New User Greetings!


New Member
Greetings, everyone

My name is Reborn and I am glad to make your aquantince. I am hoping to enjoy my stay here. Since, so far it seems like a swell site!

Salutation, Reborn

Welcome to STC I hope you do enjoy your stay here it's a pretty friendly place

Yours truly,
Some random guy
Hey reborn! Welcome to STC. I'm a recent convert here from other online forums and I must say I'm quite enjoying my time here so far :) what are your interests in the roleplaying world?
Thank you for the warm welome. And to answer you're question, I like Fantasy and Nation building types. But if you're talking aspects, I love anything random, weird, and most of all INSANE.
Haha I'm a huge fantasy lover too :) I rarely venture into exotic Rp's though! I'm too boring and stuck in my genre XD
Welcome to the site! Hope to see ye around, cheers! Ask away through PM if ye got any questions!