F***ing Immigrants


New Member
Woah, seems like I landed in North America in the 17th century. This is a blooming new websites with possibilities passing that of RPNation.

a cancerous website full of faggots, libertards and cucks

Well, my story is that I got a one month ban from RPNation because a mod called Musician was targeting me and after he sent me an automated warning for swearing in a threat with colleagues. I contacted him and asked him if he can apologies as I thought that a warning was extreme. He turned me away with an outomated message. I contacted him again several days later and then he warned me on several threads I made, half of them not even violating the site rules. I got banned and contacted the Administration on what exactly I did wrong and if the ban could be lifted but this guy, Musician, messaged me back on this message and said that it is against the rules to 'complain' and extended my ban.

I turned my back (for now) on this website and looked for new shores to share my autism.

Washed ashore by multiple websites I decided to settle for this one.

So, maybe someone can help me build the shack and colonize this land. Maybe kill the natives too. . .

tl:dr RPNationalist refugee faggot with a meme folder
I was banned on RPNation too. Quite a while back.
Some dude didn't like my roleplay-style. Said it made a character seem OP. It my own RP. It didn't at all, but I don't want to get into the details. LoL.

Long story short: I got banned.
Well I want to see what is up with this. Maybe start saying Musician's not my moderator in a freaking chat.
Y'know, I'm pretty sure I got banned from RPNation myself. I tried to log in a while after all the threads I was a part of died, and it said 'account terminated'. But honestly, i didn't care too much why, like I might here, for instance. I guess you can just tell a good site when you see it.