New User Hello Everyone


Hello anyone who bothers to read this! I am Lindsey and am very nice to meet you. As you can see, I am knew here on this site and I am very much excited to jump in. I already have multiple roleplay ideas and characters in mind that I am eager to throw out there. Now, I saw to be approved you have to make a thread here. I am not entirely sure what information is expected to be written here and so, I am going with the flow and apologize if I majorly screw up.

Anyways, as far as experience goes, I have been roleplaying for about five years. I first happened across a roleplaying sight by chance, looking for Harry Potter games online because, just like every kid, I loved the series. I stumbled across Hexrpg and that was when my roleplaying career began and I am still on there by the way. As it was new, I started simple writing a few lines a post and having underdeveloped characters. As time went on however, I increased in skill and discovered my love for writing. It inspired me to major in English, focusing on creative writing. Honestly, that one coincidence has shaped my life.

And so now, here I am! I will be a full time college student this fall and want something to do with what free time I have. I want to improve my writing even more and meet some people with similar interests as well. I want to create stories and characters with you all and am looking forward to finding some literate, detailed, mapped out roleplays.

Anyway, that is a bit about me and why I am here. I am very excited to meet you all!
Thank you and that is a very good question! Really, I love every genre out there and it often depends on what sort of mood I am in. My absolute favorites would probably have to be anything real life as well as fantasy.
Hiya Lindsey! Welcome to STC ^-^
I have a question too! Do you have set characters that you use for roleplays or do you make new ones for each one you do?
I tend to make new ones for each roleplay. I really like roleplaying as a variety of different characters and making a new one for each roleplay lets me do exactly that.