New User Good Afternoon!


Glad to be apart of the this site! I've been in love with telling stories for as long as I can remember. Though it was a rough start full of terribly worded one liners, its always been fun to collaborate with new people! Unfortunately, I've been away from writing...doing the terribleness that is adulting (>_<)...but a friend snapped me out of my busy world to make time for this again! Im super excited!

That being said, I love using my original favorite being Elliryanna Mietea! I write mainly fantasy....witches, wizards, vampires, werewolves...they are the essence of my creativity...and..i kind of have a weakness for Marauder era Harry Potter fan fiction :emoji_sweat_smile: But i'm down to write just about anything!

I am glad to answer any questions and I cannot WAIT to start some new stories with everyone here!
Hi welcome to the Storytellerscircle. Hope you find a role play that you can enjoy and take part in. Fastest way to get accepted as a full fledged member is for you to post in the main lobby.
Main Lobby has a lot of different threads for you take part in. Check it out when you click on the forums button.
Well, Im not sure If I post back here orr make a new thread? Was gone for quite some time and didnt really get a chance to dive into the stories here. But Im back now and ready to add to some juicy plots!
Hi there! If you wanted to you are more than welcome to post a returning user thread here though it is not required. Welcome back and if you are looking to find some new rp or start some make sure to head on over to our bulletin board!