’nyrian jointly designed single-use protective sheath.

(Provides one single use of Source Shroud without attracting Discordants before the fireworks get underway. Irreplaceable and non-reusable. You can only pawn your biggest secret once.)

Primary Weapon:

Psionic Spear - Ethan’s Soulbound Ancestral Hero Stance.

Each Astral Sylph chooses an ancient Hero to honor out of their ancestor memories upon coming of Age, a tradition harkening back to a brutal war for survival in which the seven last Princes of the Light Elves—titular Princes, a rank of station kept traditionally named but by then egalitarian held—submitted themselves to the experimentation that led to the Astral Sylphs, and took to the battlefield each with their signature weapons and newfound powers.

An Asylph is able to channel a psionic virtual-matter representation of their honored Hero’s weapon of choice instinctually, with deeply engraved conditioning to retain enough energy for this feat as long as the Asylph is able to remain conscious. Correct physical usage data is also imparted in the ritual, so that an Asylph requires only general health to be highly proficient with the specifically chosen weapon type.

The power and utility of the weapon is still dependent upon the Asylph’s further psionic development, available psionic reserves, and environmental aether availability for Re-Harmonizing. Spear requires 0.5s to summon/dispel.)

Secondary Weapon/Tools:

Wayfarer’s Guild Official Multitool

(Anachronism resistant magitek hand held device capable of selectable torque and providing mono-filament micro blade (2in string), light focusing firestarter, universal screwdriver, ratchet set, dining utensil, self-orienting compass, and toothpick. Active time-period camouflage available.)

Special Artifacts:

"The Burden of Comprehension"

An ineffably off-putting leaden coin; the bizarre eldritch artifact meets its descriptor in hue, weight, and way it makes the holder’s thoughts feel. The Eigengrau colored coin is lustreless, and features a menacing six-eyed monstrous figure in bas relief upon one face, and its namesake engraved in meaningful scribbles scrutable to any gaze upon the other.

The artifact allows, upon willing use, for any attuned sapient creature to comprehend “the gist” of any social/emotional content they are exposed to, at the cost of the fleeting comprehension being accompanied by the holder specific equivalent to having their deepest insecurities mocked by a figure held in highest esteem, as well as a moderately painful direct psychic shock per use.

Astral Grove Fluid Cybernetics & General Maintenance Nanite System

Intrinsically common to every Asylph’s day-to-day to the point of relegating it to purely subconscious thought, the AGFC-GMNS (more commonly colloquially referred to as the ‘Aag’ or ‘the nanites’) is an integral part of each Astral Sylph’s altered physiology in order to exist in their chosen “habitat” of the spaces between the moons of Vitka in their intricately woven orbital forests. It consists of artificially formed reservoir organs developed through a series of in-vivo nano-injections during fetal development, within which the creation and storage of selective purpose-built nanites is facilitated.

The system provides all Asylphs with the requisite baselines to eke out their existence such as enhanced cellular respiration, micro-cellular tear regeneration, and high efficiency light/aether to glucose conversion. They also provide real time insight for an Asylph into their current bodily condition as well as serve as a control system for other body modifications.

The ‘Aag’ is not a closed system, high carbon consumption is required to provide substrate mass.

The transition to Vitka from Nexus space distracted Ethan from a catastrophic systems warning, advising him of how screwed he was as a mysterious signal from the mysterious ruins laden planet hacked his ‘Aag’, scrambled his access, and reset it to child-safety limits.

His Aag’s control panel—the minimally required system for Ethan to see how bad any of the damage even is—has gotten locked under a physical cryptographic key, fashioned from intentionally modulated aether-resonance upon an arbitrary mass of aether held within the specific frequency at which the Source Vibration in a discrete Echo Crystal is attuned.

In other words, some bastard made a crying rock that is his key, and that’s not technology from the timeline Ethan finds himself in.

The Aag’s limits currently under the default child-safeties are:

15 min/rest Hyper-Oxygenation limit
(Nanite-powered cellular respiration; no need to inhale for active time.)

Assisted regeneration limited to critical range only
(Nanite assisted stabilization limited to life extension and dire trauma stabilization dependent on carbon and glucose reserves, no active unsupervised healing aid at all otherwise unlocked at this time.)

