New User -Generic Introduction Title-


-Generic Introduction-
-Generic Enthusiastic Wellwishing-
-Generic Goodbye-


So -Generic Foolishness- aside, hello guys. Hello hello hello. I'm theuman, for nebulous reasons I just made up right about now. Couldn't find a suitable name.

Have a little experience RPing here and there — casual stuff mostly, in a wide variety of genres and fandoms, but there were serious sessions sprinkled thereabouts too. I specialize mainly on High/Low Fantasy TBH; call it my leaning towards the rustic past, but Sci-Fi just can't hold my interest for long. Tried to maintain focus but nope, it's swords and princesses (and not aliens and lasers) for this dude over here. Found this site on a boring day, when I was just drifting along the Internet, finding something to spend my easily-snapped attention on. Briefly cased the joint to see what's up, and decided 'yeah, I could have some fun in here.'

That's the gist of it, really.

So yeah.

Let's have some fun.

Hello and welcome hope you enjoy your time with us
Oh right my questions
1.Favorite Morality ie(evil,good,lawful,chaotic) to RP
2. Ranged or Melee
3. Favorite Font
1. Lawful Evil; because Peace through Tyranny is still (an admittedly selcouth) species of Peace. Also the fact that Lawful Evil villains are more likely to be noble demons — antagonists with actual and consistent personal codes, which adds more dynamic and flavor when interacting with the heroes. On the subject of heroes, I like playing as Chaotic Good, which goes hand-in-hand with the LE above.

2. Me. Lee. Brutality is the name of the game when it comes to writing combat for me, and exchanging leather up-close ... I find that more interesting to read than a gunfight.

3. Errrr, none?