New User Greetings

Welcome kenico! Check out the bulletin board after your account is approved (to do this, mingle with the community and post in the creative forums or more general spaces). And you'll find plenty of great rps or perhaps you could create your own!! ;)
Sorry to double post but just a little curious. Can we begin rping/making rps or will we have to do a few more requirements?
AH! Of course :) just one question though? whats the usual time frame for approval? I'm eager to introduce my world to the masses :)
Depends on how much you interact with the community, erc. Get into the chatrooms for example. Post in the forums where you can.
Would short stories work as well?

Short stories would indeed work towards your consideration for approval. We look for community engagement in the Main Lobby, Writer's Circle, Discussions & Debates, and Creative Forums along with your introduction to gauge whether new users would be a good fit for our site. The interactions don't have to be particular in-depth, they just simply need to demonstrate an attempt to participate in the community as a whole. Whether it's a snippet of opinion on the Main Lobby or sharing some of your works in the creative forums with others, as long as your trying to engage with the community, you'll be approved quickly enough.

There's no specific time frame, we've had some folks get approved in under an hour even. You just have to get out there and mingle in your new home, and we'll take notice.