New User Hello Hello!


Awful Gremlin
Hi! I'm mysaren! I've been roleplaying like. A whole lot of years but I've been on a hiatus lately, so I'm glad to get back into it! I really like music (mostly awful emo bands) and writing and art and all that good stuff! I also really like playing video games, particularly binding of isaac right now. i can't wait to meet y'all!
Hey there and welcome to Storyteller's Circle! Mind if I ask what sort of roleplays you're interested? We have a good variety of options available right now and we're trying to encourage people to get more up and running so we should have even more available soon :) In the meanwhile I would be happy to recommend you to some that are still looking for players if you would like.
More Gamers! :D
Soon enough, this site will be a place of gaming meme's and yelling six year olds! >:D

I mean... Welcome to the site. XD
Tiko seems to have the RP thing down, so I'm just gonna ask some questions.

1. What is so hot it's cool, and so cool it's hot?
2. PC, Consoles, or Nintendo?
3. What is more emo? A sad puppy wearing a collared spike, or a tree in autumn crying away all their leaves?