New User Glad to Join

Hello Storyteller's Circle!
Currently I am a college student with more than extra time on my hands, and outside of playing Dungeons and Dragons sessions with my family I have little experience with roleplaying. I consider myself a capable enough writer and storyteller and I prefer to join a group rather than one-on-one. My interest is in anything that fits the medieval fantasy genre, however branching out into other genres can definitely be fun too. I am glad to be able to join this active roleplaying community and look forward to crafting stories with everyone!

Welcome to STC! Glad to have you! There are, I believe, some group RPs for medieval fantasy, in the Epic Roleplay forums and the Multi-thread Roleplays. I recommend going to go and check the Bulletin Board for anything, or even posting your own request to the Bulletin Board! Someone will most likely respond to it. Anyway, welcome to the board!
Howdy and welcome to STC!

In addition to the great advise above, don't hesitate to join the Discord once you're up and running and say hi. We've got a very active community.
Welcome to Storyteller's!!
Love a good D&D campaign!
Please have fun and don't hesitate to ask questions!!
Nice to meet you! Welcome to STC ^-^ I'm sure you're really creative and a good problem solver! Cause... with my experience of D&D you need to be good at strategy and such which is an awesome skill to have as a storyteller
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! So far I am a little overwhelmed from looking through the different roleplaying threads, but I will see about joining the Nexus since that seems a good start.
That is a good place to start ^-^ if you find anything too overwhelming or need help with joining anything or making your own roleplay please let us know