New User Hello, all!

Lucinda Fae

Hello! Feel free to call me Lucy, Lucinda, or Fae. I'm new to the site, but have been active in roleplaying since I was about 13 years old and am 22 now. I enjoy a rather wide array of genres and am always willing to try different things, within reason!

In my everyday life, I'm a working mother and wife. I have the strong desire to help others with mental illness, like myself, as a therapist. Roleplaying has honestly helped lessen my anxiety through the use of creative writing, and I would love to keeping writing for as long as possible.

Enough about me, though! If you ever want to know anything, just ask. In the meantime, you can find me mingling!
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Hey there, Lucinda! Welcome aboard! Hope you enjoy your stay here!

If you don't mind answering, what might be your favorite genres to write by the way, if you have any preference?
Hey there and welcome! :)

Sounds about the same as me, only I'm 32 now :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Writing really is a great outlet for anxiety and really a lot of other mental disabilities and even just straight up day to day problems. I know we tend to attract a number of people with autism as well for the same reason. It's such a great tool that can be utilized in all sorts of ways, unique to each individual persons struggles.

That said, you'll probably be happy to know that we do our best to offer a safe environment here for people looking to use our website and writing for therapeutic reasons, rather than purely recreational.
We attract peoples with all kinds of problems. Me included. They're not problems so much in my opinion as different perspectives of life and circumstances. Writing is a great way to play around with those sort of things and it sometimes provides that little out when you otherwise feel trapped. I'm excited to see you join in the crew.

So, now that I've said hi, I want to ask questions. What is your favorite genre? Do you think dogs, or cats are better and why?
Thank you, all. I've found that people are more warm and accepting online than in real life, and that's been a big help with my social awkwardness, as well.

Now, to answer questions. I would have to say my favorite genre is anything supernatural. Adding creatures other than humans has always been fun to me. And for which animal is better - if I had to choose, it would be dogs. I have two and they seem just a little more empathetic than our cats. :emoji_laughing:
You have answered correctly. Dogs are the best and I have one to prove it. Ooh, let me know if you have any questions, or need help. I will see what I can do to make your start and stay here a great one.