New User Greetings

Hello I'm Aria Scarlet, I've been wanting to get back into the swing of roleplaying again and hoping to find amazing partner. I kind of talk a lot so if you want to talk, you can message me.
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Sup Aria;)
Welcome to the site and I hope ya enjoy it here, if ya need any help don't be afraid to ask:p
Umm, I'm Aria Scarlet. I've been roleplaying for a while now, you've probably seen me on a few other sites. I was banned from two sites due to inactivity but I promise to keep you updated on my status.

I like these genres of rp
  • romance
  • yuri
  • straight
  • pregnancy
  • fantasy
  • supernatural
  • fandoms
  • school life
  • medevil / historica
is there anything I'm missing

I never heard this name.. anyways, enjoy this site, and hearing from you in a future RP.
Welcome to the site! Hope to chat and roleplay with you in the future!
Wait, I could already message people before hand... Does this mean I *always* wanted to talk to you? o_o

MY GOD! Sudden realisation!

Anyway's welcome to the site. :p
I tend to like asking newcomers some ice breaker questions, to get things flowing so...

1. What is your favourite RP Genre?
2. What is so hot it's cool, yet so cool it's hot?
3. You say you want to get back in the swing of RP. But most people tend to type, how does one 'swing' during RP? :p