New User Greetings!


A Big Dumb Dumb
Hello! I'm Necro, I'm a girl from Texas! I'm currently in college studying psychology!

I've been an on and off RPer for years! I got my start in World of Warcraft and moved to online later on. I consider myself a literate RPer but I can go semi-literate depending on my group/partner in crime!

I'm a bit of a altwhore, as in I miiiight be addicted to creating new OCs a lot! But hey that means more to play with right?

I hope to make many friends and participate in many stories! Thank you for your time!
Hi, and welcome! What kind of genres are you into?
Thank you!! I'm interested in Fantasy, dark, romance, horror, comedy... well I'm usually down for most genres. Minus probably stuff with ninjas or samurais (never was that interested tbh) but the ones I listed are my favorite and i will usually be up for something like that!
Thank you!! I'm interested in Fantasy, dark, romance, horror, comedy... well I'm usually down for most genres. Minus probably stuff with ninjas or samurais (never was that interested tbh) but the ones I listed are my favorite and i will usually be up for something like that!
aw thats so cool! maybe we can do some horror or romance together soon :)
:emoji_seedling:Welcome to STC Necro! :emoji_seedling:
:emoji_rose:I hope you enjoy your time here, and I'll be happy to help with any questions you might have!!I can 100% agree I have a really bad addiction to creating characters!:emoji_rose:
:emoji_hibiscus:If you want to chat please don't hesitate to message me!!:emoji_hibiscus: