New User Hello....No, this is not my real name.


A shape-shifting Dragon God

I'm just gonna say this isn't my real name...



that's right...

it's not my real name....

Ha...Ha...Ha... me....
(psst, psst. It is my name)

Alas, in order to protect the sanctity of my own privacy, this cannot be my true name.
Hello and welcome hope you enjoy your time with us So as an ice breaker
Oh right my questions
1.Favorite Morality ie (evil,good,neutral,lawful,chaotic) to RP
2. Ranged or Melee
3. Favorite Font
Well, to answer your questions O' Great God of the Seas,

1) Good/neutral (as in a combination of the two), always chaotic.
2) Typically melee with a bit of magic (fantasy), sniper/scavenger (Sci-fi).
3) I don't really have a favorite font, but if I had to choose, then it would be Astloch.

What do you think about this? (question is open to anyone)
Hi Drake and welcome to STC. What sort of writing do you do? Is there anything I can do to help you get started here?
I like almost all genres, and thank you for the offer Silence, but there really isn't anything right now. If I do need help with anything though, then I will let you know.
Good, cause that's the kind of name I'd expect to pop up in Dragon Porn. :p

Anyways, welcome to the site! o/
I'm going to add to these ice breakers, because as a Drake you need more ice to melt with your fire breath. :p

1. What is your favourite RP Genre?
2. What is so hot it's cool, yet so cool it's hot?
3. Best type of Drake?
1) I am up for anything, but enjoy fantasy/sci-fi/post-apocalyptic
2) The answer to your question has many answers. One of which would be you, yourself, Gwazi. However, the much more correct answer would be myself.
3) And the best type of Drake...either a lightning or ice Drake.

And I very much enjoy your compliment about the Dragon Porn, well, at least nobody has complained about my performance yet. :)
1) Well those tend to be the most popular genre's here. So finding a group should be easy. :p
2) This is true.
3) Yea... A Drake shooting lightning would fry someones armour. XD

Has anyone survived to complain? :p