New User Dispensing with Formalities

As is per the customs of this website, I am going to introduce myself. As impertinent as that is. Whatever happened to being introduced by others?

Ah. Right.

It is with a little trepidation that I present myself. I enjoy role-play and thus am here, but usually I'm not a fan of forum role-plays. I imagined I would give it another shot as my usual groups just don't have the time to get together anymore for scenes. Forums have the advantage of not requiring aligned schedules (or time zones for that matter).

I am human. I am therefor flawed. I don't see the point in putting my best foot forward - it seems somehow dishonest. I try, however, to be civil, and expect to be told straight out if I overstep my bounds.

Other than role play, I enjoy drawing, listening to music, organizing and manipulating data, world-building, watching televisions series (movies not so much), researching random tidbits of information, and playing video games. I also may be caught talking about pets, current and deceased, in equal measures of disdain and adoration.

Well welcome to the site. o/

Note you don't need to do pure forum RPs, you can find tabletop groups here, chat room RPs, or add some mechanics into forum RPs so it has a more mechanical and balanced focus. If you need any help figuring out which way to go, just ask.

Also, I generally like to ask new comers some ice breakers... Because if we do it enough times we will destroy Santa Claus!

1. What is your favourite Genre for RPs, games, movies etc?
2. What is so hot it's cool, yet so cool it's hot?
3. What is your favourite type/style of RP?
You could always try role playing with me? Hey at any rate I would suggest that you post in the main lobby in as many different threads as you an so that you can become an approved member. Then you can start hunting down the kinds of role plays that you would like to be involved in.
Good to know that there are options here beyond forums! I will certainly look deeper.

House fire ice breaker questions, I will do my best to answer them. In fact I'm rather pleased to destroy Santa Claus.

1. To be honest I'm not sure I have a favorite genre. That goes for TV shows role play music any of that. It would be easier to say what I do not like.
In ANY medium, I do not like erotica...
For fiction, I don't care much for pure action flicks or westerns (make an exception for The Quick and the Dead). I am wary of sit-coms but there is the odd one that I have found endearing.
I am iffy with romance, with exception for romances written by Jane Austen and her contemporaries. I would not attempt to role-play that period, though. I'd get too anachronistic. Unless that was part of the gimmick.
As for games, I avoid most FPS and Sports games, and am selective with dungeon crawls.
I don't know how to define music genres anymore so I can't answer that, other than to say, with certainty, I do not like crooning.

2. For some reason the first thing that came to my mind when I read this was... "It's inside is an inferno, but it's skin is so cold it BURNS!"

3. The best role-play I ever participated in was on a MUSH. A nice medley of code assisted environments and structured but still fairly open RP. I like there to be a well defined theme and rules unless it is a one-on-one. However, I rarely do one-on-one unless it is with someone I already have a rapport with.
I like high fantasy settings. That way I don't have to worry about my own shoddy knowledge of reality.
I do not often participate in fandom RP unless it is Transformers - and that is for nostalgia reasons, and it has to have some very particular requirements: G1 continuity and set on the past in Cybertron (in other words, no humans).
I am okay with multiverses if they are well managed. I find they make good testing grounds for new character concepts.
I'm not too sure otherwise. Although I have role-played on-and-off for years, my exposure to different kinds of RP has actually remained rather limited. I wouldn't even know what terminology to use to define the things I enjoy. Actually, I can say for as long as I have been self away I have been role-playing - isn't that exactly what children do when they play make believe?
Mmm, yes, and I prefer chats, where everyone is present and posts/poses are meted out with a deadline in mind. I find I sometimes need to really get into a character's head space, and setting a time and place aside for that makes it easier. I get a sort of groove, or momentum, that I have a harder time forming with forum RP. But... as said in my original post, due to scheduling issues, I am thinking of giving it another shot.
Or trying some of these other options mentioned.

And I will try to get my post count up. I read all about the approval process before even considering joining up.
HWELCOME fellow human... to.. STC. Hope to chat and hang out with ye in the future! :p
#1 So basically genre's is a complicated topic? Good that you keep your tastes varied.

#2 That's another new one. No idea what the reference is though. XD

#3 So another complicated topic, with variety. :p
If you like cbox RP's though I know that's something people here want to do, maybe you can help in setting those up.
Looked forward to getting to know you too Kian. Maybe.

And... I think I should have mentioned in my original post that I am terrible with jargon and abbreviations (other than RP, OOC, IC, and uh... BRB?). ....CBox means?
Oh sorry, Cbox means Chat Box.

You find it by either clicking the chat tab at the top of the page, or the bar at the bottom of the page.
That will lead you to our general chat room.
From there you can try arranging with others to make another chat room to hold any RPs.