New User Hello people


New Member
Hi, I'm a random person who just suddenly decided that he felt like roleplaying some time ago. I don't really have much experience with text-based roleplay, but I have done it before. I'm also an author, game-master of sorts, and a person who takes part in a few other imagination and creativity based activities which I don't currently remember the names of.

As for things such as preferences, I'm open to trying pretty much anything. I see myself as relatively creative and skilled in the English language, but I don't really have much to compare to. When it comes to style, I tend to just do what other people are doing. If you write me an essay as your action, then I'll write one back. The same goes for single sentences, and anything else really. As for perspective and tense, it's quite literally the same. You say "He does this" then I say "He responds like this".

I don't really have much more to say, but feel free to ask any questions about something more specific, or mention something I probably should have put here, but forgot, didn't think of, or didn't know about.