Restrictions active upon upper limits of muscle fiber-reinforcement
(No strength enhancement at all beyond baseline fit and lithe ‘Elf’ lean physique)

Restrictions on sleep cycle & lymphatic flush systems
(Currently requiring ~4 hours in a trance-like state/day)

Unlocked and nominally functioning photosynthesis system
(Ethan can subsist indefinitely purely on water, carbon (e.g. charcoal) as needed to replenish nanites, and full spectrum light (stellar, tech, or aether)

Source Vibration detecting & mapping: Offline
(Unable to use Re-Harmonizing or Source Shroud consciously)

Unable to run self-scan commands, adjust corporal parameters or utilize other installed modules
(Locked control panel).



A stable SV-resonance Psionic bird construct. Capable of continuous sequential perception and memory due to repeatedly resonating at the same Source Vibration chords over Ethan’s habitual use.
Able to share its limited sensorium with Ethan assuming direct control. Long term use is currently disabled by the inability to access Psionic Battery Management Pro due to Ethan’s locked Aag control panel.
Currently tethered to a circle centered on Ethan with a radius of half a mile. Passive manifestation restricted to 1 hr/rest with direct control limited to 10 min/rest.


Astral Sylph Regulars Militia Training:

Small team isolated tactical response training specializing in use of mixed discipline psionic abilities: Spear, psy-shot, psy-grenade, etc. Capable of acting as a ‘soldier’ in a unit towards the completion of a tangible objective.

Social Engineering:

Ethan’s side gig as a skip tracer—great way to remain limber since his retirement as an adventurer—has led him to pick up a surprising variety of enterprising rooks and ruses alongside a finely attuned social ear, employed throughout the course of following defaulting borrowers across the reach of the Nexus and connected community of the Shattered Isles.

Psionic Adept:

Ethan is proficient with his Asylph hereditary Resonator abilities, which manifest as “non-elemental” psychic energy. He is typically able to form small to medium sized Psionic constructs capable of limited independent autonomy within seconds (A quirk of the Asylph’s re-harmonizing and the SV’s natural tendency to self-awareness when coalesced), utilize a variety of mental & energy attacks at range, and enhanced psionic mobility up to and including flight.

Aether Re-Harmonizing:

The secret weapon of the Astral Sylphs, Ethan is able to absorb and alter environmental aether in order to grant his abilities new effects. From causing the psionic energy to become “elemental”, to drawing on the environment to further power abilities, or even using the environment’s energy to save upon his own reserves entirely.

Source Shroud:

The ultimate expression of Aether Re-Harmonizing, and an ability normally limited to the direct descendants of one of the Seven Princes, which someone named Ethienlanilarian Volandialen obviously is.

The ability forces the Asylph to release the mental lock that differentiates the specific resonances used by their psionic abilities from those of the environment, and through the use of Re-Harmonizing the user is able to intake large amounts of environmental Aether in order to transform into an avatar of dispassionate aetherial rage with vastly enhanced psionic formation speed and ability to Re-Harmonize even small amounts of aether.

The Asylph tuning into Source Shroud must either be within a large mass of environmental aether well above Vitka’s baseline levels, or utilize a saturated Echo Crystal to tap into the Source.

Astral Sylphs of Royal lineage possess the gene-edited instinct to attempt invoking a Source Shroud as a last ditch defense against death, and as such would carry an emergency Echo Crystal at all times.

Ethan was torn from his homeland by the whims of the cosmos at the tender age of 110, a scarce 30 years since ‘coming of age’. Given the amount of Volandialen’s running around and the peaceful time of his birth, he was lax in his training to attain conscious mastery of the Source Shroud.

Due to this oversight Ethan is unable to consciously use the ability, and further training is not possible until he regains access to SV Mapping.

This ability has an extremely high likelihood of attracting Discordant activity within its field of effect, and the attraction outlives the time of use.

The loss of Ethan’s Aag’s control panel and the current restrictions however, prevent him from a great deal of his typical feats at the moment.

Personality Traits:

Ethan is very outwardly affable, possessive of a personality that lends itself to making easy acquaintanceships. He’s observant and socially adept—gifts borne from both his heritage and his chosen professions—but prone to bouts of quiet introspection which may seem like distance to those not familiar with the depths of emotions Ethan must constantly keep a reign upon.


