New User Hello


Adored Muse
Just seeing how this will go. I am new here... obviously.

A little about myself:

I am aspiring author working on getting my first book published in the next few months along with some works of poetry.

Writing is like breathing to me... simply can't go without it.

So hopefully this site will be a good fit for me!
And hopefully it is ;)

For the reference of recruiters and members alike:

What types of roleplaying experiences have you had?
What styles or genres of RPs are you interested in?

Thanks and welcome to STC
I've been roleplaying for about 10 years. I am very detailed in my writing and plot driven.

I stick with fantasy genres mostly but don't mind doing a little sci-fi and venturing out of my comfort zone if the person is willing to be patient with me.
Welcome to the site! Hope to roleplay and chat with ye soon. PM me if ye have any questions and have fun :p.