Favourite part of history?

The King Of Rats

An open book, not the best written, but still open
What part, timeframe or such, is your favourite? Mine would be the golden age of piracy, men of fortune and the debate if pirates where "good" people as in what they stood for, freedom or just gold.

What about you?​
i would say the dark ages because of the society and structure, i can deal with the Black Plague and other illnesses just let me become a knight!
Middle Ages or Medieval Period; 5th to the 15th century. The only thing I'm not big on of those times is women weren't suppose to wear pants, but were expected to always have a dress. Most of everything else I'm always reading up more about and finding new things that interest me. The concept for most romance appeals to me, the weapons used when there was war I like learning about. I honestly could go on but I'll just share if I do any realistic RPs on the time period.
I don't really have a favourite time period, but Japan in the Sengoku period always interested me, and the late 1800's during the Industrial revolution, with The west and how the modernization of all industry changed the culture of that time period.
I would have to say the world during the period of 1400-1800; a lot of interesting things were happening all over and it's really great to think about.
Another part I enjoy is South-East Asian history, a lot of things happened there that many people might overlook.