New User Greetings and Salutations


You Truly Have a Dizzying Intellect
Hello fellow storytellers.

Name is Andy, and I am very much looking forward taking on some incredible adventures with you guys.

A little background on myself. I've been rping via forum and table top cumulatively for about 15yrs. Favor fantasy settings, and big horror movie buff.

Current tabletop rp is Mouse Guard, which is simply brilliant and inspired me to tell more stories and set out to the forums once again.

I'm very excited to build some wonderful characters and stories with everyone. Hope you all have as much reading as I do writing. :)
Welcome to STC Andy!!, You'll surely have a great time here with us. I look forwards to finding you in some roleplay or another, seeya around the forums. :)
Hello there,

Welcome to STC!

I just wanted to pop in to mention that you are off to a great start on your approval process. However, before your account can be approved you will need to have a bit more activity under your belt. Don't forget to stop by our community forums; The Main Lobby, The Creative Forums, The Writers Circle are all great places to post and interact with your fellow users. Once you are a bit more active your account should have no problem being approved!

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!


Thank you for the welcome!
I plan on being more active soon. Currently away on mini vacation with my wife but should be home monday night. Looking forward to getting to know everyone and having stories to tell!