

Outhouse Poet
I am SedentaryCobra, also going by TrickyDickNixon in some circles, and I am a fairly experienced RP. I run D&D and Pathfinder games online or with friends. I can go for just about any kind of RP, and can RP most kind of character archetypes fairly well. I enjoy worldbuilding, and often homebrew RP and D&D settings. I look forward to spending time on this site.
Welcome to the Circle, SedentaryCobra!

I'm Lobos, a Global Moderator, the Battle Arena Moderator, and one of the GMs of our local 'Chronicles of the Omniverse' Epic Roleplay. I hope you enjoy your time here with us on Storyteller's Circle, and if you have any questions, I or one of my fellow Staff members can be reached through either replying here, accessing our chat with the button in the top toolbar, or by 'Start a Conversation' (PM) on our profiles.

Again, welcome to the Circle.


PS: Apologies if the greeting is a bit informal, I'm really terrible at it. ;)
More of a tabletop roleplayer then? The sites currently working on getting more stuff for such RP's, so you've found a good place. :)

Though I need to ask, do you have much experience with forum roleplays?
I have done play by post roleplays before, although I'm not nearly as experienced at them. I would be willing to play or DM some of the tabletop stuff here when its ready.
I can get a play by post up and running, using a discord plugin as public dice rolling. I can do pretty much any setting, too. I can do sci-fi, western, bronze age, eastern fantasy, high fantasy, low fantasy, whatever. As long as some people have a setting they want to do, I'm all for doing it. I just don't particularly feel like recruiting.
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We have a built in dice roller in our forums too.

It's a little limited in that it can't handle modifiers like +5 -5, etc. But it's spoof proof. When someone rolls a dice, its saved to the database, so even if they edit their post, the roll won't change, and they can't roll several times, and then edit out the lowest one.
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