New User Hello there!


Hi! I’ve been looking for a new place to roleplay online, and this site looks like it’ll be a lot of fun! I’ve roleplayed a fair amount before, and I really enjoy using it to expand my characterization and general writing skills! Fandom-wise, I’m a fan of the MCU and Star Wars, but I’m definitely willing to explore and find new universes to love!
Hey Vidari! Welcome to STC. Be sure to check out the approval guide. It is easy and pretty fast to get approved. If you take it seriously it is also a great way to familiarize yourself with the site. Additionally, I'm here to help out with that process too. Give a shout if you need help with anything, or just want to put in a little friendly banter.
Welcome to STC! It’s nice to meet you! (Love the pfp)
I wanted to ask a question. What sort have roleplays have you done before and do you perfect group roleplays or one on one roleplays? Oh... that was two XD
Nice to meet you too! (It was very fun to draw!) Previously, I’ve done mostly one on one roleplays with some kind of magical twist, and generally I do prefer doing things one on one because it makes developing and changing parts of the roleplay easier
Welcome to STC Vidari!
Super cute Lil Yoda drawing!
Developing a roleplay is the absolute best! I hope you find exactly what you're looking for and have lots and lots of fun!!