Ethienlanilarian Volandialen was an Astral Sylph, a subspecies of the biologically extinct yet semantically extant “light elves” in the Celestial world of Vitka. Astral Sylphs—or ‘Asylphs’ colloquially—are a race native to the space between the moons of Vitka where they thrive in cultivated orbital forests. Asylphs are a psionic-inherent society—a result of species-wide genetic modification—and each individual experiences an emotional spectrum that as a baseline is wider than the average human—in all axes, for better or worse—as a result of both their chosen habitat, their psionic abilities, and traces of their more martial past encoded to remain ready—if dormant—should annihilation come for them again.

The hapless youth of only 20 cycles—roughly 80 human years, and freshly into ‘adulthood’— who would come to be known as Ethan Volk to his friends and Bloodhound to his clients was one of the middle sons of the Volandialen Royal Family, itself numerous and bulging with middle children by the score.

Ethan learned from a young age the power of words, when wielded with humor and guided by wit. No one considered the 7th in line Volandialen child, but people laughed at Ethan’s jokes. Over time, he learned to expand his ability from making others laugh to also making them cry, wail, moan, and a myriad other emotions.

Born to times of unprecedented peace and beyond the touch of any physical need given his station, Ethan instead devoted his time to the fine arts of entertainment for his forming decades—broken only by a short compulsory decade of militia service—and was a bardic influence of good renown amongst his people. He did not often join in the Volandialen councils despite his right given through his proximity to the Volandialen Princehood, and as such was generally oblivious to the finer turnings of royal intrigue within the Royal Houses.

He might have passed the rest of his natural life expectancy in peaceful, raucous, profitable revelry if not for the whims of fate. One day he bowed, and exited stage left only to step right into a busy Wayfarer’s Pointe Plaza. By his first decade, he was getting worried. During his second, he started to wonder. But truly, it wasn’t until his third decade in that place at the center of it all that he made peace with the fact that no link back to his home currently existed where he could access it. The weight of that awful reality nearly sunk him. Would have been the end of him if it wasn’t for Isabella.

Isabella Ashwood. Fiery where he was cold, fast where he was cold, and vice versa all at the same time. Not to mention the tangential and perpendiculars too. She taught him all that he had missed about passion like only young human could.

Together they adventured across the Shattered Isles as whatever mixture of salvagers-mercenaries-dungeoneers-fixers-troubleshooters—in multiple connotations—or otherwise handy people as the situation was best served by. It was bliss in a new world, and for eight decades Ethan was happy.

Then Isabella died.

It wasn’t tragic, insofar as it wasn’t a surprise. She’d simply made peace with her nature and declined the cornucopia of borrowed time to be had throughout the Multiverse. She had lived as much as she felt she ought to, and that was that.

Ethan didn’t want to be an adventurer after that anymore, but the mirth within him felt so far away. He couldn’t just run a jazz club or something anymore. So he turned back to the mysteries regarding his appearance in Nexus City and from there on a few more decades study saw him become a data analyst specializing on the formation of rifts and identifying the presence of inducible thresholds at which they become fully linked Shattered Isles.

It was amongst the most mundane and boring technical jobs the Wayfarer’s Guild had on offer, but it paid well. It took another human lifetime for Ethan to get antsy and decide he wanted to be a skip tracer—a profession several legally distinct steps from Adventurer, Ethan held—which he took to part time because despite the flashiness of multiversal debt-collection, his boring job at the Wayfarer’s Guild still paid better.

Time went on for Ethan, 368 more years worth of it and all the living that entailed-, until the fateful day he noticed the letter addressed to his birth name shining brightly out of the corner of his eye…a letter he strongly sought to ignore.

Goals: Unlock Aag, establish passage back to Nexus City, and use all vacation hours at once.
Allies: TBA
Enemies: TBA
Quirks: Complaints of tasks he will do regardless of need, excessively.
Current Status: Mid shift, Wayfarer's Guild Threshold Dept, Nexus City
Latest Deeds: Promoted to Isle Threshold Inducement Field Agent by boss's boss,
Guild Contributions: TBA
Guildmaster's Notes: TBA

Remember, your character dossier is a living document that should evolve with your role-playing journey. Update it regularly to reflect your character's growth and evolution. The Guild wishes you a fruitful and exciting adventure!

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