New User Greetings, I'm Imbion.


Supreme Edgelord
Hello! The name's Imbion. I used to roleplay a lot, but it's actually been quite a while. It's been about two years since I have roleplayed at all. I've spent that time witting and playing video games. I am excited to get back into things and hopefully I can fully get back into the swing of roleplaying.
My favorite roleplay themes are advneture and action. I also like fandom roleplays. I enjoy roleplaying violence, but I despise romance-focused roleplaying.
Howdy my dude, and welcome to the Circle! We have plenty of action-heavy roleplays here, I'm sure we can find something to your liking without too much trouble. First thing is first, if you haven't had a look at the account approval info thread in the Intros forum, that'd be a very good idea. If you've already done that, feel free to have a mosey on around the site and post wherever you feel like it. A half dozen or so posts around the community forums will usually get you approved pretty promptly. Make yourself at home, and I look forward to RPing with you!
Welcome to STC and it is great to see you! Hehe, I'm a little late here on the welcoming party since it looks like you've already gone and got yourself approved. Hmmm....I shall have to work on my timeliness with this stuff. Anyway, just checking in to make sure you're doing alright and make sure you give a yell if you need anything.