Fantasy 1x1


I'm the goddamn hero
So I'm basically looking for a fantasy 1x1...... as the title suggests.... I'm not always fond of group roleplays, partially because people sometimes don't stick to any posting order and it gets hectic, and partially because I feel like you're more likely to have someone who disrupts the flow. While plot and character are obviously important to any roleplay, the flow is equally important to me, so that all the posts read like they could follow on from each other, and you don't have that one really disjointed paragraph.

So I'm looking for someone else out there who wouldn't mind a 1x1, but it would be nice if you were a bit of a writer, if you get what I mean. There's nothing worse than writing a paragraph or two for some setup, only to receive a single sentence back. And as you can see, I'm after some fantasy type roleplay, and I don't really mind the plot, we can thrash it out before we start.

I'm interested, would you like to work out the details here, in another thread, or through PM?
If you're looking for someone else to RP with, I'd be interested ^^. Could you PM me if you're willing? Thanks :)