New User Hello.


New Member
My name is Fielding, i have role played on line half my life. Becoming a pirate and swashbuckling in the open sea, or having my fortune read by a hooded mystic in some crowded tavern, has always satisfied some craving inside of me.

What im hoping is to find someone else who would correspond with me and create a new world we can dive into. Im not picky on the genre, i enjoy medevil fantasy and sci fi equally, and im willing to challenge myself with new ideas.

Thats the basics, i enjoy writting and imagining. Im sure thats what draws us to these sites. If theres anything you want to know just ask. Thanks for having me.
Hello and welcome to Storyteller! I never roleplayed on Line but I know a lot of people who do! The only messenger roleplay I been part of was MSN and those were the best days! If you are looking for someone to do a 1x1 with you or even start up a group roleplay with you, you can make a thread in the bulletin board or check out the threads already listed to see if maybe you can find one that interests you! Here is a link to the bulliten board! If you need any help or have any questions at all please feel free to pm me!
Welcome to the site! Hope to be drink'n, chattin, and roleplaying with ye soon 'nough. :p