First roleplay, after a 1x1


Anyone seen my eye?
As the title suggests, I'm new here, and so thought I should see if anyone's up for a 1x1. I assume you'll have gleaned from the tags that I quite like fantasy, in my long time roleplaying elsewhere - mainly D&D - I quite like what you might call 'mystery encounters', which sounds more like a Hearthstone brawl now I say it... but where you give your partner an inkling if what you'll be playing, and just go for it, with little to no planning.

If anyone's interested, I'm here. That being said, if there's a neat group RP needing people, I'm also here.
Hey, welcome to STC! I'm looking for roleplays right now, I'd be up for a 1x1. Do you wanna shoot me a PM to throw some ideas against the wall?
I'd be down for doing a RP with you. I like your idea you there there with the mystery encounters thing and it seems like it would be cool to do.

I see you're thing if there's a neat group RP needing people and well--

I have a group RP that's heavily in need of some people to join. I don't know if it's your kinda RP or not, but it's out there so.